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Thread: Wise's rights?
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Old 06-09-2010, 03:18 AM   #14
Originally Posted by brd7666 View Post
Well, I see someone beat me to starting this thread. I am tired of seeing this being discussed in the BOI thread. Like Harold said, if you have a problem then bring it here. I was in the chat, so I saw it all, and I have it all saved on my computer and a thumb drive in the form of screen shots in a Word document.

1. Christina was not calling the shots on anything.

2. She accused at least four people of doing one thing or another. I will not mention names at this time. It isn't fair to them.

3. Christina did not create the private chat room.

4. There was no FREE PASS offered here. You people are assuming way to much.

5. Christina never posted any screen shots in chat. I took screen shots of the entire chat because I don't know how to use all of the features in chat, so this was my way of saving it. I have recieved a few screen shots within the past few hours that came from Christina in emails. These are screen shots that she is trying to say back up her claims. This information will be reviewed by a select few, and then a decision will be made. None of the people she has accused will be in the select few that I mentioned.

6. I am not going to guarantee anything will be shown to the public. If it is decided that it is bull crap, then there will be no reason to share it. It will only cause more distractions, and more derailing of the facts. The waters are muddy enough and don't need to be even dirtier.

7. I explained to Christina that both of their accounts (hers and Jeffs) had full access to the BOI. She knows she can come on there.

I happened to wonder into chat and she was already there. All of the people in the private chat allowed her to speak without name calling or attacks. Some of the people kicked out were being somewhat disrespectful. So then all but Deb, Harold, and Myself remained. Whether we agreed with her or disagreed didn't matter. We allowed her to talk freely without negativity towards her.

I assure all of you. If there were in fact more people involved with this scam, then they need to be exposed. I am not siding with anyone here. I am only stating facts, and they need to be looked at. If anyone had a role in the deception, then they need to go down as well.

So everyone needs to relax a bit, and be patient. Stop assuming, and keep things in focus.
Brian, while I respect what you are trying to state here but how is that even fair for people who WERE mentioned, like me What I find "odd' is that two people NOT involved in the auctions by winning or donating, but fully involved in the finger-pointing on the thread are invited to the shindig.

Thats my perspective anyhow. Now, I know, and trust that despite what you said about me in the thread last week you have been keeping an open mind on what was said. You are not an authority on this site and neither is/was Deb. Personally, I have no problems with the fact that you two, other than Harald, were the "only ones invited" since you two are the finger pointers. If she cant convince you two, then who could she convince

This thread and the Wise thread will be the LAST two I participate in on this site, unless I have a BOI thread to write, or have to deal with my name being in one. I will also involve myself in MY OWN sales ads should I ever choose to place another one on here.

To be blunt and perfectly honest with you, you and Deb are the reason my name was even mentioned in the whole chat issue simply because you two chose to point fingers at me. When all is said and done, I can promise one thing and one thing only...

Fauna will lose me as a contributor to this site as I feel like I have nothing more that I can contribute without being profiled as somehow being involved just because someone happens to NOT like what I have to post.