FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Geburtskomplikationen - Corucia
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Old 04-14-2008, 11:36 PM   #1
Brian - LCRC
Geburtskomplikationen - Corucia

Leeway Corucia Research Center (LCRC)

Section 7.3 (Getburtskomplikationen ( Birth complcations) in Corucia zebrata -Der wickelschwanzskink mentions such factors as restriction of the birth canal and shifting causing miscarrages. Hauschild and Gassner also
mention how imports were more inclined for miscarrages due to stress and CB's usually have no difficulties.

. . Stress can be a factor, but I have seen many WC 's give birth without complications. If the imported WC is weak, then that is a definite factor, but once in proper health, I have found most realtively newly imported WC's had a large number of healthy births. Hauschild and Gassner mentioned in the case of very weak females in the birthing process were given Calcium glucose to facilitate birth. They also felt Oxytocin was a factor and sugested using GHB (also known as Gamma-OH, Liquid Ecstasy, 4-Hydroxybutansaeure, gamma-hydrobuxyrate, 4-OHB, Na-Oxybat, Somatomax, PM, Wy-3478, Somsanit or Anetamin) - "(1 IU per kg of Korpergewicht {GHB} i.m i.p.)" This section of the book also mentioned cases of a fetus being too large for the birth canal and a caesarian under anesthesia being done.
