FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Enough is enough with the classifieds (*or* Why you cannot reply to classified ads)
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Old 06-08-2011, 02:07 PM   #133
As a moderator myself on another website that is about the same size as this one, we are engaged in some of the same debate for many of the same reasons, and this is one option being considered...

Yes, the time it takes for volunteers to moderate is certainly part of the equation- but the bigger issue is really the "tone" that the whole issue imparts in the affected threads, OPs, thread readers, and to all the members who end up on the receiving end of infractions. It's a rather dysfunctional dynamic that seems to feed into itself. So though I personally would rather on-topic posts be allowed in classified ads, I can certainly appreciate very solid and good reasons to dis-allow them. On a site this big it is unavoidable that there are going to be a hefty number of people who don't know, don't read, and/or simply don't care about rules- not to mention deliberate troublemakers. The decision to disallow replies does NOT just favor the moderation staff- it is an attempt to eliminate forum disruption at the ground level.