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Old 05-11-2018, 05:38 PM   #49
There's a big difference between advocating something and seeing trump as the cartoon villain he truly is.

Your opinion isn't universally shared either. I'm neither silly nor insane, but I'm not surprised you resort to name-calling, just like trumpy. It's all about dividing this country against itself...when we don't work together, we don't work at all, and we fail. It seems that would please you?

Plenty of countries in the world that would like nothing better than for the US of A to fall off our pedestal, as we now deserve to do, with low-lifes elevated to public office. And sadly, plenty of our richest citizens can't wait to take even more from everyone who has less, with no regard for what it does to our country. That's what is truly sad...that they are wanna-be oligarchs.

This POTUS is not draining the swamp, he's the best-ever at turning it into a toilet.
And he is setting a new LOW standard of behavior that turns my stomach: just the latest was a WH staff member saying (of McCain) "oh he's dying anyway!" No matter WHAT your opinion of John McCain is, that is NO way to talk...but you can't criticize the WH staff when they're only doing as the 'boss' does.

As I indicated with the article I mentioned earlier, trump is not MAGA...he's trashing it in every way possible...by sowing FEAR & division, he is manipulating for more power.
What is it you're so afraid of? That you can't compete against people who are different from you? This is a land of immigrants, all of us, even trumpy & even his wife. So what's up with the hate?...if you like trump, that's what YOU stand for as well.

In your defense of trump, I can ONLY assume that you are every bit as racist, greedy, misogynistic, self-centered & mean-spirited as trump is, with no relation to the truth. Nice to know you're on board with all that.

You mentioned that we're being owned by China...the problem is that the giant tax cut for the wealthy that trump & co. pulled off only makes that situation WORSE! I'm all FOR things being made IN this country...but trump isn't. I'm not talking about his phony lip-service, I'm talking about his ACTIONS. Get off FOX & do your homework!