FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Paul Kurnava is at it again buyers beware
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Old 09-08-2012, 10:20 PM   #200
Well, my outcome so far is just a waste of my time and effort. I contacted the Cleveland PD and spoke with the "Expediter" or whatever who files the reports for out-of-town things like this. He asked 50-60 questions regarding the incident, gathered all the information on the issue, had me put together all the information I had, period, and THE said "well, since it was such a SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY, nothing will happen now unless I bring all the evidence to Cleveland, then we will put out a warrant on this guy". So yeah, being that Cleveland is about 7-8 hours from where I live, I'd have no way to go about it now. I love how almost my wife's entire paycheck is such a small amount of money to this guy. I'm sorry but I'm not rich and $175 is a LOT of money to my family. I dunno, I just give up. I'll never get a Nile Monitor I guess. I did correspond with this kid a couple more times and it went like this:


PS3's FooF-Diesel socomguru@gmail.com
Sep 2 (6 days ago)

to Paul
So here's a question... no hate or BS, but... why would you pick the
reptile trade to do the stuff you pull? Really, I mean, isn't there
somewhere else you could profit more, or hell, even legitimately?
Straight up, real talk. I've done some sh*tty sh*t when I was younger,
too, so I feel you, but honestly, it's not worth it for the end
result. Sh*t has a way of catching up with you later on in life. I'm
supposed to turn in our email transcript to Cleveland PD via fax as a
follow-up to the report I filed & then a warrant can be issued.
However, I'd have to show up for court for them to prosecute you,
which would just cost me more money. It's open-ended, so if I decide
you're just being an a*shole in general, it might become worth my
costs, but I'd like to hear your story before any decisions are made.
Don't feed me any bullsh*t one line response, just tell me what
reason(s) you have for making your choices. I'm also not asking you to
say anything incriminating either. Be as discreet as you want, but do
Take care,

Sep 2 (6 days ago)

to me
Okay well see I have a small collection my self of reptiles containing 1 ten foot retic, 1 fourteen foot albino Burmese python 2 4 foot Nile monitors and I also have a son. He is 4 years old and honestly it's next to impossible to make ends meet I'm only 18 and I work two jobs I still live with my mother. I pay rent, I put food on the table for my son and I just need the extra money so I can send him off to a good school and buy him the things he needs. I'm already selling all my reptiles, I've also sold my car. And I've done things I'm not proud of but it was the only way. I'm not sure if you can relate to what I'm going through but it's hard. My mom is kicking me out in 3 weeks and I still don't have the money I need to find a house to stay at. I didn't mean to do any harm but I just had to.

PS3's FooF-Diesel socomguru@gmail.com
Sep 2 (6 days ago)

to Paul
Well, I disagree with "you had to", because there's always alternatives in life. You don't ever "have to" when it comes to stealing. Other than that, yeah, I can grasp the concept of feeling financially helpless. I've been there a few times in 32 years. Lived in my car when I was 17 for a year... a little a*s rusted Toyota... and I'm 6'5" & 260lbs... it was cramped to say the least. Depended on friends for a meal here and there, showers & occasional laundry. When I met my wife in 2002 we took off together and lived in a tent for months, then in her Explorer for a while. So yeah, I'm familiar with desperation & anxiety due to monetary insufficiency. I know what it's like to be scared of what tomorrow holds. I also know what it feels like to be constantly looking over your shoulder. It makes you sick at night. I've lived it. I wish I could give you sound advice but each person has to live their life and learn some things as they come. I also know what we will do for our children. I've been charged with retail fraud before... one particularly bad year... a couple weeks before Christmas. I have 3 daughters, 2, 6 & 8. I'm sure you see the connection. I'll stop rambling on, but for whatever it's worth, I have no intentions of going to Ohio to see a prosecutor in Cleveland. I can't afford it right now, and come February when I CAN afford it, I'd be surprised if I even gave a sh*t anymore. I don't think what you did to me was by any means acceptable or even forgivable. You're pretty douchey in my book. But there's no point in making you miserable... well... there is... but you know what I mean. Relax. Maybe you'll do me a solid one day. Only thing I can say is "find a new source of income". Eventually, someone less understanding WILL catch up to you, if the legal system doesn't first. Live & learn... both of us.

Sep 2 (6 days ago)

to me
Thank you for understanding. It's not everyday you find someone that has went through you you are going through... I don't plan on doing this any more. I have already looked into a 3 rd job and I have a buddy picking all my reptiles up tomorrow so that I'll still have them but not in my care. I know it wasn't the right thing to do but I've given so much up. I guess it's hard being a single parent. Once more, thank you. I promise you I will keep your email and when I do get back on my feet I'll pay you back.

That was the last we'll probably ever speak, and who knows how much of his story is true, but whatever. I can't do anything more about it.