Bad Guy Steve Vigo, Karin Lieber, & - Copyright Infringement - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 10-26-2010, 07:15 PM   #1
Chris Anderson
Steve Vigo, Karin Lieber, & - Copyright Infringement

Steve Vigo, Karin Lieber and their company,, have been the subject of many threads on the BOI over the years (;;;;;; The list of people they have screwed is long and I've long ago stopped being surprised about the up cr@p they pull. In at least one instance, I discovered that much of the content of their sites at the time was taken from other sources ( Soon after this latter post, the content was removed. Well, I'm here to let everyone know that despite his supposed claims to the original poster of this last thread cited that he wants to change, they are back at it again!

I just discovered that one of the articles from the Chameleons! Online E-Zine (, of which I am the editor/owner, has been copied on their site ( I've attached screen shots of their site showing the infringed material.

I also noted that many of the other pages on their site are also from other sources:

- "Jackson Chameleon Care" ( taken from
- "Carpet Chameleon Care Sheet" ( Taken from
- "Cuban Rock Iguana Care Sheet" ( Taken from
- "Green Tree Python Care Sheet" ( Taken from
- "Giant Day Gecko Care/Breeding" ( Taken from and
- "Panther Chameleon Care Sheet" ( Taken from
- "More FAQ" ( Taken from
- "Handling Chameleons" ( Taken from

Needless to say, it seems obvious to me that little has changed.

Attached Images
Old 10-26-2010, 07:19 PM   #2
Chris Anderson
Here is a copy of the email I sent him notifying him of this thread and requesting that the content from my Chameleons! Online E-Zine be removed:

from Christopher V. Anderson
to Steve Vigo, Karin Lieber
cc Russ Case , "FL Chams, Inc.", "Linda J. Davison", Leann & Greg Christenson, Tyler Stewart, Bill Love, Vincent Wong
date Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 7:15 PM
subject Copyright Violation -

Dear Steve Vigo and Karin Lieber,

I just discovered that the "Chamaeleo Calyptratus - Veiled FAQ" on your website ( was taken from an article on the Chameleons! Online E-Zine ( As the editor/owner and copyright holder for the Chameleons! Online E-Zine, I did not give you permission to reproduce this article and in doing so, you have infringed the copyright of this article. As is stated on every page of the E-Zine "© 2002-2010 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is expressly forbidden without permission from the publisher."

I have noticed that this hardly appears to be an isolated incident. It seems like every time I turn around I find that you've replaced the content of your website with material taken from other people. In this particular case, I've noted that the above mentioned article is not the only material on your site that appears to be taken from other sources. The following articles also appear to have been taken from other sources, the owners of which I have CCed on this email, as I'm sure they too would appreciate knowing about your site's content:

- "Jackson Chameleon Care" ( taken from
- "Carpet Chameleon Care Sheet" ( Taken from
- "Cuban Rock Iguana Care Sheet" ( Taken from
- "Green Tree Python Care Sheet" ( Taken from
- "Giant Day Gecko Care/Breeding" ( Taken from and
- "Panther Chameleon Care Sheet" ( Taken from
- "More FAQ" ( Taken from
- "Handling Chameleons" ( Taken from

While I can't speak for the copyright holders of these other pieces, as the editor/owner and copyright holder of the Chameleons! Online E-Zine, I can speak for content on your "Chamaeleo Calyptratus - Veiled FAQ" page. Please remove the content you have infringed from the Chameleons! Online E-Zine immediately. If it is not removed from your site within 24 hours of this email being sent, I will issue official notification to your host company under the provisions of Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") in order to have them, as required by law, "expeditiously remove or disable access to" the infringed work and prevent you from subsequently posting the infringing work on their servers in the future.

Please note that this matter has also been posted on the Board of Inquiry ( Do not put any of my work or any material from the Chameleons! Online E-Zine on any of your websites again.



Christopher V. Anderson
Ph.D. Candidate
University of South Florida
Department of Integrative Biology
4202 E. Fowler Ave. - SCA 110
Tampa, FL 33620-5200
Attached Images
Old 10-26-2010, 10:00 PM   #3
Disappointing but not surprising behavior from these known con artists. They continue to sink lower and lower. True bottom feeders.
Old 10-26-2010, 10:49 PM   #4
That's sad, I remember reading the thread about this last time...
I hope they remove your content AND the other content that isn't theirs.
Old 10-26-2010, 10:54 PM   #5
Thanks, Chris, for continuing to help expose these two for the liars and thieves they are.
Old 10-26-2010, 11:35 PM   #6
Chris Anderson
Having heard that a number of the other individuals who's content was infringed have made similar requests to have their content removed, I received the two following emails from Mr. Vigo:

date Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 7:41 PM
subject Re: Copyright Violation -

Good evening Mr Anderson,
Below is the attached email that we received from you. First I would like to say thank you for bringing this to our attention. Im in no way a website design artist or a content builder. We hired a designer / marketer to work on things for our website. With that being said he built content that obviously was not his own and that of others. I deeply apologize and rest assured that this will be taken care of immediately. This email has been forwarded and things should be taken care of before this time tomorrow and an email letting you know its been done will be sent. Thanks again for the heads up and we apologize but a simply email got this taken care of. I really don’t think a BOI thread was necessary.

Thank You Steve
Toll Free: 800.385.4050
date Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 8:13 PM
subject Copy Right Issue

I also wanted to make it known that the content in question that was built by some one outside of The Veiled Chameleon has been up there for a year now. Nothing hasn't been added or changed in that time. So this isnt like we woke up and made a call to have content added from other sites. I'm sure you may think this but its not. Again I don't fault you for wanting your material down and I don't fault you for making the other people aware by email. But what I don't understand is why you couldn't send a simple email and wait for my reply. But instead you email start a BOI thread when all this could have been handled easily. I find it funny how it almost just almost makes it seem like you have it out for me. Is this true? This is between me and you were not going to take this and argue and curse. Im just asking a simple question of Do you have it out for me? The reason I ask this Chris is because in no way shape or form was that content just written its been there for a year when the website was just built. So what makes you go thru every single page of the site and see what is written where. Who has that time and energy to waste on something. You're a very intelligent man so I don't think this took a whole lot of time but why now? Why the sudden lets scroll thru The Veiled Chameleon site today!!!!!!!!! Are you bored or do you just have it out for me? I would like to know. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You Steve
Toll Free: 800.385.4050
My reply was as follows:

from Christopher V. Anderson
date Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 11:27 PM
subject Re: Copy Right Issue


If I had it out for you, don't you think I would have found this before now, especially if it has been there as long as you said? I found it by chance and acted on it as a result, not because I had a preconceived desire to stick it to you.

I happened onto your site today while browsing the Kingsnake classifieds and in looking at the content, recognized the "Jackson Chameleon Care" page taken from Similarly, in August when I noted and alerted everyone about the content of your page being taken from (, I recognized the content of the "About Us" page. In both cases, I explored further upon finding those pages and discovered a lot more.

Why did I recognize that content in the first place and care to look further? To quote the Reptmart Notice of Copyright, those "items represent a body of valuable effort put forth by or it's paid employees on our behalf for our use and benefit and as such have intrinsic intellectual and monetary value." As the "paid employee" of ReptMart and FLChams who wrote the content you infringed in both cases, I had an interest in seeing the valuable effort I put forth on behalf of those companies protected and did not want to see it used by a company I would never have accepted the offer to write content for in the first place.

Regardless of whether you yourself put the content on your site, or a paid developer put the content on your site, as the site and company's owner, you are ultimately responsible for the content on your site. Upon realizing that the content your developer used for your site was stollen from other sources, you should have been clued into the fact that other content this developer provided likely was too and looked into it. It isn't hard to copy and paste a line here and there into Google and locate the original source.

Ultimately, your failure to check the content of your site, particularly after being made aware of the origin of your site content, is a reflection of your business practices that are not inconsistent with the rest of your business's threads on the BOI. As stated before, you are ultimately responsible for your site's content. As such, this incident is most definitely appropriate for a BOI thread as it exposes a continuing trend of your business's practices.

Your insinuations that my response to you is in any way a personal vendetta is completely unfounded and not only inconsistent with the pattern of my discovery, but also with my history of responses to similar copyright violations:

Now, if you're quite finished making excuses, please remove the content from your website, refrain from doing so again, and while you're at it, you might consider straightening up your act because until you do, I doubt this will be the last BOI thread started about you and your businesses. I expect the email you've promised informing me that this content has been removed shortly.


Christopher V. Anderson
Ph.D. Candidate
University of South Florida
Department of Integrative Biology
4202 E. Fowler Ave. - SCA 110
Tampa, FL 33620-5200
Old 10-27-2010, 12:02 AM   #7
That's unbelievable, and it sounds like he is trying to make a fool out of everyone whose content he STOLE--trying to guilt you for starting a BOI thread.
Maybe if he hadn't put the content up in the first place the thread wouldn't be here.
And as for "it's been up for over a year"...stealing is stealing. It doesn't matter if the bike you took from a 10 year old has been "yours" for 3 years, you still took it from that kid.
That's just disrespectful on Steve's part.
And who is this website designer who is stealing photos? He is just as guilty as Steve for putting up the content; Steve is guilty for (if what he says is true) not checking that the content WASN'T stolen. Legal copyright infringement is serious, I wouldn't just allow someone to put up a website without double checking, because it will cost Steve's business in the long run.
Bad taste, indeed.
Old 10-27-2010, 12:26 AM   #8
... Im in no way a website design artist or a content builder. We hired a designer / marketer to work on things for our website. With that being said he built content that obviously was not his own and that of others. ...
That's a seriously lame cop-out, ya know. Web designers don't compose content...they just design around the content YOU give them. I have a seriously hard time believing you trusted a WEB GUY to write a professional caresheet for chameleons. You either gave him the ripped off content...or you told him to go rip it off wherever he could. Unless you just toss money at a guy and blindly say "build me a site complete with accurate care information that I'm not going to provide to you" and then NEVER even looked at it, I'm NOT buying that lame excuse.

I will say this, though....based on how often stolen images/documents are found and subsequently blamed on the web designer by the owner...makes you wonder why these poor "victims" aren't clamoring for a BOI for web designers.
Old 10-27-2010, 04:40 AM   #9
Originally Posted by JudyC View Post
That's a seriously lame cop-out, ya know. Web designers don't compose content...they just design around the content YOU give them. I have a seriously hard time believing you trusted a WEB GUY to write a professional caresheet for chameleons. You either gave him the ripped off content...or you told him to go rip it off wherever he could. Unless you just toss money at a guy and blindly say "build me a site complete with accurate care information that I'm not going to provide to you" and then NEVER even looked at it, I'm NOT buying that lame excuse.

I will say this, though....based on how often stolen images/documents are found and subsequently blamed on the web designer by the owner...makes you wonder why these poor "victims" aren't clamoring for a BOI for web designers.
Old 10-27-2010, 09:03 AM   #10
I work as a graphic designer and I can tell everyone that as a designer we all know what the laws are about copying any material whether it be a photo or written word. Now days alot of website are made so that the owner can make changes to the site without having any knowledge of how it works. Just start typing and hit the publish button.

just my 2 cents worth.

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