duane beattie rips off another victim - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 10-11-2004, 09:29 PM   #1
Thumbs down duane beattie rips off another victim

I just got the worst order, DUANE BEATTIE FROM P.A. sells lots of lizards and obviously ran out, and instead of refunding me, he sent newborn chameleons instead. I have lost 4 of 10, the vet couldn't even save the last one. Newborns have not been fattened up for a journey thru the post office as I'm sure you know and he knows, but since he's more concerned with the dollar then the babies he's cranking out I thiought I would warn you. Don't deal with him or his wife janene beattie . This HORRIBLE loss over a 24 hour period Having to watch the second starved and dehydrated newborn, to week from travel who couldnt even stand up, wiggling in a incubator at the Vets. My husband taped the horrible sight as I cried and cried trying to save the little guy. I am going to put a picture of each one up to show everyone the unbelievably small size of these guys that he was claiming to be two months . Thanks for your help by not supporting this loser . And for new people in the business please don't ship newborns. I am just so hurt and shocked but I need to get the word out I wish I had read the other posts against him that I am finding now. But he cancels the sale on the web site and keeps all your money so you can't post a negative score against him. I am so angered over this.
Old 10-12-2004, 04:21 PM   #2
Chuck and Vicki Delph bought chameleons form me. She had one month babies for 12 hours and did not give them water because quote "I don't want to drown them". And had them on a heating pad because Quote "They were cold." After she contacted us 12 hours after she got them we told her "Take them off the heating pad and give them water" "Why would you put them on a heating pad?" " Your killing them"
She said a vet told her. Now anyone who knows me, knows that I send a multi page care sheet with instructions on how to take care of them. and in it is says NO HEAT PAD!!!!!! And it says "When you open the box if there is a problem call me immediately" It also says to "Give them water as soon as you take them out of the box". So everyone. Did she follow the directions? NO! Would you refund her money? NO! Does it seem like she wants Free chameleons? YES. Check a post they have here asking for FREE chameleons. This is sad, because IF she is telling the truth, those 2 or 3 or 4 babies died because of her carelessness. (Don't know how many died. First it was 3 then 2 now 4). It's just sad, because those babies were healthy eating drinking one month old veilds. Whatever she did to them is just really sad.
Old 10-12-2004, 04:26 PM   #3
Chuck and Vicki Delph bought chameleons form me. She had one month babies for 12 hours and did not give them water because quote "I don't want to drown them". And had them on a heating pad because Quote "They were cold." After she contacted us 12 hours after she got them we told her "Take them off the heating pad and give them water" "Why would you put them on a heating pad?" " Your killing them"
She said, a vet told her to put them on a heating pad!!!!. Now anyone who knows me, knows that I send a multi page care sheet with instructions on how to take care of them. and in it is says NO HEAT PAD!!!!!! And it says "When you open the box if there is a problem call me immediately" It also says to "Give them water as soon as you take them out of the box". So everyone. Did she follow the directions? NO! Would you refund her money? NO! Does it seem like she wants Free chameleons? YES. Check a post they have here asking for FREE chameleons. This is sad, because IF she is telling the truth, those 2 or 3 or 4 babies died because of her carelessness. (Don't know how many died. First it was 3 then 2 now 4).
Old 10-12-2004, 04:37 PM   #4
Chris Anderson
I've purchased from Duane in the past and was very satisfied. He provides care instructions for those who don't know how to care for his animals and was always good at communicating with me during my purchase from him. It sounds to me like you did not understand what you were doing, didn't read his information sheets he sent you and took the advice of a vet who either was not informed fully about the animals (ie: that they were babies) or was simply not a qualified reptile (let alone chameleon) vet. I don't think you have any claim with Duane and with you posting this thread twice and posting negative feedback on him three times, it seems to me like you are misusing the BOI as well.

Old 10-12-2004, 04:39 PM   #5
OK VICKI DELPH AND CHUCK DELPH. This is Janene. When you called her at Midnight hysterical, I tried to help you. I told you to take them off the heating pad. Give them water. You didn't want to do it. I really think you got some freebies from someone and they died and your little pictures and video tape will be of them not ours. Also you got ONE month old. You din't want to pay the extra money for the TWO month old. Just remember Vicki. When you called here you were leaving a message on the answering machine. When I picked up the machine was still recording. It's all on tape. You are at fault. I don't believe for a second that the chameleons you bought from us are dead.
Hey, anyone out there reading this, Did you happen to send them freebies? That's what the video will be. She actually first contacted us asking for Free deformed babies for some kind of childrens school. Duane is a respectable chameleon breeder. But it is people like this that make it hard to trust the Good, Honest People out there. One month old babies for 12 hours, No Water, Cooking on a Heating pad. I would die too!
Old 10-12-2004, 05:07 PM   #6
Ken Harbart
Two duplicate threads were posted, and I've taken the liberty of merging them. As such, one copy of the initial post and a reply stating that this was posted twice have been deleted.
Old 10-12-2004, 05:57 PM   #7
do not buy from this man

does it really make sense that I would pay 215$ and not take care of the babies? The reptile vet has been doing business in this town the twelve years I've lived here.I know duane has been selling lots of chameleons he breeds them constantly .Look at the pics of his male you can see all the packing boxes in the background. HE seemed knowledgeable or I would not have ordered from him. And I'm very happy that some people recieved good animals. But In my case he ran out of what he advertised and sent newborns cause he didn't want TO REFUND the cash he had in hand. And I'm glad he has the recording of that phone call cause I was balling my eyes out crying so hard I could barely breathe. I love all types of animals and to watch these guy dying and not be able to stand, and being so tiny they were hard to hold while the vet and I tried to re hydrate them was a horrible thing I don't want anyone to go thru what my family has seen.Please ask to listen to the phone call . I was asking for advice on how to save these little babies, and would he please talk me thru a care procedure for newborns and he attacked instantly, because he was worried about his guarentee he promised in his ad and that he might lose some money.He shows only anger like in his posts with no concern or calls on how to help save the little guys. You can hear the desperation of me wanting to save lives not get something for free, if you listen to the phone call. If you back Duane on this he will continue sending newborns to others, I' m only concerned about animal cruelty. We all love reptiles, thats are pleasure, and we have to keep up the good and end the bad, thats why you and I are at this site right now, to keep people from doing bad things so we can all enjoy our hobby.
Old 10-12-2004, 07:11 PM   #8
I bought chams from Duane and they were in great shape. I'd never owned baby chams before, so they sent the care sheet via email, then a hard copy of it with the babies. Mine did fine.

Vickie & Chuck: Do you have a copy of the vet's statement or bill that you can post? When did you receive the animals? When did you take them to the vet? When did each die? Did you really withhold water and put them on a heat pad? You keep reiterating your complaint but haven't addressed the issues that Duane brought up. Do you have documentation that you purchased 2 month old chams and not newborns? (10 for $215, that would be quite a deal on 2 month olds.)
Old 10-12-2004, 07:18 PM   #9

hello there. im just putting in my 5 cents here. chuck and vicki, here it is, straight up front. are you nuts? you have no clue how to care for veild chameleons do you! if you did, you would know that you should have taken them from the box right away, ste them up, feed and ATLEAST WATER THEM!! you are completely clueless! my 5 year old and 8 year old know what to do with veilds with telling them one time! you were given a 2 page care sheet just like i got and just like EVERYONE GETS!!
now if you cant READ, thats ok, you should have had someone read it to you. this stuff is falling off a log simple!! you obviously have no business owning or caring for chameleons. what made you think that you could leave them on a heating pad!! are you that inept! heating pads? chameleons are arboreal and they get their light from above!! you cooked them! you dehydrated them! you are the one to blame for their untimely deaths!!
attacking duane is absolutely uncalled for and childish.
obviously you made a big mistake and are trying to make duane pay for it by trying to put a mark on his reputation.
there are hundreds of people who got veilds from duane(myself included) and they are all happy! if something happened AFTER they followed the directions to the "T" duane was always happy to help in any way they agreed upon. now after your sensless attack, duane may not be willing to do that so easily.

all you need to do is admit your mistake and admit that duane did his part and offer you the same courtesy he offers everyone when he ships his animals.
by the way, why would you want runts or cripled veilds anyhow? is there some sort of scheme there? were you going to get the crippled ones and put up notes that thats what you got to steal healthy ones? hmm, sounds a little thin to me. you need to be a litttle more creative next time.

my veilds have done very well! WITH MY 5 YEAR AND 8 YEAR OLD TAKING CARE OF THEM!!

have a wonderful day.

Old 10-12-2004, 07:29 PM   #10
Ken Harbart
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