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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 06-05-2004, 12:17 PM   #1
Glenn Bartley
The Formation of Exclusive Cliques...

on herp web site, wherein the people post pretty much only in the specific forum in which they have an interest regardless that the content they post in a thread would be much more appropriate in another forum. For instance a question about gut loading feeder insects would be best in the feeders forum not in a forum about a certain type of herp. By such threads being repeatedly placed in a species specific forum, it is as if the posters are snubbing their noses at the remainder of the site's membership as if they are only taking the bother to write threads or posts for others who have their own interest - even when the thread is of a more general interest. Sure we can go to that species specific forum to look for questions about feeders, or for questions about caging, or questions about BOI type inquiries, or questions about the gossip or the web wars on other sites, or for what food t feed meal worms, or for info about car crashes, and on and on, but there are already forums in place on this site in which all of those types of threads would be better addressed. Then when I want to get info on how to gut load feeder insects (for example) I'd go to the forum about feeders not to a forum about lizards.

I am not talking about the occasional misplaced thread either, but about repeated cut and dry cases of inappropriate threads being placed into a species specific forum. It just seems pretty darned exclusive to me.

Best regards,
Glenn B
Old 07-14-2004, 02:41 AM   #2
That's a gripe of mine, when no one posts a topic in the place where it seemingly belongs. I had a little trouble finding the spot for my Nigerian Email Scam thread aboove, but I settled on this because it's not 100% serious like the BOI, yet some one will surely find it.

I post on a lot of technical and computer forums, and one of the biggest pet peeves I have is (besides the ur, 1's, and other ways to over-shorten words) is when a person asks a specific question, and others respond with something completely different than what was asked. For example: A guy would like to inquire about a certain motherboard to see if the features it has built in will suffice for the educational games his two children love to play. This particular board has build in video, audio, ethernet and, everything their computer will need. The video is sufficient for the sort of games they will be playing. So instead of looking at the specs of the board and saying that it will be perfect, the response reads something like "that board is bad, you can't overclock it and it's got build in video, built in video is bad." Didn't they read the question?!? That happens all too much. Without meaning to rant, people often make multiple threads to ask the same question, over and over. There's already one thread on the subject at least, so why not add a post to that one and ressurect it for a little while, you don't need another brand new thread asking the same answered questions!
Old 07-14-2004, 07:48 AM   #3
Seamus Haley
I know what you mean Glenn, it's been bothering me for awhile now, specifically with the leopard gecko forums on this site.

I know that there are a number of people who are getting pretty comfortable with other leopard gecko posters, but when fully a quarter of the threads in the leopard gecko discussion forum start with the title "Off Topic" it's just wrong. ESPECIALLY when there are appropriate forums in place for the post... Like "Off Topic, Here's my GTP" or whathave you- it's just irritating.
Old 08-03-2004, 05:18 PM   #4
Seamus Haley
I've reccently realized that this may be more than a simple annoyance, I believe that perhaps more serious consequences need to face those who deliberately create off topic threads (threads which meander into alternative subjects aren't as bad, I'm taking deliberate inappropriately posted subjects where the forum topic is ignored completely).

Is a link to a poll I have posted and a more complete explaination of my thoughts.
Old 08-04-2004, 02:05 AM   #5
Intense Herpetoculture
I think you two need to sit down and think about this. ANYONE is more then welcome to join any of the discussions on the leo forums. The only reason why this is happening in the leopard gecko forum is because we decided as a community (the leo community) that we should take advantage of Rich's site and help develope the leoaprd gecko forum on fauna. The leo forum is enjoying its self, as you should be, perhaps you need to join in on the fun and stop complaining so much from time to time, might be good for you.
Old 08-04-2004, 09:50 AM   #6
Glenn Bartley
Maybe the people like you in the Leo forum should realize that this site has appropriate forums for all topics, and is not isolationist by its very nature (as opposed to those in the Leo forums who post everything in the Leo forums for leo forum user eyes only). Sure anyone can join those conversations, but inappropriately placed threads are just that and placing them in an inappropriate forum is obviously cliquish and is rude toward the rest of the membership of fc. It also defeats the purpose of all the other forums on this site, that were created by the webslave after careful consideration of how this site should work. Yes I agree you are TAKING ADVANTAGE of Rich's site and unfair advantage as I see it.

To imply that because you are some sort of close knit group and because of that you have special privilages to post whatever you want in an inapropriate forum for the thread content is disrespectful to the rest of the faunaclassifieds community.

I by the way, enjoy myself immensely here at faunaclassifieds. maybe you should stick to the topic rather than trying to blow smoke by telling others how to enjoy themselves, thereby trying to change the topic of this discussion. If you really want to develop the LEOPARD GECKO FORUM then why not folow the rules and post topics that are relevant to that forum, and place other topics in ther appropriate forums. This way you would develop the Leopard Gecko forum and at the same time also develop other forums on this site, thereby also developing the overall site of faunaclassifieds. This would be instead of excluding the rest of the fc forums as many of you are now doing. Try to remember this site is not the site, it is the site and it offers lots more than a Leopard Gecko forum. This site has been, after a lot of thought and effort, made to be quite diverse in content. Why not keep it that way! Why not open yourselves up to the rest of this wonderful web site, and enjoy all it has to offer. No I am not blowing smoke like you, I am sticking with my original idea of trying to eliminate the cliques that have formed by getting you to enjoy the whole site as it was meant to be used.

Best regards,
Glenn B
Old 08-04-2004, 10:14 AM   #7
Hmm.. what actually bugs me more isn't the off topic posts but the posts that begin on topic and then end up on a completely different tangent. The only reason why this bugs me is because when I'm searching old posts for information, I have to sift through so much irrelevant conversation to find what I'm looking for. If I see a thread that's 6 pages long, I think, "Perfect! 6 pages of discussion on this topic I want to know more about." But then it just turns out to be a lot of one-on-one conversing that should really be taking place through PMing, if I'm not mistaken, but I still read through it all in order to catch any posts that might actually pertain to what I was looking for.
Old 08-04-2004, 10:53 AM   #8
Originally posted by Intense Herpetoculture
ANYONE is more then welcome to join any of the discussions on the leo forums.
Yes, anyone CAN join the discussions, however when you have you (Justyn), Robin, Kelli H, Overton, Cody, and a few more, then people like me, who have a hard time 'joining in' tend to avoid such conversations.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that you all are friends, but the trading of inside jokes, calling each others leos by name, makes other people feel like they're intruding on your little world. Put the random conversations in the General BS forum or take it to emails or even to chat, leave it out of the leo forum.

These specific forums (boa, python, kingsnake, leo, bearded dragon, uro) are setup for learning and discussion on these specific animals, it's very distracting for newcomers to wade through Robin gluing her fingers together, and someone else producing a striped boa. Yeah, Robin's story was funny (Sorry Robin, it's the first one that popped into my mind) and the snake was neat, but I would have read them in other forums anyway, by clicking the 'view new posts' link.
Old 08-04-2004, 12:44 PM   #9
Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that you all are friends, but the trading of inside jokes, calling each others leos by name, makes other people feel like they're intruding on your little world.
So let me see if I have this right. Referring to a another forum poster's gecko by name (if it has a name) is not acceptable. Joking around with friend on the Leo Forum is not acceptable. Basicaly having a good time on the Leo Forum is not acceptable.

Myself and Justyn and a few others have made a concerted effort to bring people to the Leo Forum on Fauna. Why? Because we wanted a place to post about leopard geckos and also feel comfortable posting and also have a good time. Yes, sometimes threads will stray off the original subject, that is just human nature, it happens in every forum.

Of course we want everyone to feel welcome but we also want this place to be a community. I believe it has become exactly that, a community, and if I am not mistaken it is the most popular forum on this website, with the exception of the BOI. That's awesome!

I do really like the idea that Rich has talked about, which is putting an "Off Topic" subforum in the Leopard Gecko Forum itself. Maybe that would take care of this "problem", and allow members to post their off topic posts in the forum where they hang out in the most, and where their online buds can read and reply. Just my opinions on the subject.
Old 08-04-2004, 12:56 PM   #10
So let me see if I have this right. Referring to a another forum poster's gecko by name (if it has a name) is not acceptable. Joking around with friend on the Leo Forum is not acceptable. Basicaly having a good time on the Leo Forum is not acceptable.
I never said it wasn't acceptable, I was trying to say that it makes people feel like they're intruding. For example, you have a gecko named "Bob" and Bob has been sick, you've been on the phone with Robin and Justyn about it, and one of them then posts "Hey Kelli, how's Bob doing?" Well, I personally have no idea who Bob is, he could be your husband, your kid, your dog, a snake, a gecko?? It makes people feel like you have this exculsive littel group, and it's impossible to penetrate and join...esp. if you don't breed geckos.

Of course we want everyone to feel welcome but we also want this place to be a community. I believe it has become exactly that, a community, and if I am not mistaken it is the most popular forum on this website, with the exception of the BOI. That's awesome!
And how many posts are off topic, that would improve the conversation in another forum?

I do really like the idea that Rich has talked about, which is putting an "Off Topic" subforum in the Leopard Gecko Forum itself. Maybe that would take care of this "problem", and allow members to post their off topic posts in the forum where they hang out in the most, and where their online buds can read and reply. Just my opinions on the subject.
And this Off Topic subforum would take away from the rest of the board. Use the 'view new posts' button and you can see all posts that your friends have posted, and it will make the best use of the board, in my opinion.

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