FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptiles and birds
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Old 10-03-2019, 05:17 PM   #1
Reptiles and birds

Hello everyone,
I want to one day in the near-ish future (within a few years) have a huge naturalistic enclosure, so I am starting to do my research.
I have this crazy idea that maybe, possibly, I could have both birds and reptiles in it. Birds and reptiles are my 2 favorite pets. I mean I'm talking a huge enclosure, at least the size of a room. I can't seem to find much about this at all on google. I found one thread about beardies and finches but the answers were about 50/50 so it didn't help me much.

So my question is, do you guys know if it is at all possible to keep certain reptile and birds in the same, very large enclosure? I don't want like tons of birds and reptiles in it, maybe like 2 birds and a couple reptiles or something. I could go either route- desert or tropical. Like I don't know, bearded dragon and cockatiel or budgie, or like some other small tropical parrot with a small lizard species. If anyone has any experience or knowledge on this, I'd like to hear it!