FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Albino Ball Python Died!!
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Old 01-25-2003, 07:09 PM   #1
Adam Block
Albino Ball Python Died!!

The reason I’m posting this here is because I’m not 100% sure what direction this post is going to take and while I could see it taking a turn that may warrant it’s placement here that may not be the case after the facts are in. My basic objective of this post is to find out if the situation I’m about to outline is an isolated occurrence or if it has happened to others as well. If in fact this is an isolated occurrence then I feel it should be handled in a totally different non-public manner, however if others have had the same thing or something similar happen then I feel it should be publicly addressed. Below is the outline of events:

8/02 My partner purchased an Albino ball python at the Daytona Show. This snake was born the same month of the show, something not mentioned at the time and only recently brought to my attention.

8/05 The animal was place in my care, was feeding fair and in good physical condition.
Over the next six weeks this snake fed five times with no troubles and seemed very healthy.

10/02 The animal was fed and two days later ended up regurgitating her meal between nine and eleven pm. Less then twelve hours later the animal was dead.

At this point, within 6 hours of her death she was placed in the refrigerator as it was a Sunday and nothing could be done until the following day. She was then taken to the UofA where a necropsy was done. I will post that report within the next few days however it was found that the cause of death was chronic Gout. Keep in mind that was the only health issue, there were no protozoa found of any kind.

Upon further research I’ve found that this can be either genetic or something caused by an extended period of dehydration. Per the breeder this animal was born in August and based on this information there is no possible way the time frame of two months would have allowed the animal to be dehydrated for a long enough period of time that it’s uric acid or uric salt levels could have reached a point to cause it’s death from gout as opposed to dehydration. With that in mind the conclusion is that this overproduction of uric acid and salts may be the result of a genetically inherited defect.

Now this is information that I’ve sat on for some time only because I felt that it’s an extremely serious matter and I understand fully the implications of the above information. However, upon speaking with another breeder we had been talking about our ball pythons. I mentioned that I had suffered the loss and was shocked, as I hadn’t had an animal unexpectedly die in a very long time. He proceeded to tell me about a ball python he purchased from the same breeder that had died and he too was shocked, as he hadn’t lost a snake in a very long time either.

This information got me thinking that there may be others that have suffered the same loss and would leave one of only a few options.

1) It’s an odd occurrence however nothing more then chance.
2) There happened to be a birth defect that caused the isolated issues in these two animals.
3) There is a genetic issue that needs to be addressed.

The other breeder opted not to look further into the cause of death due to the cost of the animal and the cost of the necropsy. For myself, I produced over 500 eggs this year and to the best of my knowledge not on of those babies has died. Because of this I felt it odd that this breeder has had two well feeding snakes (As hardy as ball pythons) just up and die over the course of a couple of days without any warning.

If you’ve had a snake die in a similar manner/situation I would very much like to hear about it. As I said this post is meant to bring out the facts and go from there if there is in fact anything else that needs to be addressed. If there isn’t I would like to see this moved to another forum or deleted. Until that time I will keep the name of this breeder to myself, as I don’t feel there is enough information to conclude anything and I’m not sure if anything other then the person’s willingness to address this issue has come into question.

I ask that you please keep this thread on topic and if you feel the need to address other issues please either start a new thread or email me. I would like to keep this free of insinuations, insults, threats and allegations. I’m doing nothing more then looking for facts and have done my best to state facts as opposed to what I think. In the cases I have stated what my thoughts were I’ve tried to look at them with an open mind and think about the options as opposed to what I think. I’m also not sure what if anything is due to me, as the animal did not die of a car issue but a genetic one. I don’t have any issue with loosing the money I have. I do however have an issue with getting such a high dollar snake so quickly out of the egg and with the breeders seeming unwillingness to work with me. I also have an issue with other people buying animals the may be dying from the same thing if in fact that turns out to be a valid concern

I will post a photo of the snake taken less then 5 days before it’s death. For reference the piece of wood next to the snake is 5.5 inches long. The reason for this photo is two fold. I think it shows the state of the snake and may also help people who may have had the same thing happen decide if it looks to be from the same line as this albino is fairly distinct looking.

Thanks you for taking the time to read this,
Adam Block

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