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Thread: Fat People
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Old 04-29-2004, 11:32 AM   #9
Mercer Don
I feel for the children who are fed fastfood every meal of the day, by their parents, whom are to damn lazy to cook a balanced meal. I feel for the the people with genetic problems who must resort to having their stomachs stapled to restrict food intake or take medications. I pity us "older" folks who must give up, or greatly reduce, our pleasures in life; (Drinking, cheese cake, meat n potatos, etc) just to fit into that 5 year old pair of jeans.

Now, for the "significently over weight" folks, who just don't care about their appearence, and have zero willpower, that is a different story. I have never met a "large" person, who actually enjoyed the way they were. As they are chowing down on their Big Mac w/cheese, extra, extra large fry and diet whatever to drink, they speak of the diet they are going on next week. Quickly, talk changes of where to go after lunch; DQ or that 31 flavors place. Then, off to the grocery store for chips, bon bons and more diet whatever, so they are well stocked for the afternoon soaps and talk shows. My feeling is these folks suffer from a weakness. They see food as a way to escape from lifes troubles. Some drink, some smoke, some find religion. All are means of escaping from the hardship of life, even if only for a moment. Really can't blame anybody but themselves, although they would much rather pass the blame to society or someone else.

Do I enjoy seeing the girl in the half shirt or bikini with rolls a flappin as she walks? Hell no! What about the guy with the belly that hangs down to his knees? Another big hell no! Am I one to judge these folks? HELL NO! Some people are attracted to "large" people. Songs have been written about fat women. Do AC/DC, Frank Zappa, and Queen know something I don't, about "large" love? Bigger the cushion, better the pushin? I wont be diving in with a 2x4 strapped to my a$$ anytime soon!