Bad Guy Dan Scolaro.... - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-22-2011, 04:47 AM   #1
Angry Dan Scolaro....

I feel like an idiot

I hate to say it but I was totally screwed over by this guy because I didn't know about this site before I bought two crocodile skinks from him....of course they were DOA....this guy is just so crazy he makes no sense READ his emails to me. I kept my patience the whole time but he spit his bullshit the entire time....jumping to some crazy conclusions about me and accusing me of all kinds of ridiculous things like: I killed the skinks myself, I'm in some conspiracy to harm his business, he told me that because I filed a complaint with paypal that I'm extorting his business, he's called into question my herp caring skills too and even called me stupid

He also(as you can clearly see below) threatened me with a lawsuit!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! ALL I DID WAS ASK FOR A REFUND!! He then(without a response from me) demanded I send him a copy of my drivers license!... Yea right Dan!

At first I asked for two replacement skinks, which he of course flat out refused. But then I started looking into his business....and I found this website and well you can figure out the rest. I realized I was dealing with a complete asshole

I know that posting this here really isn't going to accomplish much because he's still in business obviously.......but I just feel like it deserves being brought up again because he's STILL screwing people over

I have pictures of said croc skinks

Here's the original add and his website's guarentee

Welp, the following is all the emails exchanged between me and him its very long and I realized I accidentally deleted the first few emails but it wasn't anything important.

I just copied them straight from my email so you'll have to scroll down to the bottom and work your way back up

A people search on your name indicates that you may be 18-20 years old and may be a minor for all I know. For legal reasons, as you may understand, I do not wish to correspond with a minors so can you make a copy of your driver's license and fax it to 561-393-8532 and note on the top of the copy to address it to DTS HERPS, INC at Suite 245.

If all checks out, I do have a friend in St Peters which is not too far from your house. I spoke to him last evening and he said he will be glad to remedy this situation and bring you the pair of croc skinks and if you pay shipping then I will send them to him perhaps late next week when the weather permits. Since you did not receive them in person which obviously voids the guarantee, it would be considerate to perhaps pay for one of them.


And I think you missed or maybe over read my other statements earlier about delivery. I mentioned to ship to someone near you so they can bring you the skinks. To expand, I happen to have several good friends living in St Louis and on the outskirt towns of St Louis and I frequently ship them animals. For peace of mind, it would be better if they brought you the skinks in person rather than risk them being delivered at your door. And if you are so convinced that UPS will not ring the bell, then I would think you would rather have that great option available to have some frisky skink brought to you.


Well it is indeed against the law to threaten someone with liable actions which would mislead folks from the facts etc. or to win favor for something that you've been clearly notified that you are not entitled to. And that's regardless of how much anyone can twist the scenario and/or facts. If you tell me you are going to take action to win any benefit, then that is extortion. You are welcomed to take necessary actions in court or via an attorney as that is the legal route of such matters. However to file things administratively against a company on issues in which you are not entitled to recovery, then they are indeed all forms of extortion. If you doubt it, then call any attorney Monday and ask them about it. They will give an initial consult for free. I would suggest to call one just in cause you have any doubts or would rather have someone speak to my attorney.

The complaint to paypal will not do anyone any good especially yourself as paypal only refunds monies on non delivered items and they do not address the condition of items although they should as I have received some misrepresented animals over the years and had zero outlet for resolve besides court. So your claim will not be considered by them. And sadly, it is just a mark on my account which does not help your situation as its an obvious form of extortion and thievery as you are not entitled to replacement animals or a financial refund and you know that clearly. It is actually another tactic most scammer take advantage of to intimidate the other party into giving up however I never give up and you can read many threads on me that I will not fall for threats or the such but rather take care of business much later. I rather give nice people tons of free animals if they behave rationally and you can see that I do from the numerous feedback comments on my webpage. So that tactic you took or may take against my paypal account is just further evidence that you are trained to bully people to fall for your threats and extortion. And I'd rather not be bothered to file something in court and have you obtain an attorney to discuss it with my attorney as you would loose big time and I don't need the money I would gain from the recovery of defamation and extortion.

Besides all of that stuff, the guarantee from the croc skink advertisement is below. I don't like explaining this as if you are some kid pretending to ignore it, but it says "live arrival guaranteed when received on time." It is the standard guarantee in the business and no seller is going to honor any animal if the customer allows the box to sit outside for almost 3 hours even if its not his/her fault etc. And you clearly admit that you did not receive the goods on time which is not at the time of delivery and the tracking information and timing of your emails is clear evidence also. So it is in black and white now that you voided the guarantee or the guarantee was voided regardless if it was or was not your fault at the time of delivery as I do not have UPS working for me. Shipping was your option to select for delivery. I could deliver in person or ship them via delta airlines but you are the one who asked me to ship it via air delivery service. What part of that are you pretending to not understand? No offense, but why are you asking me to explain it in this fashion as if you don't understand it? And no offense, but if you pretend to ignore the obvious, then that does not work either as I am almost 50 years old and don't have time to spend explaining such things as if its some kid pretending to not know something he should.

GUARANTEE: There is a live arrival guarantee on all animals when delivered and received on time with priority/next day air delivery service.

Like I said before, there is nothing we can do about shipping next week. The hub temps in Louisville is below freezing as a low temp early in the week and I mentioned several times to wait this out and all will be taken care of. And I would prefer to ship stuff to a UPS store to avoid issues with the box being left outside. No offense, but I have to balance my trust and faith in the fact that UPS rang the bell verses some young fellow who says he did not hear it and that is not personal. Maybe your television was too loud, maybe you were in the shower, or maybe your dog was barking. Regardless, the poor animals demised and I am not willing to take the risk again for another pair of animals to go to your door. That is nothing personal, but just looking out for the critters. I do not care about the money. I care about the future of the reptiles.


The next and last three he sent me in response to this last email and I don't feel like typing in the exact dates and times because they did not copy from hotmail so that is why there's none of that between them

In a message dated 2/19/2011 9:30:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Dude I'm totally relaxed and if your willing to make this right I'm all ears

I will say I'm glad I didn't have to ask for that $45 back thank you for that. But don't claim I've made any threats against you that's ridiculous, I will gladly take back the complaint i just sent to paypal if you can convince me that your determined to fix this

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 21:19:41 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

I would also suggest you think things over and relax and get back later and we can discuss this rationally as you are obviously not thinking smartly and I do not want to spend my valuable time filing in court against you as your threats below already would say I would win. Check into the law before you act.


In a message dated 2/19/2011 8:25:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Welp then you leave me no choice dan I'm going to have to file a claim with paypal, I'll be contacting, faunaclasifieds, and the BBB.

You don't seem to be concerned about finding out what actually killed these sinks anymore, what happened to that supposed compassion you had for them? You've convinced yourself that I'm to blame and I don't know where you got that idea

You seem to get into these situations a lot based on those posts that are nothing but slander according to you, but now that I've been on the receiving end of the stick I know exactly what they are talking about EVERYONE is to blame but you...the shippers first, then your agent, now me? who's next the skinks themselves?

Your true colors are very ugly indeed

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 20:09:18 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Seems to me that you wish to continue to misdirect the facts of the matter. It's quite obvious that someone allowed them to demise on their porch for 2.5 hours so who else do you feel is responsible for that besides yourself? I receive animals daily and if I allowed a box to sit outside for even 20 minutes and it harmed the animals or caused their demise, then I would not even think for a nano second to ask the seller for remedy. So why are you continuing to bother me about it? Vice thinking you could get me to answer any of your questions, why not answer that one as I asked it 10 times so far and you continue to ignore providing an answer. It's quite obvious that I did not do that so why are you even bothering me about this anymore?

Not much of your explanation rings true and many of your sentences are suspect for fraud. First you said they looked sleepy when your first brought them out and then tried to revive them, and then much later claimed they smelled when you opened the box. If they smelled as you stated, then why would say you were spending time to revive a stinking dead animal? And also claim that something was not working with the heat pack to point blame which indicates you knew you did something to cause this issue.

Regardless of it all, I agreed to work something out for shipping another pair to a UPS store and then your response was to harass me with having your friend (or yourself in disguise) make negative statements about our transaction which is common tactic utilized by scammers to extort something they are not entitled to thinking the public attention will lead me to fold to your request. Well it won't work. Con artists and scammers only do that stuff and I don't work with or around or ever even associated with the kind. In any event, I am not hostile or anything to the effect but don't think its necessary to debate these points any further. Extortion is a criminal offense and many folks have learned that lesson the hard way.


In a message dated 2/19/2011 7:24:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: who's making this personal? And you called me a liar? You are claiming that I killed the skinks with my ignorance without having even seen them in person or had your vet check them out? And you question my ability to care for the animals that I payed $170 for?, my questions were all reasonable I was even civil about it.

Is it only because I brought up these message boards that you suddenly are becoming hostile? You have totally crossed the line here man

You said, "Sad fact is that people are liable for what they post on forums and my attorney has been successful at recovering financially from folks extorting so this fellow that says he is in coo hoots with you perhaps may of opened up another recovery scenario." what the hell are you even talking about? A friend told me about his personal interactions with other herp dealers how am I in "coo hoots" with him? Are you really willing to jump to conclusions so ridiculous as this with out having any facts?

You never answered where I can find this guarantee you keep talking about

I want my money back man how can you treat customers like this?

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 05:28:13 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Not sure what you meant by honest as I am always honest and was awarded several personal medals for accomplishments above my normal duties for my honesty while serving in the military for many years. Maybe you need to ask yourself about honesty claiming a heat pack was defective when many others reported theirs working.

And I am not sure what you are writing about and asking questions etc as I already said we would work something out for a shipment next week. Did you not read my emails about sending them to a nearby UPS store to ensure they are brought directly inside upon delivery? And even if I had a two week guarantee on them, it would not cover someone leaving the box outside for over two hours.

And actually the only relative question here is perhaps something that you should be asking yourself. And that is why (after learning that the box of reptiles was out on the porch for over two hours which obviously demised them) are you trying to convince me that someone else besides yourself is responsible for that mishap? Sorry, but your complaint is not legitimate after the box sits on your doorstep for over 2 hours. Sad but true. And you know that so why are you sort of asking me to explain it? Had you phoned me at 10 AM when the box arrived and reported dead animals then things would be different.

And none of this is actually about replacing the croc skinks as the guarantee was voided when they were discovered to of been outside for over 2 hours. This is about consideration to have another individual as a repeat customer and if its risky to home another two skinks in the care of someone who wishes to bend the facts and twist the guarantee. If someone is willing to go as far as that, then what kind of caregiver are they to the animals I may send them? And no offense but just thinking out loud. And what might they pull later if something else happens like if they drop them?

By the way, that BOI is a junk website full of nasty losers who do nothing but pick on people and don't do anything good for any buyer or seller or the industry for that matter. I joked with those morons who think they could put their 2 cents into someone else's business and on many instances stepped in to defend folks they were picking on which made their gang look like fools many times so they retaliate and its fun to know they still love me and cannot get me out of their minds. Rarely are all of the facts are presented and it's actually no one else's business what goes on between a dealer and seller as any person who is kind will always get sugar and anyone mean usually gets its back one way or the other and that's the way the world works obviously. It's only a place for scam artists to go to read about how to rip off the next guy and for pubescent boys and hag gals to yell at someone besides their mirror to make up for their dissatisfied and boring lives. No one creditable in the business writes on there and the biggest scam going is that con artist website owner Rich who has bigger moron idiots paying him hard cash so they can jump in and pile and bash at someone they do not even know without reviewing all of the facts beforehand. Oh and yes, I offered to replace that kids pink tongue skink but he force fed it pinks against my advice and made me waste valuable time on some forum explaining his mistakes which turned me off from wanting to keep him as a customer. And if you did your homework, you would of noted that the same kid complained on every animal order he received to extort free goodies from intimidate sellers. He and his pops were both scam artists.

And like I wrote in several previous emails, I was very willing to work something out and send replacements next week however its sad to see that one of your buddies has taken an even sadder step to help you extort something you are not entitled to via that forum which terminates any extension of the guarantee in this matter. Sad fact is that people are liable for what they post on forums and my attorney has been successful at recovering financially from folks extorting so this fellow that says he is in coo hoots with you perhaps may of opened up another recovery scenario.

What you may be asking yourself now is why are you trying to harm my business. I cannot keep up with orders so any defamatory remarks won't do you any good and get you favors later. That is not normal behavior for anyone to take up especially with someone as kind as me. Here below are the comments from just a few customers from just this weeks shipments.


"Whats up Dan , This is Bernard . Man that croc monitor you sold me is growing like crazy and i love him 2 death and hes calm down very well. I just wanted to show you pics of the croc monitor you sold me , i named him JASPER. I also added some pics of my caiman lizards Thanks Dan for selling me and a great croc monitor man." Bernard

"Hi Dan, Letting you know-all went well.Picked up the male death adder.He looks great and healthy.Looks like he enjoys his new home in the Neodesha cage. I must say I'm very satisfied with the reptile and the way you handled getting info to me.I will be doing business with you in the future again." Thankyou Dan" Jeff G

"DTS HERPS, INC, I just got my reptiles and they all look good. I think red sided garters are just fine. They are quite active and alert. As always it as been a pleasure doing business with you. Thanks again." Brett Wheeler

"Hi Dan, The iguanas look great, they are already checking out the exhibit." Warren S.

"Hey Dan, The boa made it here safely. He's doing very good too. Very easy to handle as well. He seems to be adapting to his new cage pretty well too. I just wanted to say thanks once again for everything
Best Regards," Michael Zaiss

"Dan, thanks a lot for the extra free animals. It also has been a pleasure." Guy E.

"I got the redeye tree frogs and they are beautiful thank u very much Dan." Anthony R.

"Thanks Dan for the quality animals, great communication, and the freebies. PS - The racer is a demon, for now. Also very handsome. Thanks again," Tim Ellison

"Dan, we received the iguana and he is sleeping in his cage right now. I opened up the box and he was as black as possible. I put him in the cage we have outside and he became bright red. He is very docile and looks great." Kevin D.

"Dan, Thank you very much, they are very nice banded water snakes. I’m glad we met because I didn’t have a good reptile source until now. I’m looking forward to future dealings. Thanks again," Kenny Aum

"Hey Dan, the redfoot tortoises are just great." Jason K.

Hi Dan, the green anoles got here and they look great. Two are already eating. Thanks!" Jeanne P.

"Thank you so much for the halloween amazon tree boa, He arrived safely and on time." Timothy S.

"Dan, the boa arrive and it loooks great! Thanks again Dan. When I feed him do you think he can take a mouse? Or should I go with a fuzzie." Spencer Holder

"We got the crocodile skinks and they are perfect and we are quite satisfied with our transaction and will be getting more animals from you soon." Bob P.

"Water monitor arrived and it’s a cute and attractive lizard. Thanks." Rebecca W.

"Hi Dan, I received the baby this morning. WOW!!! He is much prettier than I expected!! There is lots of green on his body that could not be seen from the pic.
He's SO CALM too Thanks for a wonderful experience!!!!" J'aime H.

"Dan, really nice coloring on that surinam redtail boa you sent." Ronald Y.

"Dan, Thank you, the hognose snake just got here and looks good." Chris P.

"Dear Dan, The torts arrived in great condition and I am thrilled! I will definitely be a repeat customer! They are eating well and will get a fecal on Friday to (since they are wild caught). They look great and are quite active considering the fact that they were just shipped and are of course stressed.
It was a pleasure working with you as well and I also gave you a shout out on the National Science Teachers List serve (indicating that you are a reliable source for live classroom herps).
We all share teaching tips and share info pertaining to biological instruction. Best Wishes!" Jen R.

"Hi Dan, Thank you much. I picked the guyana boa up at 10:00am. She looks beautiful. She really does glow! Hard to believe this whole transaction was completed in well under 24 hours. Thanks again" Peter L.

"The amaon tree boas got here early and in perfectly health. Couldn't be happier with this order. Thanks a lot, great work and great service. I will definitly be buying from you in the future. Thanks!" Andrew T.

"Hi Dan, I just got my herps. They are all in excellent condition. I'm surprised that the female spilotes hasn't attempted to bite yet. I've got her set up in a 125 gallon tank with a hide, climbing
facilities, and 2 hot spots/basking areas. I'm going to wait about a week and offer her food. As always it was a pleasure doing business with you. Thanks again." Brett W.

"Hey Dan, She just showed up safe and sound. Very healthy and attractive animal, exactly what I was looking for. It was a pleasure doing business with you once again. Keep me in mind whenever you come across any odd looking, unique or top of the line Emeralds, I am always looking to add quality animals to my collection. Have a great weekend!" Ross A.

"The lizards arrived in perfect condition! I'm very pleased with my order, I'll definitely order from you in the future! Thanks for everything!!" Gabrielle W.

"Hi Dan, Everything looks really great! He is a gorgeous hogg island boa. Is there a comment section on your site for past customers? I would love to leave a recommendation. Thanks for everything! Best." Jessica R.

"Dan, Hello I received the two snakes alive and well, Nice looking.! Thank you." R. E.

"Hey Dan, Got the snakes....and they really look amazing! The female Leptodiera is even better looking than the male I have and has some really vibrant color on well as some awesome markings.
She is also a lot bigger than the male. The Imantodes is really cool as well, I am so glad that you offered him to me...really interesting snake and one I would love to have more of. He is really great looking, in great shape
and really inquisitive. I am excited to see him try to eat an anole though....sooo skinny looking. Anyways...really great doing business with you again!
Let me know if you get any more Imantodes, Sibon, or Dipsas...and if you find a snail source. Thanks!" Chris C.

"Dan, the green snake arrived, thanks. My kids are thrilled." Bryan C.

"Thank you very much! Both blind snakes are flawless, and one of the two in particular is a very large and energetic specimen with a stunning iridescence. They're all settled in and chowing down on termites.
I appreciate all of your help!" David B.

In a message dated 2/19/2011 3:14:06 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Alright I've got a few questions for you that I really would appreciate an honest answer to

1. Where is your guarantee posted? on your website it states this, "Guarantee: There is a live arrival guarantee when delivered and received on time via express delivery service." I don't see anything about me needing to contact you within an hour of their arrival if there's a problem. Most of the herp dealers my friends have dealt with offer a two week guarantee. Also I've been thinking that it shouldn't matter if they were sitting outside for an hour or more, as you yourself have said they are very hardy creatures, they weren't in direct sunlight as i stated before and it was a very nice day the temp was about 70 when I pulled them off the porch so they couldn't have over heated that only conclusion is that they must have had something wrong with them before you shipped them to me

2. I've been looking on the fauna classifieds BOI and I can see that there have been many complaints about you and I have no idea what those are all about and I'm not going to take their words for it, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I did come across one where you offered to replace the persons pink tounge skink that had died for free those are far more expensive than crocodile skinks. What do you have to say about that?

3. I notice that you often claim that you have had thousands of orders and not one legitimate complaint, come on man even the best retailers mess up sometimes you can't expect people to believe that?

4. I'm going to send you these two skinks and I want you to get me a full necropsy report send it to me through my email. Also how are we going to ship them back? Please don't tell me your going to make me pay for that

I'm not trying to be a pain man I'm really not I just want some answers


Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 06:30:01 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Well thanks for understanding and regardless of any policy or notification or anything for that matter, or to keep an ear out and such for the delivery vehicle as that is just common knowledge, I am sure that if you sent me or someone else a box of something and it sat outside in the elements for over 2 hours, and then I had an issue, then you might of course would not feel too obligated to replace it etc. In any event, perhaps next week I will get another pair out that way and will be in touch. Actually I feel very sad for the animals and grow quite fond of anything I sell of keep even temporary and wanted to know what and how they died to justify sending more again much less figure out how to prevent it from happening again. And finding out how and why was one way to prevent it from happening again.


In a message dated 2/18/2011 12:37:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Look I don't want you to be screwed over because of this and it sounds like you don't want me to be screwed either. I can understand your position. Times are tough after all and its looking like its about to get worse. So I'm sure we can work some kind of deal out, but I just want to make it clear that you never sent this email you mentioned so I didn't really even know what your policy was

Sorry if I came off a little demanding but I just haven't had the best of days and this whole mess didn't help

Anyways let me know when you hear back from your guy

Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 00:14:40 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

I thought I did but here it is below and it should also be on the shipping document that was the paper stuck to the box. Its says delivered 9.58 AM and your email was timed at 12:38 so if you found them and emailed me right away as I gather you did, then they sat outside almost 2 and a half hours. If the sun was hitting the box, it obviously cooked them. No offense but crap happens and they should of knocked harder or something, but again, I deliver hundreds of boxes each month and have this immediately notify policy just to protect my business interests as anyone can make an honest mistake and seek relief from the big shot dealer but I have 4 kids and don't have another 125 dollars to take from their mouths so to speak so need to work with the agent and see how to resolve this. If they stunk in the box like you say, then they could not of been cold and must of been warmed and its most likely they overheated accidentally. And I have had the same drivers drop stuff at my door in the sun and tap the door once and walk away and find it later and the box is cooking in 10 minutes in the sun. People say to maybe write reptile on the box but most drivers hate their jobs and reptiles and leave them in the sun anyway on purpose. Sad but true.



In a message dated 2/17/2011 11:41:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

By the way I realized you never sent me an email with a tracking number if you had I would have been able to see what time they were delivered

And about brumation is it possible that they are just hibernating? shouldn't they have woken up by now if they were?

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 23:36:44 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Well please place them in a zip lock bag and freeze them and they won't smell after that.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 11:20:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Alright but they smell awful so if you want them let me know right away
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 23:01:46 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Yea, and more often they only ring once and only knock once. Hence why I indicate in my email with the tracking number to keep a good ear out for the truck as I like to inform customers to that sorta situation. I know because they do it here all of the time. They hit the door once and walk away fast to get to their next destination. Regardless, those skinks are armored and almost indestructible so I can understand a baby skink or hatchling getting cold or dehydrated but have no real reason to figure out how they died. Even if they got down to 40 degrees, they should of still went into a brumation and lived.

I may ask you to freeze them and mail them back to have my vet check out why they died so do not throw them away.

Like I said earlier, I need to check this situation to the hilt before proceeding on the plan for resolve. I do have photos of those exact skinks and might want to compare them in person to the photos as your photos could be of any skink and I would not know better and please do not take that personal as its something I obviously must consider pr cross my mind even if I was in a situation with a friend elsewhere.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 10:37:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm not blaming you for that and they weren't outside for an hour either if they really were delivered at eleven because it was about eleven thirty when I checked my porch, I didn't contact you right away because at first I just figured they were playing dead, I've heard they're really good at it. I guess I should have contacted you sooner but I was really busy this morning and I thought they would just need time to warm up so I left them in the terrarium for awhile before I finally started to realize something was wrong.

Also even if they had been out there for an hour they were in a shaded portion of my front porch so there really couldn't have been to much exposure. Anyway I wonder if your guy could look into why the delivery guy didn't bother to ring the doorbell

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 22:13:59 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Well for one thing it sounds like you are taking things personal when you should not be as it is quite obvious that I do not know you so I have nothing personal to offend you with. Also, I am a customer. I buy reptiles each week by the dozens and I understand where you are coming from and my intention always is to do good business with good people for repeat business.

On the issue with the skinks, there are obviously certain steps any dealer takes in order to not be fooled and/or robbed and methods to take if something is harmed or damaged or dead. One vital step is to get notified within minutes or at the worst, to get notified within an hour of receipt if there is any damage or death associated with the shipment. Although it is rare and I have not had animals reported before as dead, this step is necessary so I have an option to telephone my agent and/or UPS and later file something with my shipping agent and they can also follow through to request that the driver turn back and verify the damaged goods or death etc. Again, don't take anything personal, but you did not provide me that option when notifying an hour and half after the delivery time much less if I told them it sat outside for an hour or so then they would not even care to go back as its obvious the elements demised the skinks as the others are thriving here and those were fat little guys that were quite spunky and healthy. Had they been fresh imports or slow or weak etc, I would not even of thought to send such stuff. And shipping companies do not reimburse for harmed or dead animals, but my agent can assist with credits if I have my customers take necessary steps to verify your data etc and one of course is to get the ball rolling minutes after arrival of the package not an hour or two later etc.

In this case, the box was left outdoors perhaps in the sun or exposed to the weather elements and its quite obvious also that I did not do that nor did I neglect to take the box inside. And you also recognize the fact that those circumstances I cannot control. So what is odd to me is that those circimstances are quite obvious, and wonder why you think I have another 125 dollars to send your way in the form of animals to make up for someone else's mishap? It should be plain to see that me or my company is not at fault in this matter and the issue of rendering the guarantee was not followed at your end with the one hour notification and I of course did not leave the box outside nor was not the person who did not hear the door bell ring or door knock as they do knock and ring etc. regardless of what I am told as that's their job etc. And no offense, but with perishable written on the box, and their door bell/knock policy, I find it hard to believe they did not try to notify that the box was being dropped on the porch. And if something does arrive dead and they did not knock on the door, then I have grounds to pursue an issue with them. But how am I to pursue an issue if I am not notified immediately upon receipt of the goods?

As for the heat pack, I think we covered that issue. I asked several customers today if their heat pack was working and they all said yes. And I never heard of a defective heat pack much less it starts to point the finger and we should not do that. Again, I will see what I can work with my agent. It is Friday tomorrow so I cannot ship anyway and I did not get my presentation together in time today for any resolve on their end. I will do my best here however please understand that I obviously cannot determine from the photos that those are the exact skinks I sent and I did not leave the box outside for an hour or more. Please do not stress over this issue as we will work something out.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 9:42:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Well first off the delivery guy didn't ring the door bell so it wasn't until I checked out there that I even knew they were here. I don't know what the exact temp was in the box but I would say it was around just below 60 degrees maybe a little lower they were really cold to the touch when I pulled them out I knew something was wrong also there was a really bad smell that I just figured was their natural scent but now that I think about it is was way fouler smelling than what it should have been. When I opened the tub they had buried themselves in the moss and they were all contorted like they had been in some kind of pain.....maybe because they were cold I don't know.

Dude even if it was the shippers fault are you really going to just leave me out in the cold? You clearly saw that they're dead and that heat pack was ice cold when they arrived that isn't the shippers fault. Plus I already sent you the money to ship another pair. I'm sure you've dealt with a lot of people who would try to swindle you out of your more exotic animals but I can assure you sir I am not one of them.

I wish I could have just emailed you that they were here, very much alive and doing well, but that isn't the have no idea what kind of bullshit i went through to get everything ready for the terrarium I've made something as close to their natural habitat as possible and all I want is to see a happy pair of skinks in there

So please just send me another pair

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:35:13 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

I was packing and shipping many orders before and could not check the issue before and am waiting to hear back from my shipping agent. But also wanted to ask about the box as it tracks to be left on your porch at around 11 AM and it was around 12:30 that you notified about them arriving not moving. What was the temperature inside the box? Usually if someone finds a harmed or dead animal inside a box its due to the heat or cold but how come they were not reported as very cold. And they can withstand cold temps so don't understand how or what they died from? And if cold, then that is perhaps the shippers or receivers issue and not much I can control at this end.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 6:43:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

So whats going on?

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 14:43:31 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

I am going to check with the shipping agent and look into the matter a bit and will get back tonight.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 2:35:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

That white stuff is the sphagnum moss you sent them in, its sticking to them!121&ty pe=1&Bpub=SDX.Photos&Bsrc=Photomail&parid=73E207AD E767F4C8!120&authkey=W88gw0C352Y$
This online album has 3 photos and will be available on SkyDrive until 05/18/2011.!122&ty pe=1&Bpub=SDX.Photos&Bsrc=Photomail&parid=73E207AD E767F4C8!120&authkey=W88gw0C352Y$!123&ty pe=1&Bpub=SDX.Photos&Bsrc=Photomail&parid=73E207AD E767F4C8!120&authkey=W88gw0C352Y$

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Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 14:23:51 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

I actually cannot determine if those are the ones I sent. I see some white stuff around the eyes of one of them. Can you lay them flat on a table and take a photo of them upside down side by side so I can examine closer?


In a message dated 2/17/2011 2:12:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

There you can clearly see that they're dead!116&ty pe=1&Bpub=SDX.Photos&Bsrc=Photomail&parid=73E207AD E767F4C8!115&authkey=HT0KzSCV1Sw$
This album has 1 photo and will be available on SkyDrive until 05/18/2011.
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Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 13:46:24 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Well I shipped many orders yesterday and checked with a few and they have reported that their heat packs are still working. I actually have one from the same package from yesterday and its still warm. It could be that your box was frozen and it overwhelmed the power of the heat pack but it should be heating back up but that scenario is quite rare with good temps around. What is needed are photos of them upside down depicting that they are dead and its best to get that within the first hour of delivery to consider a replacement however just replace animals and not the shipping expenses.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 1:35:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I hate to say it but you must have made a mistake because this one is definitely not warm

These two skinks are definitely dead too, they aren't breathing and I couldn't feel any kind of heartbeat or any other indication that they're alive.

Do you have another pair you could send me?

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 13:23:22 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Well they can never fail actually. They are inside a sealed bag with the air removed and if its broken in the least or if a pin hole is there then air seeps in and they become stiff after use. I make sure to lay them out in air after opening and shake them to get them started and wait a half hour to check them to ensure each is warming up before putting them into the boxes. If the material was bad then the entire case or lot would be stiff/hard and quite easy to determine that it was a bad lot but never seen a bad lot either after doing this daily for over 10 years. I have seen an individual heat pack stiff in a bag as a result of it being crushed but its something you throw out and don't use.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 1:06:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm sure you have but even the most reliable things fail sometimes

I'm going to give them an hour or so to warm up and see if they spring back to life....if not I'm going to want my money back

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 12:59:38 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Well it was working fine when I took it out of the package and not to doubt what you have there but have yet to hear of any failing and have shipped thousands of heat packs.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 12:51:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Yea your right there are air holes i just realized, but trust me that heat pack totally failed I'm holding it in my hand right now its below room temperature.

They're still lying there motionless

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 12:41:19 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Hello: Not understanding all as their container does have airholes and its a 40 hour heat pack so plenty of time as its only been 20 hours in use so far.


In a message dated 2/17/2011 12:38:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I just got these guys and they don't look to good they aren't moving they aren't even breathing as far as I can tell....if they're playing dead they're doing a damn good job. That heat pack wasn't really doing anything also shouldn't the little tub have had air holes?

I put them under the heat lamp and I'm going to keep an eye on them I'll let you know if anything changes

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 19:19:42 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

OK, thanks.


In a message dated 2/15/2011 7:17:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

You said you could ship it to the ups store, but I'm going to be home on Thursday so can you ship it to my house?

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 18:44:44 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Did I answer your question and did you confirm the shipping address?


In a message dated 2/15/2011 12:37:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:


Is it to late for you to have them shipped straight to my house? I'm going to be home all day so it shouldn't be a problem

Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 01:20:47 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

It is best to ship Wednesday to arrive Thursday. Thanks.


In a message dated 2/13/2011 9:09:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

So it's definitely looking like wednesday is going to be the best day temperature wise to least on my end, how's it looking on yours?

Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 03:10:12 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

They seem to be 3 years old and can live many years but have not seen any life expectancy studies on them either.


In a message dated 2/10/2011 12:56:56 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Alright thanks

Can you tell me approximately how old my pair is? Also what is the average life expectancy for these guys? Nobody seems to know

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 17:46:13 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

I can of course aim for that date but will also be checking the temps and make sure its decent to ship and will let you know of course.


In a message dated 2/8/2011 4:47:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Alright I'm off work next thursday can you overnight them on wednesday the 16th?

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 02:18:54 -0500
Subject: Re: SHIPPING

Yes, much better then.


In a message dated 2/8/2011 2:17:57 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

So I'm looking at the forecast for next week right now and its looking like its going to be much warmer than it has been I think it would be perfect for shipping my skinks. What do you think?

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 00:42:40 -0500

Brett, Its usually decent to ship during winter but see you are expecting a bad snow storm this week so it may be best to aim for next week.

Old 02-22-2011, 11:50 AM   #3
Sorry, but your complaint is not legitimate after the box sits on your doorstep for over 2 hours. Sad but true.
Sorry but I do agree with this.
I try to follow tracking numbers on packages I send out when I can because you wouldnt believe how many people I have to call because tracking says "left on porch" or "left at side door" and I have to make sure they get their packages indoors to avoid these types of situations.
Old 02-22-2011, 11:54 AM   #4
Though- having bought from dan before - I know he didnt use insulated shipping boxes when I bought from him. Was yours in an insulated shipper?
Old 02-22-2011, 12:04 PM   #5
Suncoast Herpetological

Was the package sent "Signature Required"?
Old 02-22-2011, 12:37 PM   #6
Keys & Kritterz
I thought ups quit shipping reptiles? DTs Herps is the biggest joke in the business. Accusing you of slander? The dudes a piece of . He has done this to so many people. When I had a baby gu shipped to me he put the wrong address in so the package was lost. I tracked it down that night and had it held for the next morning. He shipped USPS which is a big NO NO. He then tells me I voided the warranty because I didnt give him the chance to find the package. HHHEEELLLLLLOOOOO!!!!! The package is in my town your 1200 miles away how are you gonna find it? File the complaint with kingsnake and BBB this guy needs to be SHUT DOWN!

P.S. this is Garretts buddy, sorry this happened he didnt say who they were coming from till they arrived DOA.
Old 02-22-2011, 01:04 PM   #7
Originally Posted by Keys & Kritterz View Post
I thought ups quit shipping reptiles? DTs Herps is the biggest joke in the business. Accusing you of slander? The dudes a piece of . He has done this to so many people. When I had a baby gu shipped to me he put the wrong address in so the package was lost. I tracked it down that night and had it held for the next morning. He shipped USPS which is a big NO NO. He then tells me I voided the warranty because I didnt give him the chance to find the package. HHHEEELLLLLLOOOOO!!!!! The package is in my town your 1200 miles away how are you gonna find it? File the complaint with kingsnake and BBB this guy needs to be SHUT DOWN!

P.S. this is Garretts buddy, sorry this happened he didnt say who they were coming from till they arrived DOA.

UPS still ships many lizards, but they do not ship snakes. I still have an active account with them even though SYR does not use them anymore.
Old 02-22-2011, 05:09 PM   #8
Originally Posted by Suncoast Herpetological View Post

Was the package sent "Signature Required"?
No it was not...but I had just assumed that was how these things are done, because it makes sense to have to sign for live animals

Keys and Kritterz wrote-
"I thought ups quit shipping reptiles? DTs Herps is the biggest joke in the business. Accusing you of slander? The dudes a piece of . He has done this to so many people. When I had a baby gu shipped to me he put the wrong address in so the package was lost. I tracked it down that night and had it held for the next morning. He shipped USPS which is a big NO NO. He then tells me I voided the warranty because I didnt give him the chance to find the package. HHHEEELLLLLLOOOOO!!!!! The package is in my town your 1200 miles away how are you gonna find it? File the complaint with kingsnake and BBB this guy needs to be SHUT DOWN!

P.S. this is Garretts buddy, sorry this happened he didnt say who they were coming from till they arrived DOA."

Sorry I'm still figuring out how this website works so my quoting skills are kinda weak

Thanks for your help man I've already filed a complaint with kingsnake but the BBB's complaint form won't work on my browser for some stupid reason. Sorry to hear about your tegu I can't believe how often this kind of BS seems to happen with him

Ameivaboy wrote-
"Though- having bought from dan before - I know he didnt use insulated shipping boxes when I bought from him. Was yours in an insulated shipper?"

No it was a cardboard box stuffed with newspaper and the defective heat pack, also you say you agree with him that I voided his guarantee? Anybody can look up the weather report for that morning in St. Charles MO and you'll find that it was a perfect 70. Besides how was I even supposed to know the box was here? he didn't send me a tracking number until after the fact(which was really pointless BTW) and he also didn't require that the box be signed for. Furthermore, he never specified in his "guarantee" that I had to contact him within a certain time period so as far as I can tell I should have still been covered

Does anybody know where I can find a reliable breeder of Croc Skinks? I looked into reptile underground and it sounds like they are running an operation very similar to Scolaro's. When I contacted Ryan he told me that the skinks he has are wild caught but his ad on kingsnake said they were farm bred(whatever that means) seems these animals are surrounded by a fog of bad dealers
Old 02-22-2011, 05:36 PM   #9
If the package was sitting there for 2 hours - yes void.

The tracking number wont say "we're 4 blocks away"

it will say "out for delivery" which cant take a number of hours. So a person expecting a live animal should be waiting for their animal. If it's passed 10:30am then go look on the porch, call/email the shipper. Don't just sit there.
Old 02-22-2011, 05:40 PM   #10
and he also didn't require that the box be signed for.
I dont require packages be signed for. Why? because where does it go if no one signs? back on the truck, until the driver is done with their route at the end of the day. That's not any better than sitting on the porch.

Ever tried to get a delivery service to interrupt their route for your package?
It doesnt go well.

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