FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - East African Gaboon Viper
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Old 12-19-2015, 03:40 AM   #51
Originally Posted by 54bogger View Post
HA,HA,HA!!! I'm the crazy one? Your the one that believe's that I actually read to my snakes!!! I did that video as a 'goof' because people always ask why doesn't she bite you! Now I know your mindset, and if anyone thinks Sweetpea is a venomoid or is anything but a regular functioning rattler I invite you to come and see for your self. I don't mean that in a bad way just that I'll give her a rat and you can see for yourselves.

Whether you like me or not, Merry Christmas to everyone.
Merry Christmas to you my good man!
I didn't say you were crazy. I said I believe your mindset is dangerously delusional, as in you have convinced yourself that the animals somehow have a special bond with you. It has nothing to do with "like" or "dislike". I've said it before, I believe you care greatly for your animals, I believe they get quality care, and I think you mean well. Unlike the other individual I personally hope you NEVER experience another bite and your luck holds. Despite STRONGLY disagreeing with your public approach I would never wish you or your animals harm.
Unfortunately if your attempt at sarcasm went over my head, and I am a grown man with what I'd like to think is a decent education, imagine how it can be interpreted by a youngster who watches it. How would you feel if a young person saw that and got bit trying to emulate what he/she saw or heard from the video? We've all said this before, your personal safety is your business, however it becomes a danger to others who are impressionable when they see these actions and believe the risks far outweigh any sort of benefit that is received from such actions. Not to mention the negative publicity that would be inevitably befall our beloved hobby should the media get hold of such an incident.