What would you do if you got sent IBD? - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-18-2002, 12:49 PM   #1
Chris Red
I'm going to post the Lab report here..so if any one can hip me to how, please do...I know some people are tired of hearing about this...but if was you I bet you would bring it up.....Chris
Old 02-18-2002, 01:24 PM   #2
The easiest way to get them on here would get the lab to
e-mail the lab results to you , or put them on word yourself, then copy paste to the forum.

What exactly happened, were they sent with obvious signs or did they develop later?
From a reputable dealer, small time dealer or otherwise?
And what were the snakes? boas? pythons?
Other conditions, such as mites, etc.?

Are the lab results pending or final now?

Post them when you get them back and don't forget to include the info as to what lab and such too.

There is a member here that recieved an unmarked package, that had an IBD infected snake in it. Since he has dealt with this, maybe he could give some advice.
Old 02-18-2002, 02:01 PM   #3
Chris Red
I have them scaned...like a pic
Old 02-18-2002, 02:23 PM   #4
Chris Red
Ok...here is how the story goes...
So I bought a pair of Suriname Redtails from Bill Cagle off the class. at  kingsnake. When they arrived I was less then happy so I called Bill to tell him. Bill said to watch them for a week and see how they did and if I wasn't happy he would send a new snake(the female was the one in question). So a week went by didn't eat and was having strange stool(green/yellow)..so I called him to let him know and he said that he knew after shipping them it was a bad idea and was so sorry  he sent Them to me and would send me a snake from his" private collection" and if I wanted to keep the sick one and see what was wrong with it to go ahead.I also asked him were he got the snakes and he told me
(no need to say right now)he bought them from a dealer at the Atlanta show.
 O.k.  so the snake gets here and it looks fine....so I bring all three of them to the vet. The First one(male from the pair) probed out to be a female and looked ok but very thin.
The second(the one sent for replacement)....look great the vet said.....ok now the third one(the sickest one)...was full of parasites and worms and moving very slow. So we put her on antibiotics and wormed her. When I got home I called Bill and told him what the deal was on the  so called male and we worked it out after much BS and he sent me a male that was  nice,not wanting the other one back that should tell you somthing right there....  That night the female passed so I brought it to the vet. to have send off for lab report. Two weeks latter I get back the report and it had tested positive for IBD.
O.k. at this point I'm freaking out I house around 20 snakes...now the two snakes that were sent first were sold as a pair(really a trio so someone else out there bought the third from Cagle),shipped as a pair and house as a trio before I ever bought them....not only that the boxes he shipped in were old and beat up with six other labels on them...that can't be clean..so now I have one dead snake, one I'm sure has IBC poor looking snake and two good looking snakes I feel uncertain about...all this in less then one month....Chris
Old 02-18-2002, 02:46 PM   #5
Brian Oakley
I have to ask........why has your last name changed from what you use on the Boa forum?  Just does not look right if you ak me.
Brian Oakley
Old 02-18-2002, 03:00 PM   #6
Tony Basicas Weirdsnakes
UNBELIEVEABLE !!!!!!!!!! spam_
And NOW the rest of the story....
The 2 adult surinames Chris was sent where sold to him for $400 a reduced price because they where being sold as needing to be kept quarantined and less than perfect. spam_Chris admits that not only did he not quarantine but when he received the new snake from Bills private collection he brought it and the sick snake TOGETHER to the vet effectively exposing the new snake to the sick ones that where suppose to be kept seperate !!! spam_Bill has offered to make this deal right and now chris has ended up with 4 adult suriname redtails 2 from Bills private collection and he is still pissing and moaning without providing any form of proof either from his own vet, pictures of the passed snake or reports from the lab !!! spam_If all of a sudden animals in his collection show up with IBD only one person can be blamed !!! Chris himself for not following any form of quarantine procedures.
Now was Bill incorrect in selling these animals as a pair..yes..did he make more than good on that mistake YES. spam_Did he sell the original pair as high quality perfectly healthy animals NO NO NO!!!!
All I can say is
He goes also by
Chris, Chris H and CDH on the boa forums on kingsnake. spam_And now he appears to yet have another last name !!!!

Old 02-18-2002, 03:30 PM   #7
Chris Red
Your just looking.....look harder..."CDH" Christopher Dolph Henrich...Chris H.(short for my last name)..Chris Red is my working name(I'm a musician and Billy G. from ZZ top gave me the name and lots of people know me only to that name)...sorry it was to late I all ready registered.
Seller beware of what my money!!! I've bought snakes from many people and have never had a problem like this. I have nothing to hide...
Old 02-18-2002, 03:42 PM   #8
The BoidSmith
Maybe it's elemental but I don't recognize the abreviation. Could someone explain me what is IBD please?


Old 02-18-2002, 04:12 PM   #9
Here is some info on IBD:
IBD info from Dr. Jacobson in Florida
Basically it is an incurrable disease that mainly effects
boas and pythons.. sometimes called the boa Aids.
Old 02-18-2002, 04:42 PM   #10
If I bought two snakes for $400 and they were sold to me to be imperfect and needing quarantine........I would not have bought them in the first place.  But if I did...It would be okay.  Because I quarantine all my snakes.  (Well except for one)
Bill Sent to you two other "healthy" snakes to replace the sick ones..  So everything is a done deal.  It is no longer his fault if you exposed the healthy ones to the sick ones.

Short story.  You bought and paid for two (2) healthy snakes.
What you got  in the end was two (2) healthy snakes.   Yes you got some UNhealthy ones along the way.  But he tried to make up for it by giving you some from his own collection.

Yes he was wrong for selling you snakes "with IBD"  (which you have not proven)  But he tried to make up for it by selling you healthy ones and you go and expose them to the sick snakes.  (THAT IS NOT HIS FAULT)

And Tony wasn't saying beware of your money.  He is saying beware of selling to you.  Your husbandry techniques are not quite up to par.   It means you are the type of customer that does not know the proper techniques of taking care of an animal.....hence any animal that gets sold to you CAN end up dying and you WILL end up blaming the seller.

Both parties are at fault in this case.
Bill made up for his part by sending you his own personall snakes.

As for you ....only thing you have done is to prove to everyone the following

1. you do not post with your full name and you use different ones.  (If everyone knows your working name....then why use a different one on the other forum)

2.  You do not have proper husbandry techniques.  (Hence selling to you would be a bad Idea)

3.  You can't Read.  The rules of this forum clearly state that you have to post with your full first and last name.

4.  You are quick to put the blame on other people.  (Bill made a  mistake of selling you two sick snakes...Now you wanna blame him for the other two and for the rest of your collection possibly getting IBD)

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