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Old 07-27-2017, 09:10 AM   #3
Robert Walker
I'll try to keep my answer as simply put as I can. (I'll try)

My observations and belief:
Most of my life, I have seen a classic divide between science & religion, a false battle that you have to choose one side or the other. I think this false choice of black vs. white was created by both sides, both the scientific community and religious community mostly out of financial gain, fear, ignorance, etc. This divide has led many people to think/believe that they have to make a choice between the two, it's only one or the other.

I disagree that there is only one choice or the other.

In my observations, many in the religious community shame evolution as impossible, a form of denouncing God that only sinners condemned to hell would consider. On the flip side, in my observations, many in the scientific community shame any belief in God, and denounce those who do believe as uneducated, fairy tale seeking idiots.

So... for many of the folks I know, they have allowed themselves to be trapped/baited into a choice between two poorly constructed explanations:
Option 1: Random evolution is real, the origin of existence and therefore God does not exist.
Option 2: God is real, the creator of all and therefore evolution never took place.

How about Option 3 instead?
I personally believe 100% in a Father in Heaven (God) and 100% believe in scientific truths. These do not need to be, should not be exclusive one from another. I believe God to be the master of all fields in science and that he uses the elements, scientific principles, laws of nature to do his work/job. God is not independent of the sciences, rather he uses them to fulfill his purposes.

Despite all of man's achievements and advances in science, we are still infants in understanding it and in its application when compared to God. I believe that at some point, some version of Evolution may have been used by God to bring our particular world into existence. A controlled, intended version of evolution may have been one of several scientific "tools" used in this process. I don't limit it as the only tool.

In the end, while I don't understand everything (nor do I feel the need to know everything before I decide to "believe") I am of the firm belief that all actual truths* from religion and all actual truths from science will eventually seamlessly and effortlessly merge and be shown to be all part of the master design, forming a perfect picture vs. two opposing sides.

I really enjoy this 4 minute video. Video heading, "Dr. Lewis is a renowned scientist who advises the European and NASA space programs. He believes in God."

* actual truths, not referring to every utterance of the religious or scientific community as truth. At some point God will help us understand all actual truths versus the philosophies / theories of man both from religion and science.