FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Allen from Reptile Kingdom, in New Jersey, Beware
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Old 04-11-2008, 08:31 PM   #182
Again, as before, I don't condone bouncing a check to anyone, which why I don't write them or take them in this business. I do understand as a self employed induvidual checks do bounce and in your an the other cases it may or may not be intentional. I don't know Allen well enough to say so.

It's important that you keep track of what you say Adam, otherwise you embarass yourself in a thread that should have been done when Chris "got paid", ie. several pages ago. Your main beef seems to be that people [or the one person] who said Allen was a "scumbag" for "writing bad checks" don't "know anything" about Allen, but "hide behind" a keyboard and write derogatory stuff to feel "good" about themselves, right?

Well let me paint you a more succinct picture. A guy writes a bad check, and then stops communicating with a customer for a few days/weeks. He brings it up in the BOI [however inappropriately], and people start flaming the vendor, because HE HAS WRITTEN MORE THAN ONE BAD CHECK IN THE PAST, as well as LIED ABOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CHECK'S CONTENTS, integral things like the payee's home address -- to delay payment because he didn't have. Someone comes on and calls the vendor out on his garbage he pulled, and you don't think he "knows anything". Weeks later, the customer gets his payment after a 37 thread on the BOI is manifested.

Does it sound familiar? It should, because that's what happened here. Except one part, where I left out that YOU Adam are a hypocrite, and continue to call the people that potentially helped pressure Allen to get those payments to Chris sooner than later (this is a rare case, and I'm actually happy it happened for once) "keyboard warriors" and people who "hide behind keyboards". You belittled the debt, because getting money whenever you get it is just as good as getting the money when you wanted, or it is in your world.

And how exactly are we "hid[ing] behind [our] keyboards?" Should I call you over the phone, or make hotel reservations in your city everytime I make a post directly related to you? Because I'll tell you one thing, I don't have the time or money for those arrangements. Apparently people who call you on your stupid, hypocritical postings are "hiding", but people who are kind and nice to you, aren't "hiding" for some reason. I don't get it. I guess selective morality makes sense when it fits your argument!

Face it Adam -- if we reserved the BOI threads to people who only directly knew the vendor or the customer in those situations, the threads would be no more than three posts long and nothing would get done. Even if you don't think the harsh people on here got things rolling for Chris, it at least reminded Allen that there are plenty of people who are keeping their eyes on his unprofessional behaviour.