FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - getting " envenomated " can get you ........
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Old 03-03-2006, 10:11 AM   #100
Great article - thanks for posting it, Michael. Thankfully, I refrained from passing judgement on the possibility of a neurotoxic bite. I did, however, give Vinny some grief about his description of symptoms. I tend to take things at face value - if someone says XHP, I figure they mean XHP...as opposed to XHp or XHR. I know better, but I do it anyway (gives me something to argue about, lol). Working in the healthcare, I also tend to forget that many people have different understanding of medical terminology than I do. I highlighted Vinny's statements about the bite being 100% neurotoxic and his being paralyzed for 3 days. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, venoms are composed of both hemotoxins and neurotoxins.My issue was, and still is, with the 100% comment. Largely, markedly, mostly, or decidely would have worked. A bite with NO hemotoxic effect would not have demonstrated the swelling shown in that picture - though, granted, it could have been a whole lot worse, even from a tiny rattlesnake. And paralysis, to me, (at first glance) implies more than just the loss of some gross motor function - UNLESS the statement specifies the extent of the effect (ie. the term "I was paralyzed" has a much different meaning than "lower extremity paralysis" or "I couldn't move my arms or legs"). That is just from my background - when we give paralytic agents, everything stops (including breathing). Also, from my understanding of the progression of effect from neurotoxic venom, before there is significant large muscle paralysis, there are other signs/symptoms...which I asked Vinny about: dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), dysphasia (difficulty speaking), and dyspnea (difficulty breathing). At this point, the beginnings of motor impairment would probably be starting - likely beginning with some stumbling or muscular weakness...maybe dropping things. (kinda sounds like a stroke, now that I look at it).
Anyway, now that you understand where I was coming from, I'll join the party. Sorry I was giving you a hard time, Vin.

Oh - Webslave. re: your comments about venom changes in other bees, spiders, scorpions, etc...ever notice that there are increasingly more people "allergic" to bee stings? Just something to think about.