FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Break in at Carolina Reptile Exchange (Bruce Eisenmanns store)
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Old 01-23-2004, 12:22 PM   #124
Classic Dum's
Alright I couldnt help but throw in my 2 cents. Im styill reading on like page 12 so if some of this is old news thats been covered sorry. I dont know any of the parties involved(except Tom, Ill get into that later), missed most of the prior threads about these people and am not defending anyone. This is just my insight from some of what I have read.

As far as the traps and lose snake. Now am I correct in what I read or believe I read. On the first page it said the snake that was lose that he set the trap for was a 12ft albino? Am I correct was it a 12ft albino? If so why in the world would anyone have to do anymore then sleep walk there way around to find it? I cant think of anywhere here that an animal that size of normal color for one could hide, much less a beaming white one. The whole lose animal deal sound more to me like he had some animals lose and was afraid the police my find them and he might get introuble with the police or the insurance for not doing anything.

Say he has liability insurance for injuries(i am sure he did, by law he has to) and he has lose animals. An insurance company is going to frown on that(free roaming animals) should someone file a claim against him. We all know insurance companies got a billion ways of getting out of paying claims. I am sure the police reports he has to file with his insurance regaurdless of whether every single animals was covered or not and it just sounds to me like he had some lose animals he was afraid of the police finding and making note of in their reports, so he made up the story of the traps, incase they did find them so he could tell his insurance he was making an effort to find them.

I typed all the below before reading Darrins post several pages back

As far as insurance on the animals, yes you can insure the animals. In a retail enviroment they are concidered as goods now how much the insurance will cover varies from company to company and policy to policy. There are insurance companies out there that specialize in insuring animals( I highly doubt he had one of these companies however) My uncle breeds high end horses, 10-35gs+(sorta low end for horses but I only dream of having 10+extra gs to spend on an animal), He once paid 10gs for sperm from a top race horse + acouple more gs to have his female impregnated with it. But all his are insured. Some of these guys with race horses will have their horses legs insured. Should there star horse ever break a leg its insured for the lose of future winnings. Im getting a little side tracked here but Elton John has his fingers, just his fingers insured for millions, Should he ever injure them and it limit his piano playing abilities. Anyway my whole point is there is insurance for ANYTHING you can imagine out there. When I first moved to IL from out east I checked into some of the insurances we didnt have a security system at that point. Not that it matter now with the two infants I cant rember a time in the last year when someone wasnt here but anyway. My home owners will conver up to $2000 for all animals in the house fire/theft etc and not a penny more. Theyll cover 100% of my brand new cost for the cages/supplies but only 2gs on live animals. I tried however they dont offer any other sorta insurance for live animals that was worth anything, they had some other sorta farmers policy but that would only cover up to 5gs.

High end animals like pieds I dont know how insurance companies would keep up with values. The problem I see here though is he said they were his personal animals. That being the case it would depend on the company. Our insurance companes for our buisness wont cover theft of personal items only store property/items. Say you bring $1000 in CD's to work one day to listen to. You leave them out front by the register and go in the back for something. Someone comes in nabs your case and runs out the door, your screwed because they were personal property. Now say you got a bunch of tropical rainforest sound CD's with the birds, monkeys, water and everything else playing for your pet store and someone takes those the insurance would cover the replacemnt costbecause they were considered a buisness asset. Or depending on your coverage/ company the used value. But he said these were personal property, not a store asset, I dont think an insurance company will cover just because they were kept there, no differant then they wouldnt cover your $1000 in CDs because your spent more time at work and left them there all the time. There still considered personal property.

As far as the guy holding the PIED we all do it at one point. I had a freind of mine last year that produced Sunglow boas bring one to show me at the Tinley park show prior to selling it to Bob Clark. Of course I had to hold it, I had seen them before in person. But never held one and just for some reason got a rise out of holding it. Same as the first time I had a chance to hold a Pied ball. Ive been doing this for 15yrs and seen thousands of high end snakes in person but for some reason ya always get a kick out of holding one with a huge price tag. My other half isnt into morphs so for me its more entertaing to get a reaction out of her when I turn to her "Hey sweetie look at the 10g snake". So I am not defending Kerry, as time has gone on his story seesm to get deeper with every post, but I can see wanting to hold the snake.

What type of person would ship hot stuff through a common carrier? Also, who would allow the hots to get shipped to them knowingly breaking the law? I cannot believe the crap that is going on in the herp industry. People like this are the ones who will get all the PETA and Humane Society idiots after ALL of the law abiding and professional breeders in the industry.
I agree 100% also Tom why would you allow someone to illegally ship hot snakes into a state where hot snakes are illegal???? Come on dude you should NOT have those things in town.

Wouldnt you be waiting at Delta Dash? Unless of course Delta Dash delivers to your business, in which case I have been driving 4 hours round trip to LAX for nothing.
Tom is 3hrs from the nearest airport with Delta service. I know Tom he lives about 20 minutes or so from me. Sorry dude but you knew they were coming via carrier. First you ship animals so you know the cost, what did he charge you for shipping? If it was less then $75 right there is a dead give away there is NO airline I know of you can ship with for less then $75. Second you waited in your office for 4hrs to get your package. the airport is 3 hrs from here dude. All this aside lets say he was supposed to ship them to you vai airline. And the day the were held up via airborn he called and said "hey they went airborn they will be there tomorrow" Well they didnt show you paniced posted here, then he got in contact with you and set another ship date that they wound up going out via Fedex. Why didnt you stop him on that phone call and DEMAND the go via airline????? Thats bull<font color=red>[bleep]</font> dude total bull<font color=red>[bleep]</font> and lack of concern for anyone. I used to work for UPS at their allentown pa hub. Ive seen how boxes get treated thrown around damaged, ripped open etc. Ive seen boxes get caught in the convayer belt(I think thats how its spelled) the belts keep running. You got hard ruber tearing away at cardboard. Next thing ya know the contents of the box are all over the belt being spread throughout the building. Ya know the hub I worked at was in a big city, 90% of the workers there had never seen a snake before much less knew how to ID hots. Those could have been your snakes that bit someone, thats bullsh!t dude, absolutly. Had that happened Tom you know you would have gotten arrested dont you? they would have patched the box back togther rod to your house with the Fedex guys and waited till ya signed for them. You got kids how would you like it if one of your kids was working for Fedex or UPS and someone shown the total lack of concern for others you and Spruce there did and one of your kids got bitten? Ill bet ya never though of it that way huh? only thought of the $30 you saved via carrier instead of airline. On top of which its idiots like you and Spruce who give the humaniacs ammo for their agendas. Idiots like you two give them the concret stuff they need to foward there agendas instead of the usual pariniod gossip they use. I got half a mind to turn you in, you BETTER be happy I am not going to!

Sorry for the rant I just get a little upset about that. Working for UPS I seen how these operations are run and shipping hots via them is bull. I seen one day we had a box of AK-47 rounds get busted open, 1000 of them all over the place. Coming down the belts getting jammed up in places, we had a box of morphine one day 200 bottles of it every were, busted bottles the stuff was all over the place, computers, I seen a bunch of gateways get destroyed, tvs etc etc etc

Anyway thats a little more then my 2 cents worth sorry for the long post I had only intended on adding a little till I came across the hot shipping.