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Thread: Wise's rights?
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:40 AM   #30
Thank you Harald for clarifying what went down.

Now, for the beginng to dispel those "rumors" that it is a cover up, or that I, in some fashion, planned it this way...this is the part that Harald didn't witness:

In the beginning when Christina came in, she immediately pm'ed me and said she wanted to talk to me. I immediately pm'ed a couple of the guys in the chat room to alert them to what was going down.

The more logical immediately quieted down and waited for developments. While in the pm, I advised Christina to return the conversation to the general chat so that "she could have a record of what was said" (you can take the quoted statement anyway you like).

She returned to the general chat and I think that I again asked people to please be quiet and let her talk, and even asked one of the members to play "secretary" by saving the conversations. There was NO attempt to cover up anything. BUT human nature, lack of ethics, and general sneakiness will find a way to displace blame, won't it? What happened is what usually happens in the BOI...the ones that do not know how to think before they open their mouths started interrupting and trying to get their 15 minutes of fame. The conversation was fast going downhill as more and more people joined.

THIS is when I created a private room so that we could continue the conversation and while I initially did not invite all but the one that I KNEW had listening abilities (some people just want to hear themselves TALK), I did not kick anyone but the one CHRISW that kept inserting inane comments, and just would not stay out of a room in which he was NOT invited (so sue me). I initially hadn't invited any of the ones that used the password that DavyFig figured out and shared with people in the general chat..it was nice and certainly a revelation to learn how much respect people have for privacy and rules. Some of us would not have even dreamed of trying to figure out the password once someone went private, and we certainly wouldn't have been inserting ourselves where we were not invited regardless of whether or not we felt that we had the right to be there. and...for your information, I can talk to whomever I please.

There is no reason to put anything out here, except that the ones that wanted to further derail the BOI and keep flames burning decided to try and twist what happened for their own purposes. After the conversation with Christina was over..I returned to the main room...I had planned to tell them that nothing of import happened..I told everyone that nothing of import happened and to continue the course of legalities that had already been mapped out in the BOI....and we can see where THAT got me.

Everyone was certainly advised to leave the subject alone because it added nothing to the main goal, which was to get Maggie her money. I do not have time or inclination to play nursemaid to a lot of butt-hurt people that are just offended because they were booted from the room, or their name was mentioned, and Dean certainly isn't the focus of the BOI so why bring his name up? Why would any of you feel that it was important to alert Dean? Did you find any proof in her statments? What did you think would be accomplished by raising the subject? Has anything been accomplished but to derail the BOI thread and try and create another victim? Talking about "suing?" They have no money, what they said didn't go any further. Why jump defensive if you know that there's nothing behind the story? Those of us that listened didn't feel the need to repeat anything and I certainly am not going to be a "platform" for someone to play victim and disrail topics again and again.

BTW: Christina wasn't asking for ANYONE to be booted, I was booting people that didn't know how to STFU, so that we could listen and not have reams and reams of conversation and have to shift though all the worthless remarks that added NOTHING to the conversation.

*Rule of thumb about friends... Those who matter don't mind (if you be yourself) and those that mind, don't matter.

** If it's going to "look bad" for me because I don't want to repeat unsubstained stories..I guess it's just going to look bad for me.