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Old 12-19-2004, 11:10 PM   #65
You say I am the ignorant one here? Thats a little like the pot calling the kettle black. As for my 6 snake snares, I currently have 4 and gave two to local wildlife officers to use that they promised NOT to kill the snakes.
John and I have never met. He lives thousands of miles away from me, next door to my cousin. Thats how we know each other. We have sent emails back and forth a few times, but other than that I do not know him from Adam. I also have eated rattlesnake before, 2 times to be exact. One was a scout camp back when i was about 14, and the other was at a Brazilian restaurant. Chewy and full of little bones, I don't know why you would want to eat it but some people also eat snails.
It's funny that I am the one called the red-neck in this case when it was people like you that cannot see beyond your little window. While I agree with you believe it or not, I also think that people have every right to kill a snake if they deem it necessary. Make all the moral judgements against it you like, but please refrain from calling me a redneck when you know nothing about me.
I am not sure if you are aware that this is a herp forum that you are posting on but it is
Wow....that must be what I am doing wrong. Obviously I know nothing about snakes. Get a grip on reality. People don't share your viewpoint, get over it.