FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Tortoise Seed for enclosure
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Old 04-05-2012, 05:56 PM   #1
Tortoise Seed for enclosure

Hey all,
So I have a Gpp Leopard youngster that'll be turning a year old this month. I have him in a 40gal breeder tank and was hoping to plant some grass seed in there for him to graze on. He is such a pig so I feel bad when he is wondering around looking hungry. I have been feeding him spring mix and Mazzuri which he loves.
I've seen "Sulcata Seed" advertised before but I am wondering if it would be good for a leopard? Also, do I need to grow it in pots first and then plant into the tank or can I simply plant the seeds in his tank?
He is growing like a weed but I won't be able to do an outdoor enclosure until I move into a house in December (which by then it'll be cold) so he will have to wait until next summer before he can stay outside all the time. Until then, I'd like to get him used to grazing from his own "yard".
Any advice would be appreciated!