FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Tapatalk Problem w/ Attached Pics in Ads
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Old 03-31-2019, 11:21 AM   #11
Actually, I was not aware that this site did any resizing at all for images. When I set it up many moons ago, it sure didn't do any, and the specification I set up were hard limits. So it seems that something must have changed to allow resizing, and then apparently went away. So perhaps it was actually something in the OS instead of the native vBulletin coding. Perhaps something to do with this image processing module(s) being used.

Server OS software and supporting modules are changing all of the time, which can present pretty much an infinite source of headaches. Sometimes known bugs and exploits are not fixed as specific patches, but are instead only rolled out during the next scheduled update. Which means that in order to get such bug fixes and hacker exploits plugged up, you often have to accept an update that might just break something else.

As for this particular problem, I'm still going to treat the limits stated for attachments as being HARD limits. If uploads exceed those limits, then the uploader will be on their own concerning getting it to work for them. There needs to be limits for image size as well as file size. If the software doesn't do it for you automatically, then I am afraid that such limits will have to be dealt with manually.