FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Dating an older man?
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Old 07-27-2013, 02:46 AM   #16
Life is far too short to be wasted being unhappy. I see a lot of patients who really crave the approval of others and of society. Some just don't have the "screw you if you don't like it" thought ability. However, the day will come when you look back on your life. If you are truly happy being with an older (or younger! Cough, Helen, cough) partner than those happy thoughts and memories will win out. The societal norms will always be a beast. People will always say mean, cruel, and hurtful things. What you do with those negatives is purely up to you!

On a personal note, while my hubby is only about 10 years older than me.....he's quite covered in ink. With one inch gauged ears. You can Imagine! the look on people's faces when they see us together. I'm about as prim and proper and professional as they come. Yet, I fell in love with a guy who people seriously think about hiding their children from. It's quite comical to see their reactions too! Especially the playground moms when he brings our son there to play. The same moms who love to sit on a bench with me are darn right afraid of my hubby.

Bottom line? Do what (and whom!) you love! If someone's going to be negative, that's their choice. But don't hold onto that negative!