FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Concealed Weapons Ban- should it be lifted or no?
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Old 01-28-2004, 11:58 PM   #9
Clay Davenport
I was raised here in a society without concealed weapons, so thinking about people walking around with guns is kind of spooky.
You were merely raised in a society without a concealed weapons permit.
I would guarantee there is a fair number of the people you meet every day who are carrying a gun now and always have.
These otherwise lawful citizens would prefer to live through an attack and then face a concealed weapons charge than to never survive an attack at all.

I for one am not going to obey a law I feel endangers my personal safety, and a ban on concealed weapons does just that.
What it comes down to is little will actually change if the ban is lifted. Some people who are now hesitant to carry illegally will begin carrying with a permit, but they are of no danger in the first place.
What will change is the mentality of the criminals in that state. They will no longer be able to assume they have an advantage over their victims.

Take for example the area I live in. Home breakins do happen occasionally. However, someone breaking into an occupied home is never heard of. I would gues at least 80% of homes here have guns, and most folks, while they have no desire for violence, would not hesitate to kill someone they feel threatens their family. A thief has a very good chance of being killed trying to get in, and therefore doesn't attempt it unless they are sure the house is empty.
A concealed carry law extends this attitude into the public setting to a degree. criminals still have the ability to size up their target, and some people are unlikely to carry a weapon. These people will become the victims, while anyone who is likely to be carrying will be passed by.
As far as my opinion goes, there simply is no valid argument against allowing lawful citizens the right to arm themselves for self defense.