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Old 05-24-2006, 10:15 PM   #1
Mexican Immigration Issues

As the media has made us all well aware, the Mexicans are coming.
Where were they 30 years ago when the numbers were so high to begin with??

My solution to the issue is plain and simple. Block off the border and the 12 million or so we have here, give them a chioce: home or military. No excuses, no exceptions. Five years, no less. Male and female. Their kids have to go back to Mexico until the parents have finished their time.
If they, for some reason, cannot serve in the military, send them home. If they cannot speak English clearly and accurately, send them home. Period.

The leaders we have elected over the past three decades have completely ignored the fact these people come here and take our jobs, lower property values, and create more crime. No all, I know, but look in the jails of the southwest: more Mexicans than anything other race. Wonder why that is??

The fact that Americans are having to learn Spanish in schools and workplaces is beyond normalcy. This is OUR country, not theirs. It is OUR hertiage, not theirs. If theirs is that important, stay there.

If Americans went to another country, do you think these other countries would change their entire way of life to make us feel more at home? Of course not.

As Americans, we allow other nationalities to freely come here to live and work. Each brings a piece of home with them. But, they do not thrust it into out faces and say "change for us". This is the way it should be.

But, Mexicans feel that we owe them that change. I do not. This America, not Mexico. If they want Mexican rules and customs, go where they are-- Mexico.

Furthermore, English is the ONLY officail language of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is the only language to be spoken in public here.

I have a friend from Nigaruaga {sp?}. This is a Spanish speaking nation and he has told me of the things Mexicans say about Americans, in Spanish, in our faces. We have no idea of the degrading things being said about us, in front of us. They laugh it off and we just smile with them. Did you know you were being called a filthy crap-eating American? Probably not. But what do you do? Smile and nod.

I also think that companies that hire these illeagals should be fined in mass doses. $10,000 per person, per day. Period. What if they say "we didn't know"? Double the fine. Remember those papers we have to fill out when we are hired on a job that requires us to show proof of citizenship? They know these people are illegal. They know they are hiring illegals illegally. Period.

Border Patrol? They are a joke. Most are Mexicans, or of Mexican descendants. Who is the crackhead that thought that one up?

The Mexican gov't encourages its citizens to cross the border so that they may send money home and boost the economy. Here's an idea---- encourage your people to stop producing drugs and build your own economy. Build factories, produce something other than drugs and drunks. How about maybe investing something education. { Thats like a school -- you know what that is right?} Perhaps even make financial incentives for Mexican students to stay in school..............maybe help your people to start businesses NOT drug related.

The US should also start a program to help keep Mexicans home. Something along the lines of " no greencard, no work" should work. Oh, wait, we have already. Its the employers that violate that. Perhaps the gov't should shut down these businesses.

The boycott the Mexicans put on showed the are of no value to the US. Now lets show them we are of value to them.
Make them legal or make them gone.
Old 05-25-2006, 09:34 AM   #2
You need to come to the HELL forum where this is being discussed quite well. Unfortunalty we have all these rules, expect join the military or leave. We are a nation of laws that are not followed or protected, thus we have millions of illegal immigrants here that are wanting us(legal citizens) to give them everything that want because they are not citizens. This have become the Land of the Handouts and Home of the Gimmies-Mark Larsen. What is the point of having laws if they are not enforced?

Being close to the border here I am too close to all of this and have personally seen illegals running accross the border. Today Presidente Faux-A-Lot is going to be giving a speach in Los Angeles. So far he tells people that he supports our efforts to protect our border. What a lie!!!!!! When the US announced that the border needed to be protected he was on the phone with his best friend President Bush telling him otherwise. When Bush announced the use of the National Guard on our border, once again Faux was on the phone with Bush telling him not to do it. This guy is out of office next month and thinks he is something great. He comes here and gets a standing ovation for telling lies.

Faux is supported by the Los Angeles mayor who is an activist for Mexican illegals. This guy has opened an office to support illegals that have ccome over and help them until they become stable here. AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! He made a speach during the protest rallies in support of illegal immigrants, this guy is now a spokesman for them. During his speach he said that illegals clean our toilets. So in response to his speach, over 1,000 toilet brushes were mailed to him by those who do NOT support illegal immigration.

Have anyone ever read Mexico's immigration laws? Talk about strict! They even enforce the law. They only grant 3,000 immigrants citizenship a year. What really gets me is that illegals come here to America because they do not like their country, yet who do they make their alliance to? That's right, the country they are running away from. To be a legal immigrant one must make an alliance to the USA, thus they are American. Tell me another country that allows immigrants to be given that freedom so openly? What happened to the status of being an American?

Imagine if we actually enforced the law. The freeways would be cleared up, there would be more jobs open(don't even try telling me Americans will not do the job illegals do, I have personally worked on a farm), less crime, more housing, and etc. We need to to protect our border and stop this flow of illegals, it is bring down our economy and our people. Illegals bring trash into our country, literally. I know people on the border that carry a gun and trash bag when they walk around their acerage of land, one for protection and the other for picking up the garbage that these illegals drop on his property.

We cannot support 100 million illegals in 20 years as some of our politicians want. It has taken over 40 years for the US to gain 100 million new people(that includes births here). It is already crouded and the politicians think that 100 million in 20 years along with 50 million from our citizens in those 20 years is a good thing. Sorry but dirt is not being made anymore, we do not have that kind of capacity.
Old 05-27-2006, 12:37 PM   #3
FYI - There is NO official language of the US. Period. There never has been. Roughly a month ago, they FINALLY started the process of MAYBE making English the official language, but I have not heard if it had passed yet. In fact, I've just read they try to pass similar measures almost every year they are in session....and you can see how well that has worked to date. Until then, you just have to put up with people speaking Chinese, Polish, Spanish, and whatever other language they please. You also have to continue to feed the government more money for printing documents (such as in the DMV) in multiple languages because there IS no official language and they can't force people to learn to read and speak English. It is ILLEGAL to not hire someone based on the fact they can't speak English (State laws do vary a bit), just as it's illegal to not hire them based on sex, race, age, or handicap. Chew on that for awhile.
Old 05-27-2006, 02:20 PM   #4
Shanti very good. Currently there are 27 states that have recognized English as their official language. Arizona and Alaska has had the law overturned. Twenty five states still have the law in effect. Some of the states have the law as "statues" while others have it as "constitutional" Three states total have more then one official state language English along with French in Louisiana, Hawaiian in Hawaii, and Spanish in New Mexico.

As far as the federal government goes they do not, they have not started to even consider English as an official language until 1981. Even then, they tried to make "American" the official language, but that never passed as was a bit ridiculous.
Old 05-28-2006, 04:06 PM   #5
The senate passed a bill making it the official language, it still has to be reconcilled in the other house. Even if it passes it is still BS, as they have also included wording that says it will not change any of the current laws or even rights (that shouldn't apply anyway) that the states have, such as mandatory printing stuff in other languages, bilingual education, mandatory translators in courts, hospitals etc. It is a purely symbolic piece of garbage.
Old 05-28-2006, 07:15 PM   #6
Again, we have to blame the elected officials.

Colorful words, catch phrases, etc............

I say lets do this in plain wording { in ENGLISH}.

How I would put it.

" English is the common, and ONLY, language in the United States.
There are, and will be, NO exceptions. Tax dollars of legal residents of the United States cannot, and WILL NOT be used to print ANYTHING in ANY other language. Neither Federal, NOR State, funds shall be used to print, manufacter, distribute and official document.
States found to be violating this law will lose ALL federal funding. NO exceptions.
Persons living, or visiting, The United States, are compelled to use the ENGLISH language ONLY. Persons not knowing the ENGLISH are hereby banned from entering, residing, or visiting the United States. If a person cannot speak ENGLISH, he/she will be deported immediately".

This is the United States of America. Not the Mexican States in America.

Its time immigrants put their big girl panties on and DEAL WITH IT
Old 05-30-2006, 01:48 PM   #7
Have you heard the new National Anthem in Spanish? They changed the words and meaning and title. It even comes out during the protesting, how convenient. Seems to be a good protest kind of song. Here it is(English translation below):

'Nuestro Himno'
Verso 1

Amanece, lo veis?, a la luz de la aurora?

lo que tanto aclamamos la noche al caer?

sus estrellas sus franjas

flotaban ayer

en el fiero combate

en señal de victoria,

fulgor de lucha, al paso de la libertad.

Por la noche decían:

"Se va defendiendo!"


Oh decid! Despliega aún

Su hermosura estrellada

sobre tierra de libres,

la bandera sagrada?

Verso 2

Sus estrellas, sus franjas,

la libertad, somos iguales.

Somos hermanos. Es nuestro himno.

En el fiero combate en señal de victoria,

Fulgor de lucha

(Mi gente sigue luchando)

al paso de la libertad

(Ya es tiempo de romper las cadenas.)

Por la noche decían: "!Se va defendiendo!"

Oh decid! Despliega aún su hermosura estrellada

sobre tierra de libres,

la bandera sagrada?

English translation:

'Our Anthem'
Verse 1

It's sunrise. Do you see by the light of the dawn

What we proudly hailed last nightfall?

Its stars, its stripes

yesterday streamed

above fierce combat

a symbol of victory

the glory of battle, the march toward liberty.

Throughout the night, they proclaimed: "We will defend it!"


Tell me! Does its starry beauty still wave

above the land of the free,

the sacred flag?

Verse 2

Its stars, its stripes,

liberty, we are equals.

We are brothers in our anthem.

In fierce combat, a symbol of victory

the glory of battle,

(My people fight on)

the march toward liberty.

(The time has come to break the chains.)

Throughout the night they proclaimed: "We will defend it!"

Tell me! Does its starry beauty still wave

above the land of the free,

the sacred flag?

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