FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - HerpHelper Tracking Software
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Old 01-09-2008, 01:07 PM   #63
Mooing Tricycle
I got Degei and, i can see maybe the time consuming part at first, What with entering all the specific data/images maybe feed/shed/poopcards *if you are insane enough to convert everything* but once you have everything set up... its not that bad and really simple to keep updated.
I can say as for the user friendliness maybe not "user friendly" to those who still have trouble using a computer or are fairly new to them, but... most average computer users can figure it out in five minutes once you start clicking things and seeing what they do. but for anything like that, it sometimes takes some time to learn new software, you just have to be willing to stick with it and learn. ( Photoshop for instance! ive been using it for years and i STILL don't know every in and out of that software!)

Its good software and i LOVE it! But you gotta be diligent on keeping up with it and keeping track of everything you keep track of. Im horrible with that stuff... and i try to force myself into using it every now and then to try and get myself into the habit.... Someday *sigh*

Its good if you have someone there to talk to and ask questions about it too