Rant of a Cashier - VERY LONG! :P and im bored! - FaunaClassifieds
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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 12-23-2006, 03:33 AM   #1
Mooing Tricycle
Rant of a Cashier - VERY LONG! :P and im bored!

Okay, so what is it with people who, when they come to the counter to purchase something, wait a thousand minutes to decide what they want? Its one thing when you are deciding on a pack of smokes because we dont carry your specific brand... but when you get the same darn thing every day of every week without fail??? come on now. to add, what is it with people who have a NEED to take forever when there are more and more people lining up behind you and im the ONLY one on register at that time!??

and what is it with Gross Nasty smelling customers??? Like really, people who smell like Urine or... yep you guessed it Feces!??? Theres a thing called Deodorant, it comes in the form of a stick, spray or a wash... USE IT!? Im sorry, but no i do not appreciate the air reeking of your stink long after you have gone. Yes. i even have a spray to use after you leave the building.... The customers behind you GREATLY appreciate it!!!! Oh, and i hold my breath when you approach the counter....

Women who wear TOO DARN MUCH PURFUME! oh my GOD do you Bathe in the stuff!? there are people in this world who have Asthma you know... its not very comfortable to breathe that crap in when you dont get a whole ton of oxygen as is... it would be one thing if it actually smelled NICE... vanilla works for most everyone ( right? ), or a nice LIGHT citrus. but stuff that reeks of Gaudy flowers and nasty Potpourri is NOT my idea of a purfume... and yes. i can smell the cigarettes you just smoked on up until you got to our door and had to grudgingly put it out because we dont allow smoking inside the building.

theres another thing. when there are no smoking signs posted ALL OVER our liquor store, why on earth do you bring a LIT cigarette in!???? we can smell it. and we WILL yell at you to get out!

So... our signs outside of the store, Blindingly huge state we sell wine and beer and liquor. Thats right, all three. so why is it. when you walk in, SEE the Beer cooler right in front of your face, and Wine ALL on the left hand side of you, do you walk up to me and ask where one of the two is????? Are you THAT blind... that.. when i point to where it is, and say in a semi sarcastic tone, over there? do you exclaim "OH! hah i never saw it!?"............. *blank stare*

okay, one more thing, Why is it. that when you as a customer, BREAK something, by, dropping, letting it slip, knocking it over... do you NOT TELL ME!? i can Obviously hear it when is dead and youre the only one in the store. OR when, if its busy you not only.. dont tell me, but you decide that walking out of the store is a better option!?? Im not going to make you pay for it, but HECK have the decency to TELL me so i can clean it up before it permeates the air/carpet/other wine labels... especially red wines, which get all over EVERYTHING and STAIN and STINK!! I especially cannot stand it when you drop beer from the cooler, then proceed to get another one and come to the counter, completely avoiding mentioning you just dropped something.... RRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

/rant ignore misspellings and typos :P im too lazy tonight.
Old 12-23-2006, 05:17 AM   #2
Old 12-23-2006, 08:26 AM   #3
Ginger Ambrose

I have a few customers that reek!

I actually have to spray & prop my door open for an hour or so, to clear the smell.

It seems that these customers are the ones that want to linger. They want to sit & chat. I wonder if they are aware that they smell bad?
I cannot see any way to correct this however.
I know there are some illnesses & conditions where body odor is unavoidable.
The customers, that come in in filthy clothes, with the odor of booze actually coming in waves off of them. These are the folks I am offended by.
Think about it................you come in reeking of booze..................
to pay your CAR INSURANCE !!!
What is up with wearing your pajamas out to pay your bills? I mean dressed for bed! Slippers, P.J.s, hair uncombed, lack of underclothes (women=bra men=drawers).
I really do not need to see this............really.
I try to be understanding, I try to see the other side of the coin. I even find myself making excuses for people. I really see no excuse for being filthy, and undressed in public.
How many of you would go to a professional office in your bed clothes?
Still drunk, and reeking?
Get up bathe, get dressed in clean clothes, comb/brush your hair, brush your teeth. I know it is a lot of steps. Guess it is a LOT to ask huh?
Old 12-23-2006, 09:08 AM   #4
I NEVER mind people who come in filthy when it is obvious that they just got off work(I.E> roofers that have been working all day). But when someone comes in drenched in aftershave or perfume... uggg... I can't breathe, and the entire shop smells like it until they leave. People who are drinking at 9am(and they are not night workers, they don't have jobs) and act like they think its funny to show up drunk.
The really fun ones are the close-talkers with haliosis. Oh man.. I LOVE my counter. REALLY do, I can step back as if I'm looking under it for something, then stand there 3 feet away casually... out of range.
Old 12-23-2006, 10:00 AM   #5
My pet peeve at check out counters are those that don't get their payment ready. They stand their and watch the clerk ring up $150 worth of groceries then when they are all finished they reach for their wallet or check book. Did it comes as a surprise that they were going to have to pay for this stuff?
Old 12-23-2006, 02:44 PM   #6
Mooing Tricycle
Originally Posted by kmurphy
My pet peeve at check out counters are those that don't get their payment ready. They stand their and watch the clerk ring up $150 worth of groceries then when they are all finished they reach for their wallet or check book. Did it comes as a surprise that they were going to have to pay for this stuff?

YES..... Especially when they write it out REALLY slowly....
Old 12-23-2006, 02:48 PM   #7
Mooing Tricycle
Originally Posted by clarinet45
"and what is it with Gross Nasty smelling customers??? Like really, people who smell like Urine or... yep you guessed it Feces!??? Theres a thing called Deodorant, it comes in the form of a stick, spray or a wash... USE IT!?"

wow, that is really horrible. I am in a bad neighborhood, but I never really had that problem. Even the hobos just smelled... musty. but not BAD. The most memorable customer was a regular that always smelled really strongly of peppermint.

"theres another thing. when there are no smoking signs posted ALL OVER our liquor store, why on earth do you bring a LIT cigarette in!???? we can smell it. and we WILL yell at you to get out!"

I'm in the ghetto, it has gone one step further. I had a guy come in, smoking a cig. Before he could walk further into the store [the counter is right in front of the doors] I told him he can't smoke in here and asked him to go outside to finish it. Well, he ignored me, but before i could repeat myself, louder, he just grabbed a soda from the front cooler and came up to the counter. I informed him, as nice as i could at this point, that I would not serve him until he put out his cig. So what does the SOB do? He tosses it on the carpet in front of my cashregister/counter and stomps it out. I totally lost it. I told him to pick it up, take it outside and throw it out and don't bother coming back in. He made a scene, the other cashier that i went to school with was just as appalled and refused him service too. He ranted, i couldn't smell it, but he was probably drunk. Probably one of the most ridiculous things i have ever had happen to me at the gas station.

Oh MAN i would have been pissed. Weve got about a zillion cameras ( to the point we can watch you pick your nose from several different angles!) so id totally catch him in the act on that and print it out for the owner. if he ever came back, im betting he would make the guy pay to replace the carpet.... i would have been angry too, but that niceness would have just seeped right out of me...

Gas stations are tough. You get alot of REALLY different people, and i would be terrified to work a night shift by myself.
Old 12-23-2006, 02:52 PM   #8
Mooing Tricycle
Originally Posted by Ginger Ambrose
It seems that these customers are the ones that want to linger. They want to sit & chat. I wonder if they are aware that they smell bad?

Think about it................you come in reeking of booze..................
to pay your CAR INSURANCE !!!

Why IS that!? Like wolfy said below, i can understand when you just get out of work, but when these people seriously come in smelling NASTY and unclean in apparantly fresh clothes, i have to wonder how aware they are of the thing called hygiene.... YUCK

And thats just sad... Paying your car insurance drunk... It makes me feel bad because some of the customers we serve are probably the ones that after stopping to buy their daily supply of booze, drink it, then go do things like that.

Old 12-23-2006, 02:54 PM   #9
Mooing Tricycle
Originally Posted by Wolfy-hound
I NEVER mind people who come in filthy when it is obvious that they just got off work(I.E> roofers that have been working all day). But when someone comes in drenched in aftershave or perfume... uggg... I can't breathe, and the entire shop smells like it until they leave. People who are drinking at 9am(and they are not night workers, they don't have jobs) and act like they think its funny to show up drunk.
The really fun ones are the close-talkers with haliosis. Oh man.. I LOVE my counter. REALLY do, I can step back as if I'm looking under it for something, then stand there 3 feet away casually... out of range.

haha, ive never tried that... i mean, i do somtimes when getting smokes ( and ill go realllly slowly to do that), but since i always have to use the register im kinda stuck dealing with them... Blech!
Old 12-23-2006, 04:12 PM   #10
I worked in retail for a month. Worst experience of my life. I rather be a plumber then work in retail.

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