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Old 12-23-2003, 08:18 AM   #1
Glenn Bartley
Al Quaeda and assholes

I cannot stand them! Now they are spouting off to the world that they will plunge the USA into a dark hole that will have lasting effects on the whole world and they are apologizing to the world for the terrible effects their promised actions against the USA will have on the rest of the world )Fox News 12/23/2003). Assholes in government, I cannot stand them. Condition Orange - are they kidding. If there is any truth to the claims by Al Quaeda then our darned nuclear plants had better be very well protected by anti-aircraft missiles, but my bet is that Tom Ridge is too tied up in making condition orange speeches to think along those lines.

It is about time this country wakes up. If the rhetoric is just that, then fine - because at least we took action to be prepared just in case. If the rhetoric is to be backed up by a stupendous attack, then shame on us if we are caught again with our pants down.

If we do get nailed again, then please remember who is against the Patriot Act and vote them out next time. If we do get nailed, remember that our government administration recently suggested allowing all illegal aliens in the USA to receive amnesty and become legal (the enemy is within the gates and some of us want to make them legal immigrants)! If we do get nailed again, then remember that racial profiling has its place in situations where a certain ethnic group wants us all dead. If we do get nailed again, maybe we should all take the second amendment literally and bear arms and form militia and protect out nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. If we do get nailed again, then remember it is mostly because we are fat, lazy, and way to comfortable in thinking that someone else will protect us from the boogey man.

I am scared, I admit that. They have done that to me and to you whether you admit it or not. But I am preparing, within the law, to defend myself, my family and my nation. Are you doing the same. If not, well you too make me sick.

Why not do it to them. If they attack in any manner that causes mass death and destruction, I urge you to contact our government to tell them to attack with massive force barring no type of retaliatory strikes. I urge you to contact government officials now to close down the phony mosques that really are fronts for terror organizations. I urge you to contact officials and demand that any illegal aliens are rounded up and immediately removed from within our borders, and there are millions of them (can you imagine we have allowed millions to enter our nation illegally - their first act in America to be to violate our laws - what level of lack of respect does this show). I urge you to have government officials use every method to interrogate prisoners, who have suspected terrorist ties, regarding terrorist activity.

This is a war for survival. You may think this all overboard in reaction to rhetoric, but the last time we did not heed the rhetoric of the Muslim Extremist terrorists - well the events of 9/11/2001 took place. Wake up America!

I guess the thing I cannot stand the most are those Americans who do nothing to protect America. It is a sentiment that has been shared among many in this country since our nation's birth.
In the words of a tuly great American:

THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
Wake up America, stand tall and stand proud but STAND against our enemies!
Old 12-23-2003, 11:04 AM   #2
I think the thing that worries me the most is the spectre of a biological war. Most nations would not utilize such a tool, especially one using a highly contagious agent, because of the extreme danger of flashback. In other words, once Pandora's box is opened, there is no closing it again, and YOU are not safe from it's effects either.

But when you are dealing with people who would gladly fly themselves into buildings, strap bombs to their bodies, and do the same to their own children, then all bets are off. If they have a biological doomsday weapon, they will most certainly use it. It is my belief that THIS is why Saddam was targeted. Do a search on biological warfare info and REALLY read between the lines.

And another thing. Homeland defense begins at home. People who would be perfectly willing to kill EVERYONE in this country will think nothing of killing you and your family if you happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe you don't personally like guns, or think you will ever have any use for a weapon of any sort, but events could perhaps change that perspective in a hurry for you. And many people just do not realize that you cannot just walk into the local gun store (those that still remain) buy a gun, and take it on home with you. So if you find out TODAY that you need a gun right now, and you don't have one, you are just gonna have to do without. Remember those "waiting periods"? Yeah, that applies to YOU now. The bad guys already have guns.

Time to be alert and pay attention to what is around you. If you see something that looks suspicious, make it your business to observe what is going on. Today, just one terrorist spraying an aerosol can of a weaponized contagious pathogen in a crowded airport could mean the end of life as we now know it. Suppose someone noticed this guy acting odd in the parking lot beforehand and called security?
Old 12-23-2003, 02:35 PM   #3
Remember that the focus of the Jihadists is to bring about the economic collapse of the West, not to kill Americans. These guys are neither well trained nor equipped. They are however fanatical in their pursuit. Their mission success isn’t measured by a high casualty count, but is instead evaluated by the economic and political fallout that results from the mere commitment of an act.

I agree with Rich's assessment. Only you can protect what is yours.
Old 12-23-2003, 07:15 PM   #4
Re: Al Quaeda and assholes

Originally posted by Glenn Bartley
If there is any truth to the claims by Al Quaeda then our darned nuclear plants had better be very well protected by anti-aircraft missiles
Wake up America, stand tall and stand proud but STAND against our enemies!
.......very well said Glenn.
I seriously doubt that Glenn,That would take way too much personel to man the missle batteries.I did get curious about that question,so I called a buddy who is a police officer down south of here,in a town near "Nuclear 1" on the Arkansas River near Little Rock.He says he has no knowledge of there being any kind of defense like that at that particular facility.

Another thing that worries me is that I live downstream from the 5th largest Hydroelectric dam in the US.Back when 9/11 happened I was working with the county Office of Emergency Management,and quite frankly,their contingency plan scared the hell outta me.The "security" for the aforementioned dam and another,smaller one on the other side of the county was to place reserve police officers there 24/7.Don't get me wrong,I think a alot of these guys,but most of them are retired from other jobs and took up the reserve training for something to do.

Old 12-23-2003, 08:17 PM   #5
Personally if I was a member of one of these terrorist factions, I would get far more enjoyment watching America's media pump fear into people day in and day out to the point every plane that flies by causes people to shudder.

Causing long term damage to our way of life is the worst possible thing they could do in my opinion. They want us to be like them, filthy war mongers with a war torn country concerned only about who to kill next.

Well that won't be me. I do my absolute best to avoid reading about their garbage, avoid living in constant fear and try to enjoy life to the fullest because we are lucky enough to live in North America.

Marisa brophy
Old 12-23-2003, 09:33 PM   #6
We need to unite and take stand against our enemies!
Old 12-23-2003, 10:20 PM   #7
Neil Gubitz
It was reported today that they will use airplanes NOT from the US, but from nations who sympathize with their motives.... that has got to be the scariest of all.... with due dilligence, we can patrol our OWN planes and airports, but how do we curtail the activities in other countries??.... What's the answer??.... Look, I'm not prejudiced (I hate everything), but, in my opinion, racial profiling SHOULD be in effect for the Middle Eastern people (at THIS point in time).... we have to start looking after ourselves and our own interests....

Especially people like that moron who wanted to wear her bee-keeper's outfit when they took her photo for her driver's license!.... What a crock!....

One thing I do find funny, though, is that they put out a $25 MILLION dollar bounty for the capture of Bin Laden.... and this is the first time in history where any man has had a bounty on his head.... who actually WEARS Bounty on his head!!....

Old 12-23-2003, 10:58 PM   #8

Good one Neil ...I was thinking more along the lines of Pampers.
Old 12-23-2003, 11:53 PM   #9
knowing that there will be another major attack in the future i can only hope that it is an attack on our western allies in europe.
too many europeans feel that what happened to our country on sept 11th was brought about by our sticking our noses where they don't belong.europe has had us as a protector for decades.they have come to take us for granted & in some quarters,revile us.they view our current president as a war mongering that the image we have of president bush?i think not!it seems that most of the terrorists that attacked us in the past came through different european countries.they certainly didn't just tour castles & marvel @ the sites!it is my belief that,yes there are terrorists-both foreign & domestic-with in our borders,until we have the full cooperation of our"allies"our world isn't going to change for the better.the threats are too numerous in our modern,wireless society.
as stated before mr. joe schmo american needs to get off our collective asses &,at least,learn more about where the problems really lie.this may reveal some ugly truths to some(saudi religous fanatic anyone?),but the truth needs to be acknowledged.
*****make sure that you vote-your opinion doesn't mean anything if you don't*****
Old 12-24-2003, 09:01 AM   #10
Glenn Bartley
I seriously doubt that Glenn,That would take way too much personel to man the missle batteries.
12/24/03 Fox News reports that the government has stated that anti-aircraft missiles are being deployed around Wash. DC and at other unspecified sites around the country. This action is being taken in the event that military aircraft would be unable to shoot down any hijacked aircraft being used as a offensive weapon.

Causing long term damage to our way of life is the worst possible thing they could do in my opinion.
Our way of life, as you call it, has changed drastically since 9/11 whether or not you care to wake up and realize that it is a new day with a new way! It almost sounds to me as if you want to continue the way of life of the lazy, fat, enjoy the moment American who wants everyone else to protect him kind of a thing.
Well that won't be me. I do my absolute best to avoid reading about their garbage, avoid living in constant fear and try to enjoy life to the fullest because we are lucky enough to live in North America.
This seems almost to backup what I just said! Do you really mean that you won't worry because others like me are out there protecting your behind, so you have decided to do nothing, enjoy life as an American, and snub your nose at those of us who are on the front lines protecting this country? Let me tell you that really is what it sounds like to me. Sure keep on living, and keep on enjoying life, but you had better be damned ready to protect the freedoms you have that allow you to do so. If you are sitting on a plane and Ali Babba and his Muslim extremist thugs decide to hijack the plane, do you have an action plan - or will you continue to enjoy the flight and let the Federal Air Marshals Handle it. Then when the FAMs are lying dead, and the thugs are breaking down the door to the cockpit with a food cart, will you have an action plan - or will you recline in your seat and put on the headphones and allow the armed pilot to handle it? Then as the pilot and whole cockpit crew is lying dead will you have an action plan or will you continue to enjoy the idea floating in the back of your mind that you are getting 10,000 frequent flyer miles as the assassins fly the plane into the Sears Tower?

I am truly sorry if it seems like I am picking on you, especially if I misunderstood your statement; but (and this is a big BUT) the attitude I just described is the exact attitude that led to 9/11. I am attacking an attitude – not necessarily your attitude but one that I believe is illustrated in what you said. Don't say no ii is not because there was ample warning of 9/11 that we ignored. The best warning of all was the earlier bombing of the World trade Center by the same group of extremists. We as Americans hid our heads not in the sand but pretty much up our own fat behinds because we are so darned tied up in enjoying life as an American, and therefor at the same time we for the great majority of us ignore our duty to protect our nation and instead depend upon others such as the military and law enforcement to do that for us. Yes we as citizens of the USA have that duty.

Out of the four planes that were hijacked on 9/11, as far as I am aware, only the passengers on one made any attempt to thwart the hijackers. This attempt came only after the passengers were made aware, via cell phone contact with family members on the ground, that the other planes had hit the WTC. Why hadn't the people on the other flights tried to take over the planes from the hijackers? This is a question you need ask yourself, I already know why not. But this too is an indicator of how we have changed (we for the most part). When the shoe bomb suspect tried to light up his bomb, he was jumped by a flight attendant and quite a few passengers. Is that change permanent or was it temporary for only the short term? It needs to be permanent. We need to be ready to take action against they who threaten us. If we do not know our enemies, if we are not ready for them, if we do not plan to defend that life, and those freedoms, we love so much then they will again and again be able to beat us down.

Remember that the focus of the Jihadists is to bring about the economic collapse of the West, not to kill Americans.
This is not correct. The main aim of Jihadists is to destroy us by whatever means they can accomplish that goal so they can ultimately become the only group left. They do want to literally wipe us out, and they do want to create a fully Muslim Extremist world. Of course, if we decide to bow to them and become Muslim - well then they have destroyed the us that we are now! But if we decide to stay American with: free speech, freedom to choose our form of worship, freedom not to worship, free elections, freedom to keep and bear arms especially to form a militia (remember the militia of our founding fathers had only been used for one major purpost to overthrow the existing goverment and the Muslim Extremist do not want to be overthrown as witnessed by the attocities committed in Afghanistan), freedom of the press, freedom to eat pork (funny that even such a trivial thing would be prevented by a Muslim Extremist government), freedoms applying equally under the law to men and women, and so on - WELL THEN WE WILL BE KILLED IF THEY CAN KILL US.

If you do not believe that tghey want to be the only group left standing, go to some of the Muslim Estremist web sites and check out their goals. I am, because of my employment, probably not at liberty to divulge the names of particular web sites simply because we are investigating them; but some web surfing will get you there in virtually no time. They brag, they boast, quite openly about how they envisage a purely Muslim world within the next 10-20 years. Get that, by the time your tots are young adults, they plan to be it - the only group left standing. They are as dangerous as - no actually they are much more dangerous than Adolf Hitler ever was. To think they want to simply see our economic collapse is really short sighted of anyone who believes such. They routinely kill their enemies. Their enemies routinely have been anyone who has a differing opinion of religious, political, or socio-economic nature. Look at all they do in the world. They kill every month, maybe every week of the year. They are quite willing to kill themselves to get the job done (the jerks who are their henchmen are willing anyhow) because they know that when one mad bomber or one hijacker dies, hundreds of their enemies will be injured and hundreds may also die. Again, I am sorry if this seems like it is attacking one person's beliefs, I am not - I am attacking an idea and a bad one at that. They do want to kill us to achieve their goals. Wake up - look at the tapes of 9/11, look at the USS Cole, look at the embassy in Africa, look at the bombing of the night club in (can’t remember where but it was in the far east) where the Australians were killed because they were mistaken for Americans, look at the attempted shoe bombing, look to any other terrorist attack. Yes they want to destroy our economy, yes we spend billions defending, but yes they want to kill us too. They in essence want to destroy us. Take your heads out of the sand, they are willing to kill again and again, and they will kill again and again.

joe schmo American needs to get off our collective asses &,at least,learn more about where the problems really lie.this may reveal some ugly truths to some,,,
This is partly true, but we also need to be ready to take action to protect our way of life. We don't all have to become vigilantes, but we should be ready to stand up in self defense and in defense of others. We need to be the eyes and ears of law enforcement too. When you see your neighbor suddenly loading a rental van with crates in the middle of the night and you see 12 guys in ski masks helping out whom you have never seen before - would that be suspicious - would you report it? When you see a guy leave an attaché case on a bus would you report it to the driver and insist that he contact the police? If you are on that bus and a guy jumps the driver and starts driving like a maniac would you try to overpower him? If you see some Arabic looking men who are obviously newly clean shaven (as witnessed by the very white skin where their beards used to be), who are smoking a joint outside of the airport terminal and chanting while doing so - would you report them or would that be to politically incorrect for you?

Sure you could say, so what they are smoking a joint, so what they are or look like Arabs, so what they are clean shaven, so what they are chanting. They are allowed to so all that except for the joint, and heck maybe you smoke one now and then too. So what you say! Well many suicide bombers have been known to cleanse themselves before an attack to include shaving off their beards (also to make them look less like an extremist), many also have been known to smoke hashish or marijuana right before an attack and even to drink alcohol (things all forbidden to extremist Muslims) to get in the mood, according to their leaders, to be ready for the joys of heaven (really to numb them to what they are about to do) and many begin to chant religious phrases and passages because they anticipate doing something that is to bring them to heaven, Were you guys aware of any of this? If not then why not. Why isn't the American Public in general notified of these warning signs and the many other warning signs that are out there? I was taught these at a seminar on terrorism at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. That is ironic since my job is now, and was when I attended the seminar, in the Dept. of Homeland Security; but my attendance at the seminar was of my own doing as a JJC student and was not directed by my employer. Are we not so forewarned of this type of thing because politicians want votes from certain ethnic communities and from those among us who would claim, aghast at the audacity of government to release such info, that such a release would be politically incorrect and insensitive to others. Well if that is the case, all I can say is that, the next time we are attacked along the lines of 9/11 and the WTC - I truly hope it is not your son or daughter who is filmed as she plunges to her death after jumping from above 80 stories to avoid the flames. I hope it is not your son or daughter whom the building collapses upon. I hope it is not your son or daughter whom is assigned to go through the debris of the collapse at a landfill to search for loved ones of others (no not dig for survivors but actually search for body parts up to months after the attacks), and I hope your son or daughter is not stupid enough to volunteer to temporarily act as a federal Air Marshal and then wind up crapping in his/her pants every time the plane begins to roll down the runway for the next 6 months, and finally I hope your son or daughter is not the one who buys it over on foreign shores defending a group of politically correct self righteous Americans who decided to enjoy life and let others protect their freedoms.

Write your elected representatives and your appointed servants in government. Demand that they do more to notify the citizenry of the warning signs, and of what the citizen can ACTIVELY do to help protect the United States of America. Do something to protect our way of life because - If it is not worth protecting then I just don't understand what you saw about it that was so darned great in the first place. Read the Paine quote again. Really decipher its meaning. Then do something to protect our way of life, to protect us.
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

And while we are still Americans because of they who serve, and because of they who will take action, allow me to wish all of you Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy New Year and Happy Kwanza. Me I celebrate Christmas, but I will fight for your right to celebrate (within the law) anything you damn well choose.

Best regards,
Glenn B

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