FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Monitor ID please!
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Old 05-06-2018, 10:05 PM   #6
T+ water monitors do exist.

The NERD photo shows a recently hatched T- water monitor, pink with yellow spots. As they become older they are more of a yellow/tan color.

That being said, the seller's photo is so bad that I can't tell if it is T- or T+. That's why I simply said "albino water monitor." Maybe someone more experienced can weigh in.

What baffles me is why someone selling an animal for 15K can't bother to photograph it properly. If they were able to buy such an expensive animal, surely they can afford a decent camera, and if they expect to get that much for it, surely they can take the time to get a good photo, try it with and without flash, maybe use some lighting to show the animals true colors. I sold a normal baby KSB this year, for $50, and he was photographed with a professional-quality camera, with lighting, on a background. And he looked great.