FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Side effects from drugs.
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Old 04-10-2019, 02:53 PM   #3
We are obligated to report all side effects and adverse events during the course of clinical trials. Up to and including death of a trial participant even if it had nothing to do with the medication being tested. When you see the seemingly paradoxical list of effects that include the symptoms of the very illness being targeted, that can be due to the participants reporting their symptoms that they would have had anyway. An example might be for an anti-emetic drug that has vomiting as a listed potential side effect. Why the heck would you want to take a drug to stop vomiting when it says it could cause vomiting? It really does not, but it has to be included because of the way this system works.

Pharmaceuticals that impact/inhibit globally key and broadly roled cytokines (which Humira does, as it targets tumor necrosis factor) can have a lot of downstream consequences. Many of them unpleasant. The alternative is often not much of an alternative for some of the more severe disease states.