Commands your dog knows - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 04-10-2006, 12:05 AM   #1
Commands your dog knows

Other than "sit" and "stay," etc., I was wondering what commands people have taught their dogs. More importantly, what commands have you found to be very useful in training your dog?

For example, my favorite is "Go to your room" which is what I tell my golden retriever when I want to put her away in my bedroom when I'm either leaving the house or sometimes when people come over. She considers it to be HER room anyway, and that's what you'd tell a child (right?) so I figure it fits. Some people get a kick out of it though when they hear me tell my dog to go to her room.

Another good one is "Who's here?". That basically means that Jersey has to run and look out the front window, and if it's someone she knows (like the FedEx guy) then everything's fine, but if it's someone she doesn't know then she should bark. If I tell her "Mom's here" though, then she flips out bouncing all around the house for a loooong time until her favorite person shows up.

She knows "get in the car", but she still has trouble figuring out which car we're getting into. Once in the car, she sits in the passenger seat until I say "backseat" and she hops in back.

Perhaps the most important command she knows though is "wait." When we go for a walk, I trained her to stop whenever I say "wait" which is usually at all intersections. She has gotten to the point that she stops at intersections before I even say it, which is good.

So how about your dog(s)? What commands and prompts do they know?
Old 04-10-2006, 12:25 AM   #2
Jeremy Letkey
I guess the basics. Sit, stay, down (lay), off (no jumping), heal, watch (similar to your whose here) nice, (for treats) your room, up, Up Up(this is for jumping) however my dog does not really jump. You would be hard pressed to slide a piece of paper under her feet during her "jumps". If she were Native American , her name would be "little puppy no hops". LOL
Old 04-10-2006, 08:52 AM   #3

This is what my dog loves doing. He knows Left Right, hold, and a noise that means get up thier and give them a bite.
Old 04-10-2006, 09:03 AM   #4
the newest and most important thing my two have learned is the word "outside" whe ni say it they will run to the back and start scratching the sliding door other then the basic sit and stuff they know "treat" they will but bolt into the kitchen and sit all pretty at the cabinet i keep them in
he are the little trouble makers
Old 04-10-2006, 09:17 AM   #5
My Akita Abigail knows "back up" (she will do just that, back up), "easy" (when playing starts getting too rough), "enough" (when playing or barking at something is to be stopped), "stop" (she has allergies and she has tendencies to irritate her eye by scratching with her dew claw), "lay down" (is actually different then what you'd think. It means for her to lay her head down, usually when she is laying on the bed and blocking the TV with her big head) and she also knows to go to where I point.
Old 04-10-2006, 09:52 AM   #6
Jeremy Letkey
I guess I should mention that my dog also works all of these commands on hand signals as well as verbal commands.
Old 04-10-2006, 06:13 PM   #7
my guys know sit,stay,down,speak(big and little),crate, other side(if i want them to walk on the other side), easy, sit up, enough(to stop barking), come, away, by me, when i say it's ok to open the door they will not run up to the door but stay where they are, on up, off, growl, attack when i say so. they're both pretty good dogs and i have been lucky in them having great temperments and smarts.
Old 04-10-2006, 07:01 PM   #8
Originally Posted by Jeremy Letkey
I guess I should mention that my dog also works all of these commands on hand signals as well as verbal commands.
Ooh I forgot about that. Jersey knows hand signals for sit, down, and come here, but that's it.

Jerz also knows "MOVE!" (when I'm trying to carry something heavy down the stairs) and "back up" (she doesn't understand the concept of door swing) and "scoot over" (I sleep on the side near the alarm clock).

She also knows "NO LICKING!" and "Go upstairs" as well as "I'll be right back" which pretty much means don't bother getting up, because I'm just stepping out of the room for two seconds.

I've tried and tried to teach her "shake" or "paw" but she just doesn't get it. What's weird is that she'll offer her paw when she wants attention, but if I take her paw, she's like "What the heck are you doing? Let go!" Oh well.
Old 04-12-2006, 09:23 PM   #9
Bar None Reptiles
Hmm, I'll just give the commands Jango knows since he knows most of them.
Sit, down, BANG! (play dead), Haiku also has a lil bang which you do after and he will go into convulsions like he is dying, Sit pretty, dance, paw for shaking or nail clipping, high 5, take a bow, get it (to make him pick up stuff), get more (to continue picking up), cry, wave, back, speak ( any volume I choose), cookie, outside, go for a ride, come, stay, go right, go left, wait, easy, touch, gimme, drop it, go to bed, get him (name the target), herd em up, quiet, ball ( as in go get me one so we can play), wink, who's there, watch em, eat, what's that (which means come give me whatever it is your chewing on so I can see what it is and if I want you to have it). He won't consume anything from a stranger. He'll either bring it to me for inspection and I can hand it back to him, or he will go around the corner or when they are not looking and drop it. If you show him money he will steal it. If you let him chose the money you tell him to take one and he takes a dollar bill, or if you tell him to get cookie money he chooses the highest bill. Freaky, I don't know how he knows that one. If you hand him something, like a soda or a pack of smokes, my mail, he will bring it to me. Pretty much anything you can think of, he'll do it. He also has hand signals for most of the commands. And half the time I don't have to tell him to do anything, he just does it. If he knocks something over, he'll pick it up. If something or someone is not where they belong, he puts them there. I don't know how he picked it all up, I just try giving him commands and he does them right the first time like he knows what I am thinking, it's wierd.
Old 04-13-2006, 02:13 AM   #10
Originally Posted by Bar None Reptiles
Haiku also has a lil bang which you do after and he will go into convulsions like he is dying,
That's awesome!

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