FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Life with a Burmese?
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Old 09-18-2005, 10:02 AM   #5
Jim O

I have two words of caution about keeping them together. First is feeding time. I would hate to have to separate two hungry Burms. These two may be docile but they are still pythons with the ability to injure you a great deal with a bite, nevermind if they decide that you are food. Second is the issue of breeding. If they are a 1.1 pair and you house them together you may get eggs whether you plan on it or not. Burms can produce very large clutch numbers and the market is saturated. Way too many of these snakes have been released in places like Florida (where they now now have established populations) and euthanized because they simply "got too big".

Just another $0.02.