Bad Guy GRay rushin , - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 05-25-2015, 02:55 PM   #1
GRay rushin ,

I sent gray rushin $3k for a total payment of 4k for a pick of the litter 2012 female hypo marron. He told me on the phone that the marron was 5ft and over 5lbs... I had sent him 3k to soon finalize the payment of 4k. Via email before final payment, I re-asked the size and exact weight of the animal In email, " Not too much to ask for when spending 4k on a boa constrictor". He then got back to me saying the 2012 pick of the litter female was only 4ft 2.23lbs...... Obviously far from what he told me on the phone, in which sold me on sending him 3k. I then asked politely to speak to him because I was thoroughly concerned about my deal. He then wrote me via email, accusing me of having killing the snake if I were to have gotten it... and then offering me a refund that he then turned back on. (All of which I have all stored in my email). After that I apologized for whatever reason I shouldn't have, and then felt forced into another deal where I was purchasing a younger marron female. Soon after that I was put in a very hard position, my girlfriend and I split up. I told him that I really needed that money that I sent him (3k) for personal reasons then invested in a boa that I originally didn't invest in.... He did then send my asking about of 2k back.... The problem is, anyone who has ever delt with gray rushin knows he's slow at getting back to emails. I had my girlfriend at the time, that was running my paypal balances through her Paypal account, refund the 3k in protection of my funds. At this point because Gray had been a lose cannon, threatened to not send my money back, and then accuse me of killing the snake when he originally lied to me about the 4k animals size! This was all in protection of my own financial well being.... HE DID however send me back 2k to my personal email in which I asked for.... In the mean time the 3k reversal on Julia's paypal.. ( who is my ex) had been pressed through.. I have in text me stressing to her then that it was ok for her to reverse the 3k reversal on her paypal.... We had an agreement for me to buy. The 4k jungle marron female that he now has posted on kingsnake for $3250.00 and he has denied me sales or
Service... I haven't done gray wrong. I simply asked
For photos or info... In which he stressed to me was a lot of extra work. So now he thinks he deserves keeping my payment over. The end result is I've sent Gray 3k, only got 2k back, been accused of killing a snake that I was lied to about and called a con. I haven't recieved any animal nor my full refund... I am out $1000.00!!! So I'm here letting anyone who is a curious Avid reptile boa person to be cautious before you send gray rushin any sort of money or asking him for info about his boas.He has his own personal opinion about business and people, anything you might say will conflict with his judgment. All I'm asking for is my money back or the jungle pastel female I asked for after he was dodging me.
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Old 05-25-2015, 03:44 PM   #2
Originally Posted by jburrut View Post
and then felt forced into another deal where I was purchasing a younger marron female. Soon after that I was put in a very hard position, my girlfriend and I split up. I told him that I really needed that money that I sent him (3k) for personal reasons
I sent him a link. How could he force you into a second deal?

After you make an agreement with someone, in my personal opinion only the most serious of personal circumstances (A child's hospitalization, for instance) would warrant asking for a transaction reversal (and the seller is within his rights to consider and decide whether to agree to the reversal).
To me, a breakup just doesn't qualify.

Does his TOS address his less-than-full refund? Was part of the money you sent a nonrefundable deposit?
If not, IF he agreed to a reversal you may have a point on the non refunded money.

Why don't you go ahead and post ALL the emails between the two of you please.
Old 05-25-2015, 04:43 PM   #3
Your right when writing this I should have proof read it, forcing me is the wrong term. But that's irrelevant too why he has $1000.00 of my
Money and I have no snake or anything.

I have screen shotted over 80 pictures of emails. So yes I have all the emails.
When you read it you'll see the technicalities too our deal. Toward the end is where he thinks I tried go scam him. But it was an honest mis communicatiookn mistake by me and my ex girlfriend. And even still, Gray has $1000.00 of my hard worked and earned money and I have no snake too show for..
Old 05-25-2015, 07:22 PM   #4
Originally Posted by jburrut View Post
Your right when writing this I should have proof read it, forcing me is the wrong term. But that's irrelevant too why he has $1000.00 of my
Money and I have no snake or anything.

I have screen shotted over 80 pictures of emails. So yes I have all the emails.
When you read it you'll see the technicalities too our deal. Toward the end is where he thinks I tried go scam him. But it was an honest mis communicatiookn mistake by me and my ex girlfriend. And even still, Gray has $1000.00 of my hard worked and earned money and I have no snake too show for..
Can you post all of the communication that went on between you and the seller? What is his TOS (terms of service) in regards to a refund?
Old 05-27-2015, 04:25 AM   #5
just to be clear, the original agreed upon price for the snake was $4,000. You paid $3,000 through your (ex)girlfriend's PayPal account, then when you decided you didn't want the snake, you filed a dispute to have your $3,000 returned through PayPal. Then you also had the seller send you $2,000 to your personal PayPal account. It's that all correct?

If so, is this what you are referring to when you say the seller thought you were shaking him but it was an honest mistake?

Has the dispute on your girlfriends account for the original $3000 been stopped?
Old 05-28-2015, 11:44 PM   #6
I have all emails but need help posting them in a conservative way!

The original deal was for a pick of the litter female 2012 hypo marron. That gray rushin told me was 5ft 5-6 lbs.... I had sent 3k... Before I sent the remaining 1k I made sure too get an exact length and weight he then got back and told me it was 4ft 1iche and 2.23lbs...

1 foot short of the original length...

I told him I wanted to explain to him that this wasn't going to work he then told me he would refund my money? Called me a would be breeder and atold me I'd probably kill the boa. Since paying 4k I needed this boa to breed by next Xmas2015.
So after he told me he would refund my $ for the hypo marron.? He then said that I wouldn't get my money back with out some sort of consequences, because I had asked him about numours photos and waisted his time. So we then agreed on another snake.

my girlfriend had soon left me and taken the cars, so since I had been financially wrapped up in this snake ( hypo marron)that wasn't what he told me it was, and then into
ANother one (2014 jungle marron) that I wasn't ready to be into. I asked
HIm too send me $ to my email.

And gray did! He refunded me 2k to my email leaving a balance of 1k. He honorably did it.

Where It got sketchy was, anyone who knows gray knows he takes 1-1500 days to get back to you.... So once I had gone through the " miscommunication of the hypo marron" and re made the new deal on the jungle marron. It had been close too 45 days ( where paypal will no longer honor their money back disputes) . Now where I was at was. I needed to either get my 2k sent or file a dispute because it was getting near that 45 day mark it was actually day 44 day mark.. But gray did it during the day then later that ebony
Told me he did the refund.

My ex girlfriend honestly did the dispute, but I soon told her to undo it ( which I have saved in text) and she called and spent an hour on the phone with paypal to undo the dispute. I then thought all was ok. I tried contacting gray 5 times about 1 month later with no avail. He then wrote me saying that I was a con Artist and told me I wasn't getting my money back and to not contact him.

After he's called me
All these names accused me of killing a snake that he originally lied about when selling it to me. And now he's stiffing me
FOr 1k ...

I have everything on email I just need help posting it as I use my phone to access fuana and have over 80 email photo convos and it's
Making me
Post 1 single photo at a time, which would blow this thread up

All I'm asking for is a snake or
My money back.


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