FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptielenforum.nl
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Old 01-30-2004, 02:03 PM   #3
Ok this guy is bs'ing you.

As you know I run the redtailboa.net topsites and he signed up today. Same ip you listed and he had 14 unique visitors to his site hit his site over 10,000 times. So that would equal around 700Pages per visitor.

Also his forum as he says he had to manually edit contains roughly 1000 posts.

Now way this guy did that first of all and second of all that would account to 1000 of the hits he claims were done by his manual intervention. So that leave the other 13 visitors on his site to 690 pages to visit.

Something smells here and I think its a frenchman webmaster

Its no big deal on my topsite because I do my topsites from unique views...and that leaves him with a avg of less than 100 people which puts him pretty low on the list.