Powerhouse Reptiles Truths - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 07-30-2008, 12:14 AM   #1
Powerhouse Reptiles Truths

Ok, let's set the record straight. My name is Jennifer Johnson and I am a current customer of Powerhouse Reptiles. I purchased a Black Back Pewter Ball Python and a Bumblebee Ball Python from them in October 5, 2007. Joe Capone is a very knowledgeable and respectable businessman and I do believe firmly Clark Tucker, his partner, to be one as well. Others may have their own opinion on them from other experiences, but it is exactly that, an opinion.
My order was to originally be priced at $2000.00, $1200 for the pewter and another $800 for the bee on a five month payment plan. In the end I only ended up paying $1914.10 by the day of shipment because I had some bank issues. Joe allowed me to pay the other $85.90 on December 6, 2007 using my husband's paypal account. Either way it ended up about $40.00 short of what the original total had been and Joe himself had called me and told me not to worry about it. He still sent the snakes and has not asked for anything more from me.
When the bee and pewter arrived, I did notice a slight head wobble with the bee. I called Joe to ask about housing and was told that wobbles were normal in spider's and bee's genetics. I dismissed it and didn't think much else of it. I called Joe about a week later to discuss the purchase of some het females and mentioned yet again the wobble and was told the same thing, so chose to let it be and allowed myself to be reassured. The condition worsened over the months and I did not call about it, but instead waited to see if it would diminish on its own. However, the snake now wobbles violently, sleeps upside down, drinks and eats upside down and is showing signs of severe neurological damage. I still had decided not to call Joe regarding the snake. Rather than bring it to his attention, I chose to do things on my own.
My father, who also works for a reptile breeder to remain nameless, recently brought it to the attention of both Joe and Clark in a less than respectable manner, as well as posting a few threads about it on fauna classifieds on Monday July 28, 2008. As of this date I have had these reptiles in my care for roughly 7 months if not a bit longer. Once brought out into the open, I have been reassured by both Clark and Joe that things will be corrected and would have been months ago if I had just called and told them about it. It should never have come to my father contacting anyone about anything. I am an adult and should have stepped up and did it on my own. Powerhouse Reptiles has offered me a $700 store credit for a new reptile, so in the end I get my special bee for free plus another snake of my choice. That was both Joe and Clark, not Clark alone. As far as I am concerned, I am getting a fairly sweet deal and the situation has been corrected. That is enough for me. Any other reptile breeder would have told me to deal with the issue due to the length of time in my care. Joe and Clark chose to make things right by doing the right thing. That is something I respect.
I will continue to do business with Powerhouse Reptiles because they have always been decent, respectful, and more than generous with me. Both Joe and Clark are people I would even consider friends. They have always done what they could to give me a good price and a quality reptile. They are the only breeders I am truly willing to purchase from.
As far as those of you that do nothing, but jump on fauna classifieds to bitch about other breeders. I am truly disgusted with each and every one of you who just decide to jump on the bandwagon without any knowledge of who these men are and what exactly they sell as far as quality is concerned. If you are a prior customer, then this is not directed towards you. Did you not stop to think that many of the breeders you may buy from, may have actually bought and used a snake produced by Joe Capone as breeders to help build their own collection? So many snakes are produced by Joe that I am sure you may have come across one before and just not known it. I did have a problem with my bee, but the pewter sold to me is soon to be used for stud because of his beautiful colors and markings. He is a top quality herp purchased for a very good price. How about instead of passing judgement before knowing anything, check things out and decide for yourself. You may just be surprised.
I have not in any way been bribed to write what I am telling you, it is in fact how I truly feel. Take the time out of your schedule, break away from the crowd and make your own opinion. To get respect from any reputable businessman, you have to give respect. If you are just willing to bond with what the crowd is telling you then you have become nothing more than part of the ignorance that is affecting this business. Take from this what you will, but check things out first for yourself rather than just listening to what others bitch about.
Old 07-30-2008, 12:31 AM   #2
Originally Posted by sunshine_angel07
Ok, let's set the record straight. My name is Jennifer Johnson and I am a current customer of Powerhouse Reptiles. I purchased a Black Back Pewter Ball Python and a Bumblebee Ball Python from them in October 5, 2007. Joe Capone is a very knowledgeable and respectable businessman and I do believe firmly Clark Tucker, his partner, to be one as well. Others may have their own opinion on them from other experiences, but it is exactly that, an opinion.
My order was to originally be priced at $2000.00, $1200 for the pewter and another $800 for the bee on a five month payment plan. In the end I only ended up paying $1914.10 by the day of shipment because I had some bank issues. Joe allowed me to pay the other $85.90 on December 6, 2007 using my husband's paypal account. Either way it ended up about $40.00 short of what the original total had been and Joe himself had called me and told me not to worry about it. He still sent the snakes and has not asked for anything more from me.
When the bee and pewter arrived, I did notice a slight head wobble with the bee. I called Joe to ask about housing and was told that wobbles were normal in spider's and bee's genetics. I dismissed it and didn't think much else of it. I called Joe about a week later to discuss the purchase of some het females and mentioned yet again the wobble and was told the same thing, so chose to let it be and allowed myself to be reassured. The condition worsened over the months and I did not call about it, but instead waited to see if it would diminish on its own. However, the snake now wobbles violently, sleeps upside down, drinks and eats upside down and is showing signs of severe neurological damage. I still had decided not to call Joe regarding the snake. Rather than bring it to his attention, I chose to do things on my own.
My father, who also works for a reptile breeder to remain nameless, recently brought it to the attention of both Joe and Clark in a less than respectable manner, as well as posting a few threads about it on fauna classifieds on Monday July 28, 2008. As of this date I have had these reptiles in my care for roughly 7 months if not a bit longer. Once brought out into the open, I have been reassured by both Clark and Joe that things will be corrected and would have been months ago if I had just called and told them about it. It should never have come to my father contacting anyone about anything. I am an adult and should have stepped up and did it on my own. Powerhouse Reptiles has offered me a $700 store credit for a new reptile, so in the end I get my special bee for free plus another snake of my choice. That was both Joe and Clark, not Clark alone. As far as I am concerned, I am getting a fairly sweet deal and the situation has been corrected. That is enough for me. Any other reptile breeder would have told me to deal with the issue due to the length of time in my care. Joe and Clark chose to make things right by doing the right thing. That is something I respect.
I will continue to do business with Powerhouse Reptiles because they have always been decent, respectful, and more than generous with me. Both Joe and Clark are people I would even consider friends. They have always done what they could to give me a good price and a quality reptile. They are the only breeders I am truly willing to purchase from.
As far as those of you that do nothing, but jump on fauna classifieds to bitch about other breeders. I am truly disgusted with each and every one of you who just decide to jump on the bandwagon without any knowledge of who these men are and what exactly they sell as far as quality is concerned. If you are a prior customer, then this is not directed towards you. Did you not stop to think that many of the breeders you may buy from, may have actually bought and used a snake produced by Joe Capone as breeders to help build their own collection? So many snakes are produced by Joe that I am sure you may have come across one before and just not known it. I did have a problem with my bee, but the pewter sold to me is soon to be used for stud because of his beautiful colors and markings. He is a top quality herp purchased for a very good price. How about instead of passing judgement before knowing anything, check things out and decide for yourself. You may just be surprised.
I have not in any way been bribed to write what I am telling you, it is in fact how I truly feel. Take the time out of your schedule, break away from the crowd and make your own opinion. To get respect from any reputable businessman, you have to give respect. If you are just willing to bond with what the crowd is telling you then you have become nothing more than part of the ignorance that is affecting this business. Take from this what you will, but check things out first for yourself rather than just listening to what others bitch about.
You obviously have no idea what Joey Caponey is really like otherwise you would not use the words, respectable businessman and decent person to describe him.
Those words do not describe the Joe Capone that he himself revealed to the entire reptile community thru his own typings and videos.
Old 07-30-2008, 12:43 AM   #3
Ok ... so what about the Bee now? What is your vet's diagnosis?

I apologize, but I am more concerned about an obviously very sick snake than your opinion of Capone.
Old 07-30-2008, 12:46 AM   #4
More than likely the snake will not be able to breed. He is a pet, thats all. I respect the way my father got the ball rolling on things, but not the way it was presented so I felt my opinion may matter a bit.
Old 07-30-2008, 12:48 AM   #5
Power House Reptiles
This is the stuff I had to deal with yesterday and today.

What a bunch of crap!

The customer, his daugther, is completely satisfied. Isnt it odd that he works for another Ball Python breeder and wanted twice what she payed for the snake back in cash. Can you say, EXTORTION???

First Name: Joseph
Last Name: Duarte
E-Mail: jo49er@hotmail.com
Phone Number: 626-201-3447
Catagory: Questions/Comments
Subject: Bumblebee Ball Python
Questions/Comments: Mr. Capone, My name is Joe Duarte. I am writing to you to express my disgusy and utter dismay with you as a person who pretends to spout how well your customer service is to people out in the ball python community. My daughter purchased a pewter and bumblebee form you back in October of 2007. Her name is Jennifer L. Johnson. I am sure you remember her seeing that you called her recently to ask if she was interested in buying anymore of your so called great breeding stock. She received both snakes from you and seemed pleased by what she received for $2000.00. You see my daughter tends to not confront someone when she has been taken advantage of. The bumblebee she received has sever head wobbling and quite honestly some type of a neurological disorder. This snake will be lucky to be anything other than just a pet. This snake was bought to ultimately breed in the future which is a far gone conclusion. When she called and told you about this you said it was a slight head wobble and it will not affect the snake. Let me tell you it has affected the snake and there will be no breeding program for this specimen. This snake should never have been sold on the market, but instead should of been put down. You spout the BS that customer service is very important to you in the way you deal with customers. If that is so then you should have made it right when she first contacted you, but you never did. You claim that it was Wes Harris that created the bulk of the problems for you in the ball python community, but I believe that it took the 2 of you for that to happen. If you do care you will make this right. If not I guess you will continue to try and find other un-suspecting suckers to sell your retarded stock off to. If your mind set is of the later, I will make it a point to bring this retarded bumblebee ball python with me to as many shows to let people see first hand what type of sub-standard stock you are trying to peddle out there in the small community of reptiles. I am hoping that you will do the right thing. Don't ignore this like so many other e-mails that you may have received. I am hoping that in the future I bump into you at one of the many shows and we can dicuss this matter in person. Believe me when I say I will search you out at these shows and make it a point to exercise my constitutional right to free speach. You are free to contact me at anytime.

This was my response to this blast!


This is Clark Tucker. I am Joe's partner and I run this facility.

Your daughter never talked to Joe or myself about the head wobbling and that she wanted him to make it "right"?? You have came at us all wrong and way too late. I cannot believe that you threatened my partner in this e-mail. You do what you see fit to do. There will be no further communications between you and Power House Reptiles since you didn’t even buy from us. Jennifer is more than welcome to contact us at anytime. She is a valued customer of ours!

You can blame me personally for not having Joe buy this snake back because, I will not accept foreign animals in our clean facilities. I consider a foreign snake one that has been away from here for 10 months and also one that I just heard a complaint on .

Your daughter has a $700 credit if she is displeased in anyway.

Please have her call me personally at 334-494-6932 and I will talk with her about her snakes and see if we can satisfy her in some way.

Best Regards,
Clark Tucker

And here is what he replied back.

Well it looks like this e-mail got your attention. I have forwarded this e-mail to my daughter and spoken with her personally about this reptile. Obviously someone here is not telling the whole truth when you say that Joe was never contacted. I am more inclined to believe my daughter when she says she spoke with Joe personally. I could give a rats ass about how you feel or what you consider foreign.....all I ask is that as a business owner who stakes their reputation on good customer service and product make it right when there is an issue with a product sold out of one's facility. If she is such a valued customer, then this should have been addressed when first brought to the attention of Joe!!!! I should not have her call you......You have her number and that call should come from you folks.
Believe me, I have no intention of ever buying any product from powerhouse reptiles. I only purchase my reptiles from people who stand behind their product and help educate whom they sell to. Thanks for the response and hopefully you folks will work something out with her. Believe me I do not threaten, I follow through with promises. See you in the industry!

This is what he sent to Joe.

Mr. Capone,
FYI! I see that your reputation has followed you over to Powerhouse Reptiles. You need to make this right and not in the form of a credit to purchase another animal.

By the way he is Joey not Mr. Capone

Best Regards,
Clark Tucker
Old 07-30-2008, 12:48 AM   #6
I have had only this problem with the bee, nothing else, so he may not seem decent to you, but has been to me.
Old 07-30-2008, 01:11 AM   #7
Obviously this is what a father gets trying to salvage something for a daughter he cares a great deal about.......Being naive is not a reason.......it is a fault.....when you fall under the the spell of slime balls this is what happens....This goes to show what lengths the folks at Powerhouse Reptiles will go to....to try and salvage what they can to promote their own selfish interests......good luck to my daughter and any other individual who cannot see what Joe & Clark are really all about......once a slime ball always a slime ball as I always say.....I think my daughters response was choriographed pretty well by the the upstanding people @ powerhouse reptiles....good luck to all that do business with them......
Old 07-30-2008, 01:15 AM   #8
Originally Posted by jo49er
Obviously this is what a father gets trying to salvage something for a daughter he cares a great deal about.......Being naive is not a reason.......it is a fault.....when you fall under the the spell of slime balls this is what happens....This goes to show what lengths the folks at Powerhouse Reptiles will go to....to try and salvage what they can to promote their own selfish interests......good luck to my daughter and any other individual who cannot see what Joe & Clark are really all about......once a slime ball always a slime ball as I always say.....I think my daughters response was choriographed pretty well by the the upstanding people @ powerhouse reptiles....good luck to all that do business with them......
Funny, i was wondering if Joe helped with what she wrote, i wasnt go to say it, but since you did first...?

Let me ask his defense team (and people buying from him) a stupid question...

If Joe was such a great guy and keep his buss and reputation in top shape, WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE POSTING NEGATIVE in this thread? Do you think everyone here that was in the bussiness before you is wrong? We are only trying to help YOU. Why did he disappear for 2 YEARS?

Seriously, i am only trying to help YOU not get burned in the future! Buy from Joe and Clark (i have said before Clark is a nice guy, but when you play with poo you get dirty) if you like, but if you post on here about how bad it turned out down the road...
Old 07-30-2008, 01:24 AM   #9
Power House Reptiles
Here is some crap that I have to put up with out of this IDIOT!

Here is a e-mail from John Stranahan aka jasballs

First Name: John
Last Name:
E-Mail: jasballs@msn.com
Phone Number:
Catagory: available Australian geckos
Subject: HEY DUMMY!
Questions/Comments: Are you as Dumb as EVERYONE is saying you are? Teaming up with Joey just proved them ALL right lol!

My response!

From: Clark Tucker at powerhousereptiles.com
To: John
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: available snakes


We are selling tons of animals and providing great customer service. Everything is going great!! Thanks for asking. Go have some more drinks you drunk!

Best Regards,
Clark Tucker

Then this clown starts in on "out of bounds" crap. Like adding someones family members into this kind of nonsense.

First Name: John
Last Name:
E-Mail: jasballs@msn.com
Phone Number:
Catagory: available snakes
Subject: HEY DUMMY!
Questions/Comments: Whats shakin Loser? Hows scams goin? Drop any prices on your moms gravesite lately?? LMAO

I assumed that he wanted to talk about my mother. Then I called and confronted him about talking about my mother and the word gravesite in the same sentence. He wouldnt even defend himself and then when I finally got so mad I could not stand it anymore I hung up.

He then responded by e-mail again with this rediculous statement

You sure I sent this? A lot of people don’t like me lol! Anyway to check the IP ADDRESS? I know I didn’t type it.. What ever.. Later Man.
----- Original Message -----
From: Clark Tucker at powerhousereptiles.com
To: John
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: available snakes


We are selling tons of animals and providing great customer service. Everything is going great!! Thanks for asking. Go have some more drinks you drunk!

Best Regards,
Clark Tucker

From: John
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 8:19 PM
To: powerhousereptiles@live.com
Subject: available snakes

First Name: John
Last Name:
E-Mail: jasballs@msn.com
Phone Number:
Catagory: available snakes
Subject: HEY DUMMY!
Questions/Comments: Whats shakin Loser? Hows scams goin? Drop any prices on your moms gravesite lately?? LMAO..

John, Now who is TRASH !!!

Funny thing is I dont even know this guy and this is what I receive in my website e-mail one night. And he brought my mother into this!

This is a business. It is not personal. We wish everyone a great season.

Joseph Duarte,

Slimeballs are EXTORTION artists and I personally have never attempted to extort anyone. You wanted $1,400 for a $700 Bee that your daughter bought. Who is the slime ball here? You work for another Ball Python breeder. What are they doing for you for trying to spread lies about us and our business. Were they getting the other $700??? That is why the $700 credit wasnt good enough before huh???

This is my last post here so, judge for yourself all that are reading. I am truly sick of the scum that is in this business. They are the ones that keep so many more from being a part of this great hobby!

I thank all my great customers and friends in this business that stand behind me and what we offer to this great hobby!

Best Regards,
Clark Tucker
Old 07-30-2008, 01:28 AM   #10
Hey Clark,
Like i keep saying, you are a nice guy and i did enjoy talking to you about Knob Tails, but when i found out that Joe was going to be your partner i did warn you about this. You really should talk to Wes before you get burned too... Before your reputation is unsalvageable.

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