Using the FEEDBACK system - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-28-2004, 12:28 AM   #1
Using the FEEDBACK system

Many of you have probably noticed that each user making a post has a section under their name that says Feedback Rating: with a number following it. This subsystem allows users to provide a visual feedback accounting of their experiences with this particular user. This is helpful in cases where this user is selling items in the classifieds section and gives a thumbnail sketch of what you may expect in your dealings with this person.

To actually view the comments in the feedback section, simply click on the number that follows the text "Feedback Rating:".

Of course, the BOI is the main place for detailed information on someone, but using the feedback system will likely be your first line of defense in recognizing the character of the person you are getting ready to spend your money with. Do you think some people may get irritaed at this little telltale pegged on their profile? Well, yes. But the very worst that could happen is that anyone with a large number of negative feedback votes will just not post their ads on this site. And I just don't see a downside to that result.

But using the Feedback Rating System is not all that obvious in how to do it. The way you get to that system is by viewing a message posted by a user and clicking on the PROFILE button at the bottom of their post. This opens up a screen that gives you the opportunity to provide an entry in this Feedback Rating System that will then be visible to all users in every message this user posts.

Bear in mind that this has some opportunity for abuse, so it will be monitored and reviewed, and anything that is obviously trolling, abusive, or inappropriate will be deleted. In many cases this will be unnecessary as the adage "consider the source" will often prove worth noting. As in messages posted on the BOI, an irritated user demanding that negative feedback be deleted will be ignored except in such cases where it has obviously been posted maliciously and without grounds.

So I suggest that using this system can be to everyone's advantage here. But it is up to you to use it and use it well.

Old 02-28-2004, 07:24 PM   #2
Thumbs up Nice feature

Hello. I for one like the feedback system and have been using it since it's inception. I've used it to give people positive feedback in addition to making a "good guy" post about them. Keep up the good work.
Will you have a table at the Tallahassee show in April? Just wondering as I'd like to come by and introduce myself if you will.

God bless,
Phil Frost
ZNJ Exotics
Old 02-28-2004, 07:36 PM   #3
Thanks for using the system. I hope if proves useful to most people.

Thinking about doing the Tallahassee show. It is right in the middle of breeding season, however. But heck, the fairgrounds is only 20 minutes from my house, so I could run home for an hour or two if things are slow at the show.

I just might be there.
Old 02-28-2004, 11:07 PM   #4
Brian Oakley
I think the idea is a great one. I think people bitch just to hear themselves (or see if typing) themselves bitch.
It is a much quicker and easier way to find the info one is looking for, with the exception of not knowing their screen name/s. In my case, mine is easy as it is my real name. What if I wanted to do a search for someone, that very well could be a member, but I did not know their screen name/s? Is there a way to have it set up to where, let's say if I typed in Rich Z, it would pop up but showing "webslave". I know this might not be the best of examples, but I think you have the idea.

One complaint I have is this. My feedback is only a '1'. Is mine working a bit slower than yours?
Just a little joke!

Let me know if you do not understand my point/question.
Old 02-28-2004, 11:21 PM   #5
I agree that the feedback function is a great idea. My question is why dont people use it more? Is it that people are unaware of it? Unsure how to use it? Laziness?
Old 02-28-2004, 11:47 PM   #6
Brian Oakley
That is a great point, Matt. I think this site (no offense to Webslave) does an injustice at times. There are not NEARLY as many good guy posts as there should be. The good guy posts are overlooked and don't get any posts on them. I know that it is better to point out the wrong, at times, but I also think that people should take the time to post GOOD deals as much, if not more since there are (hopefully) more good deals than bad ones.
This would apply to me as well. I know I could come on here and post them also, but I will follow that by, I am very pickey as to who I buy from therefore those I buy from (NOTHING AGINST THOSE I HAVE NOT BOUGHT FROM) are already known as great people.
I know there are MANY more awesome people out there and I would buy from each and every one of long as someone wants to foot the bill. LOL!
Old 02-29-2004, 12:20 AM   #7
feed back can only be posted as a result of a deal, is that correct. i meen someone could not just go and leave a bad feed back becuse of dis like, or becuse of an argument or can not come to agreement on a deal. like webslave i seen on your feedback someone said you are unfair or something like that, did you do a deal with them?
Old 02-29-2004, 12:32 AM   #8
Brian, my thoughts exactly. I think I have done somewhere around 30-35 transactions as a direct result of Fauna yet my feedback is 1. I myself am guilty of not always posting feedback as i'm sure many of us are. I'm leaving feedback to several people now. I guess I can add another reason, forgetfullness.
Old 02-29-2004, 01:15 AM   #9
Vince, no, there is no requirement that someone has to have done a deal with you here. Think about what would be needed for that to be a requirement. It would have to be like Ebay here. Every transaction would have to be controlled within this system from beginning to end.

What the feedback system is, is sort of like a "BOI lite". And as such it can be abused just as the BOI is. But also like the BOI, the weight of evidence presented by the overall rating of the total number of votes should hopefully paint a true picture.

Obvious cases of abuse will be dealt with, as mentioned before.

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