FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Need your thoughts.....
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Old 09-04-2007, 09:57 AM   #1
Need your thoughts.....

Here's a scenario that took place this last week while bear hunting (never saw a one) and want to get some unbiased opinions.

There are 4 people riding in the truck so therefore gas is split 4 ways. Person A owns the truck and fills the truck up to the rim before departure paying for it 100% himself.

The ride up required filling the gas tank twice. While riding around going to bait stands we had to fill the tank 3 more times while in Ontario. We then had to fill the tank up twice on the way back home. The last time we filled up was when we arrived home as we wanted Person A to be left with a full tank since Person A started with a full tank.

So, if Person A paid for the first tank by himself, should person A have to split the last tank of gas since that gas was imply to get person A back to full?

Where the argument arrives is that person A feels that since he paid for the first tank of gas himself then he should not have to split the last tank of gas since he would then be double paying. What are your thoughts?
