FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Ashley Caspillo-SakaraGT4/Sakara *Possible Buyer Beware!*
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Old 12-08-2010, 02:17 PM   #123
Originally Posted by reticguy76 View Post
just about everything (if not everything) about ibd is theory and research in progress. it is theory that it comes from snake mites (which is a particular species of mites, there are many species of mites), it is theory that it is contagious (evidence points to it, but still theory), it is theory that pythons die quicker once "infected". all these and so much more on ibd is theory. every legitimate laboratory results ive seen (and ive been in veteriary medicine for goin on 14 years now), that has had ibd testing performed, come back as probable suspect of inclusion body disease. because inclusion body cells are cells that are different from natural occuring cells in the body (organs, blood, skin, etc) i have never seen one legitimate lab results paper say, this animal is 100% ibd positive. not enough is known on it to definitively diagnose that yet
You've been in veterinary medicin for nearly 14 yrs...what is your position? Are you a veterinarian? a veterinarian assistant? an animal care tech?

True, the presence of inclusion bodies does not mean an automatic diagnosis of IBD...and, as far as never seeing a 100% certain statement that it is IBD, I consider your statement to be somewhat misleading. How often do you find definitive statements like that regarding anything on those papers? The closest thing to that is usually "consistent with........"