FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Florida state law issues
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Old 04-19-2006, 02:15 PM   #150
Looks like the Florida Law affecting venomous and large pythons has passed.

If you go to www.flsenate.gov, and in the section that says Jump to Bill, enter bill number 990. The last bill version posted appears to be version S0990c1 on 3/29/06. Click on it and you can see the actual bill. There was also an amendment that was added to the bill on 04/13/06 changing the negligent release of a regulated reptile from a third degree felony to a first degree misdemeanor.

It appears that this bill is going into effect on 07/01/2006 and will be requiring a $100.00 license fee per year along with the posting of a $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollar bond) for the public exhibition of "regulated reptiles". I have seen other articles that eluded to venomous and certain pythons including Retics, Burmese, and African Rock pythons being on the list but I don't know which ones are on it for sure.

Anyone know what animals are on the regulated list for sure and what animals are going to be added in the near future? It seems like it has been left up to F & W to determine and amend the regulated list at any time.

Just in time for Daytona huh folks!