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Thread: Bad Guy Beware of Jerry Kruse
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Old 03-16-2012, 09:35 AM   #487
Good morning Nick,

I appreciate your post: for one, it is not laden with sarcasm nor cynicism, and two, it's well-stated and does make complete sense although not necessarily accurate. I said I wouldn't re-post until month-end but felt compelled to do so in this case it can very easily been seen from this perspective. Despite the half-truths and daggers offered by the few that have had a negative experience with me (each having their own, and quite unique reason), it's festered and the ones who like to engage in mudslinging, sadly, have joined in to do so despite the slippery slope of perhaps just being flat out wrong. No matter, and I really don't care at this point. Yes it appears that the BOI has "saved the day" or whatever valiant mental schema one would like to view this in......the reality is two very different people, both not new to this this hobby, experiencing a problem and handling it in two very different ways. Yes, Stu wanted an immediate refund after two weeks of having the snakes and advising me of a problem with one at first. Although I didn't agree entirely w/ how they were being kept (from what I've seen is a very generic, one-size-fits-all manner -- not that I'm entirely criticizing it, however I don't think it's the best fit specifically for zonata), I didn't harp on it initially but expressed that I felt it wasn't entirely my responsibility since I'd had the babies since hatching, worked hard with them to get them well-started & feeding, and had sent them in perfect condition. When Stew got them I received a report that they arrived in perfect condition in every which way (albeit a bit cool, but for zonata better a little cool than too warm as we all know). So that was that Nick. Two weeks later a problem began, as per my knowledge, and needless to say I was shocked because no animal, nor any that have left my hands, demonstrate any such skin problem as this. Prior to Stew's request for a refund, there had a been a single communication glitch as my cell phone was down for a brief time. Be it as it may, I had been led to believe that Stew was feeling confident both in hanging onto them but also by his reports of him feeling they were "on the mend". Amidst this, I had been contemplating how to handle the matter - and no, not to decide between remaining vigil or completely ditching Stew as some may want to believe. After 20 years of this I'd never encountered such a complex issue, and I'm not one to impulsively just send money back nor make an immediate decision & act upon it. I'm sure this would have worked out much better had I done that, however that isn't how I respond (nor some others based upon what i've been reading throughout this novel) to any problem I encounter. As for my volatility, well, yes I acknowledge that I react strongly when antagonized -- as would anyone. Have I urged the keyboard nazis to come out & say what they have to say publicly to me personally all the things they feel they need to....yes, and I continue to invite that as I very much doubt it would happen. I'm not trying to incite any angst or hostility, but the keyboard toughness tends to go away when in the same room and I'd much rather have a rational, mature discussion as opposed to what has mostly been seen here -- and once that starts, there's no going back in my book.

Lastly, and to be put simply, Stew did not hear what he wanted from me in the timeframe he wanted to hear it & sought other means of getting his money back as he felt I'd disappear and screw him, plain and simple. Regardless....if over some time the snakes fared no better, Stew and I would have been in the same situation we are in now without all this nonsense BOI. I've never walked away from anything in all these years, and i wasn't going to do it with Stew. Of course many seem to thrive on the drama of all this while proclaiming that the BOI "tactics" coupled Stew's actions to have been the scalpel that carved out my recent "positive actions". Well, I vehemently disagree as not every situation should be assumed as such nor handled in such a cookie-cutter manner. I would never had done anything like that to him, period.

Unfortunately, no one will ever know what would have actually played out because of negative influence and impulsivity. The monetary issue is half-way solved, which is the primary concern of most. As for the animals, well, Stew is more than welcome to send me half the snakes back at this time (which I've heard nothing about as of yet) and the rest at month-end. I'm happy to donate a specimen for any research that anyone wants to take on, and the rest will remain in immediate quarantine upon arrival & cared for over time to see if this skin condition can be remedied. Thank you Nick for a sound, respectable post. Much appreciated.