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Thread: Wise's rights?
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Old 06-09-2010, 03:16 AM   #13
1. Christina was not calling the shots on anything.
While I was in there I saw her say "It's ok, he can stay" Those decisions stood.
2. She accused at least four people of doing one thing or another. I will not mention names at this time. It isn't fair to them.
Have you told those people in private that Christina is trying to take them down with her?
3. Christina did not create the private chat room

No , Deb did.

4. There was no FREE PASS offered here. You people are assuming way to much.
A moderator sent people back to the lobby, kicked them from the chat, and banned me. Christina was protected

5. Christina never posted any screen shots in chat. I took screen shots of the entire chat because I don't know how to use all of the features in chat, so this was my way of saving it. I have recieved a few screen shots within the past few hours that came from Christina in emails. These are screen shots that she is trying to say back up her claims. This information will be reviewed by a select few, and then a decision will be made. None of the people she has accused will be in the select few that I mentioned.
Don't know how to respond to that!

6. I am not going to guarantee anything will be shown to the public. If it is decided that it is bull crap, then there will be no reason to share it. It will only cause more distractions, and more derailing of the facts. The waters are muddy enough and don't need to be even dirtier.
I think that if it is all shown to be "bull crap" then that is even more of a reason to show everything. WHy should it only be shown if others have to go down too? Why can't it just be another nail if she is making up more stuff?
7. I explained to Christina that both of their accounts (hers and Jeffs) had full access to the BOI. She knows she can come on there.
I happened to wonder into chat and she was already there. All of the people in the private chat allowed her to speak without name calling or attacks.
I was one of those people that Deb allowed to stay, once I found my own way in.

Some of the people kicked out were being somewhat disrespectful.
I was not just kicked out, but banned, and I was not being disrespectful. Chris was kicked out just for going in. If people were kicked for being disrespectful as you say, is that not giving her a free pass? Has she earned respect?.

So then all but Deb, Harold, and Myself remained. Whether we agreed with her or disagreed didn't matter. We allowed her to talk freely without negativity towards her.

I assure all of you. If there were in fact more people involved with this scam, then they need to be exposed. I am not siding with anyone here. I am only stating facts, and they need to be looked at. If anyone had a role in the deception, then they need to go down as well.
Agreed, so lets see what she had to say! Why is she being protected?

So everyone needs to relax a bit, and be patient. Stop assuming, and keep things in focus.
I assure you I am relaxed, but with all of the information being withheld, all we can do is assume.