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Thread: Smoothies
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Old 06-14-2007, 08:29 PM   #84
Originally Posted by mikey
Why don't you get of your soapbox and find out the answers for yourself instead of running your piehole nonstop. Both breeders email's and phone numbers have been provided. Run with it and bring back some facts. Might be a eye opener. Or do you really want the facts. Rome is 7 hours ahead, if you call, by the way.
Since when have breeders been the sole arbiter of what is fact? Are any of these breeders geneticists? Do they know the which DNA marker has been changed to produce this mutation? Do they know what other traits are expressed by the same marker?
Since I'm well aware that all the answers are no and never, lets get real for a few minutes.
We all know what normal bearded dragon DNA produces during development, so there can be no doubt that this is a genetic abnormality. We can all through out words like "co-dominant trait", but its not going to change the fact that what we are talking about is the mutation of DNA and how that expresses itself.
Other than the appearance of the animal, how else is this mutation expressing itself, and can that even be known yet? Since this community relies on the honor system as far as reporting goes, the chances of that information actually coming out is going to take a lot of time.
When it comes to these issues, I always use one standard in deciding what is right, and what is not. What if these were human children we were talking about? Would it be ok to breed children intentionally that had no ears, arms or eyes? How about no natural defense to disease? What if we decided that it would be better for people to be hairless? Seems innocent enough, right? Except body hair is a part of our bodies natural defense mechanism. The hair on our heads prevents us from losing heat to fast in the winter, and it protects us against heat in the summer. Body hair in some places is a natural bacterial filter. So creating a completely hairless human isn't such a great idea after all.
The whole purpose of a self-policing industry is that people can decide for themselves what is simply to far, and they can express those opinions, even debate those opinions in order to bring some sanity and perspective to this industry as a whole.