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Thread: Adeno Thoughts
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Old 05-09-2008, 06:59 PM   #16

The correct response would have been "yes, Tammy I told you an untruth about Denise's results from University of Florida" that is all.... it is a big deal because you are the head of a factual society and are responsible for truth...there is no truth and PATS has absolutely no credibility.

I did not have an entirely positive colony..there you go with false and incorrect information again. Have you not just learned to VERIFY....can you learn anything? This is written permission to contact Lou Ann and Dr. Jacobs to confirm this. You bet I put down the positive animals... in October of 2006, I thought I must due to information at that time and to protect the animals with negatives sitting here in these cages. At that time I thought it was an epidemic and I would not contribute to this, I made what I thought was an ethical and honest decision and I will not speak about this any longer, NO ONE knows the misery I have been through over my own stupidity of not doing proper discovery before that tragedy.

I did not go to vet school for dragons, true. I am well qualified to give out advice on breeding, and dragon care ( I am not an expert on the virus..I was speaking of dragon care)..find out who I am before saying silly statements like that. Back in the old days there was Bob Mallioux, Joe King, Pete Weiss, Darryl Cook, Raphael Gonzales and a few others I did not know working with these animals (Ron Tremper importing the first captive breds from the Frankfurt Zoo in 1985 I learned..those pretty red ones that everyone thinks we inbred to get..yeah right). My name was Tammy Cook before I married and no we did not know of adenovirus, I am sure the 4 original importers I know of did not know of it either, how could this occur to them? Failures to keep these dragons happened when we tried to figure out how to get them to breed and tried to get the eggs to hatch, which did not work out, we didn't know exactly how to feed them, it was trial and error..the brumation thing had everyone in phone meetings forever and arguments. These things are still being perfected, no one is an expert and certainly not me, but I am qualified to give out advice I gained from success and failure from my family and not from someone else's care sheet or a book. I made that comment because I have seen you give out incorrect information on breeding (a dragon laying infertile eggs) and on an aussie form about male sexual age breeding and prolapse that was not correct at all and not something you are qualified to give out advice over. Several vets call here asking for advice or information on breeding, vets in Germany call here as well..has a vet called you needing advice for a client? I can palpate one of my females and know right when vitellogenesis happens because I have done it so very often and many things like this through necessity and lots of practice.That doesn't really matter I was trying to tell you gently that your ego has now traveled in front of your knowledge to the point of giving out advice on things you have no experience with.

The word "client" is unnatural..what is this client thing? Who are you to have clients regarding this virus? A client pays for a service..are you being paid for your knowledge on this virus? You are not in it for the animals but possibly for recognition, you are on the snake forums giving advice, the turtle forums giving advice, the dragon global forums giving advice.

Slandering breeders on dragon forums who "spread" this virus knowingly..that is not for the animals, this is egomaniac.

I am trying to help, now that I am reasonable and not playing the blame game like I did several years ago because I believed the wrong and false information. Sandfire and Dachiu and whoever else spread this virus around, do not export the other countries will get it from us, breeders are responsible. There was NO research made before making such utter tripe. Good and respectable people were slandered......this is what my negative attitude is about...just that and only that. The rest of it we all know now. We brought it in from Australia .....no one did anything deceitful. It is a virus and predates man or beast.

Tracie, I don't want to hurt you with the things I am saying but for God's sake you have to think rationally. The facts are before you..no one did anything to these animals on purpose. This is a product of captivity and these dragons are NOT exempt from the laws of this planet the rest of us must submit to. Stop slandering and harassing these breeders with this new information out, it could get quite ugly. Enough.