FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - "Diluting" BOI threads?
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Old 12-02-2010, 01:30 PM   #25
A vast majority of the threads you feel go on too long do so because they are not settled or because finding a resolution is just not happening. Few of them end within the first one or two pages.

When dealing with any situation of customer service, you always have two sides: the customer and the retailer. While anyone who has been in services long enough will tell you, nine times out of ten, a customer should get what they want to maintain the reputation of a business, not everyone thinks this way. With the wonders of the internet, it is very easy to distance ourselves from humanity and think nothing of the person on the other side of the screen. Likewise, many people in this business see animals as a means of profit and little else. This can cause obvious problems.

When you have a person with little to no moral ethics or you have a person who despises being wrong, you get a retailer who is stubborn, selfish and unrelenting on their ToS or some other ideal that keeps them from taking responsibility for what happened (this can happen with customers too, I am just using the most common situation as an example). What generally happens here is the retailer just will not listen to the customer anymore. They will ignore them and silently tell them to go ****** themselves because they are never going to give in on what should be done.

Enter the BOI.

Many people wait months to come to the BOI because they have exhausted every other outlet or have simply just run out of patience when it comes to dealing with such a person. Now, obviously, most of the time, the retailer will just ignore them again. However, when individuals who are not involved in the transaction become involved, that tends to strike a nerve. Why? Because then there are potential customers they no longer have. That is problematic in a world that has gotten considerably smaller thanks to the speed by which information is now spread. One horrible transaction can ruin someone online. I have seen it happen and it is likely to continue to happen.

Still, a lot of these threads reach a resolution thanks to the tenacity of the community and thanks to the people who have no personal stake taking time out of their day to help the person looking for assistance by coming to the BOI.

Just because people who were not wronged get involved in a situation to help does not always mean they are looking for drama. There was a time, once, or so I was told, when people helped people just for the sake of doing it. That's what I do: help when I see they have been wronged, even if I may not really like that individual. That's exactly what the BOI is for and it shows how close this community can be as a whole.

Is it a perfect system? No. Is anything? No. The variable of human interaction will always make that impossible. But it works well enough and for every negative feeling their is towards the BOI, I can almost guarantee there are two positives, if not more towards the BOI. The way it is may be flawed in some ways, but it works.