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Old 05-31-2006, 06:07 PM   #1
Love? Lust? or Puppy Love?

We all know that when we're young, and we start falling for someone, or claim that we're "In love" with that special someone, our elders are always telling us one of two things.. "Its puppy love" or "Its just your hormones(lust)" I would always get the 2nd one from my dad and uncle's. But from the aunts and mom, it was always "Oh its just puppy love, but its sooooo cute" LoL.

When you first start out in a relationship with someone, which of the 3 words above do you think encompasses your initial feelings of attraction?

When it comes to me, i would almost have to say Lust! But let me explain why. When i first meet a girl that im interested in, there has to be some kind of "Spark" some kind of physical or mental urge to want to be more than friends. Im not shallow, so i wont just accept a pretty girl. There personality also plays a major part. But as i said, there must be some "form" of "lust" as i use the term a bit loosely. Cause at the same time that you can lust after someone's physical appearance. You can also lust for someone's intelligence and wit. For instance, Have you ever wanted to just be around someone because no matter what they said, you could listen to it all in awe. Whether it was there wisdom, there quick wit, etc..

Enough about me, so how do you explain your initial feelings?