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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 10-04-2007, 06:47 PM   #1081
Originally Posted by Donnie Smith
Hi David.

What does an Orange Sunkist Line Boa look like?

If you don't want to post a picture here, please e-mail me one at morti@primareptilia.net

-Donnie "Morti" Smith.
Just curious. Did he ever answer you privately or anything? Or is he still showing how "Professional" he really is?

Old 10-04-2007, 07:46 PM   #1082
Donnie Smith
In February he assured me that he had lots of them on the way and he would get pictures for me soon.

As it stands, I have no idea what they look like so I have no idea if I want any.

Oh well. I like my money in my pocket anyway.
Old 10-04-2007, 08:06 PM   #1083
Dr Owens
Originally Posted by Spiritualosophy
That photo on page 21 is not Damon Heynen. Hair WAY too dark (yeah I know, there are chemicals for that), man too short, completely wrong build. If the man in that photo is Damon Heynen, then I am Shania Twain.
You certainly know Damon better than I seeing as how I have never met him in person, and I have only seen poor quality pictures of him. However, there have been other people who have met Damon that have said that they believe that picture is him (although most have said that they can't be 100% certain due to the quality of the picture). Do you remember how long it's been since you've seen Damon? (Not sure if that would make a difference or not.)

Also, earlier in the thread a description was posted. Does this seem accurate to you?
He had a kind of rough looking face. Like indians/hispanics can have. like he had acne as a kid or something. Maybe he worked outside alot. Kind of a weathered looking face. Man, his hands were big and very rough looking. Like he worked(s) with his hands alot. he drove an older Ford duelley pickup,lol.
Thanks a lot for your input. Your insights have been enlightening...as have "David's" responses to your posts.
Old 10-04-2007, 08:20 PM   #1084
Dr Owens
Originally Posted by High End Herps Inc
Maybe he didn't open up with you because he thought you had the propensity to backstab him one day. Who's to say?
LOL! That is such a typical Damon response. Anyone who has read his posts in the past should be able to see this. What do you think, Ben?

Also... I have been piecing this together for a while now and I think I may have put some of this ridiculous years-long drama into some form of context. (Feel free to correct me if I have any of it wrong). Some time back this guy Damian/Brian got into it with owens and luna and some of the others here that are their buddies, over God-knows-what, and apparently this guy made ugly threats against them. It was then apparently learned in short time that this nutcase had been in prison for murder or manslaughter and so they then took his threats seriously. They apparently considered him a very dangerous, psychopathic, deranged murderer. Right so far? So my only question is this: If this guy is such a loose cannon...... if he is truly a deranged, psychopathic murderer on the loose..... out to get all of you in horible, awful ways..... why are you all still alive and well? Wouldn’t he have gotten to some of you after all these years if his threats had any validity to them? No one has been whacked in a grisly manner yet, right? I’m sure it would have been mentioned by now if there had been a revenge whacking. Well, he must not be a very good deranged murderer if that is truly the case. Either that or he is just incredibly patient and calculating. Just thinking out loud here. It all just seems so stupid. lol.
Gee...let me think...who else was it that liked to make extremely veiled threats? Oh that's right...it was Damon.

We're all trembling, Damon. No really...
Old 10-04-2007, 08:35 PM   #1085
Originally Posted by Dr Owens
Gee...let me think...who else was it that liked to make extremely veiled threats? Oh that's right...it was Damon.

David's southern drawl has turned into... damon's twang?
Old 10-04-2007, 09:20 PM   #1086
Originally Posted by Wraith
David's southern drawl has turned into... damon's twang?
I was just thinking the same thing when I read "David's" most recent post. He has lost the whole southern thing lately. I'm just a jelous failed breeder though, so what do I know.

Jay, I couldn't agree with you more that "David's" recent post looks even more like a response Damon would give. It's like he didn't even try to sound different this time. I think Kathryn's post must have gotten to him.
Old 10-04-2007, 09:59 PM   #1087
Cut the Crap, Damon!

Originally Posted by High End Herps Inc
Maybe he didn't open up with you because he thought you had the propensity to backstab him one day. Who's to say?
This Katheryn person
her ex fella Damian
Originally Posted by snake5007
That's a strange question, considering she hasn't done any backstabbing.
Anyone without paranoia issues would agree to that one, snake5007.

You know, Damon loves to use words such as propensity to impress other people with his amazingly high IQ. How many people speak like that? How many people nowadays even have the ability to write with that sort of vocabulary? In forums, at that? Going from y'all to propensity is pretty amusing to me.

Isn't it interesting how everyone else here is addressed by either their forum name or else their given name, while I am "this Katheryn person"? Funny.

And "David" needs to learn how to READ.... my friends are not my fellas. Does anyone get what a platonic friendship between a man and a woman is anymore? "David" is simply attempting to make me look like the gilted ex girlfriend who is out for vengence. Twisting words, Damon is very good at that.

Furthermore David, throughout this entire thread you've correctly spelled "Damon" and yet the last couple of days you now spell it "Damien" and then "Damian".... as if the name "Damon" is a foreign word to you after all these posts and all this time? IMNSHO, that is a Playing Dumb move. Come on, Damon, don't invite me to play; you know me well, and you know that I am a real contender to whom you very easily could lose. (Which is why you chose to take the defensive once I came into the picture: your hopes of saving face just shrank exponentially.)

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

Originally Posted by critical bill
It certainly looks like he became just a tad annoyed and about to come undone in his first two replies to Kathryn.
You noticed that one too, eh?

The simple deed, once again, to end this once and for all....

Originally Posted by Spiritualosophy
So David Beauchemin, why don't you do yourself a favor and just post your ID and business license? I am not here to "go after" you at all. I simply Googled Damon Heynen, and here was all the activity. If you are not Damon Heynen, my viewing of your publicly posted ID will alleviate all of this once and for all. And for that matter, if "Tawni" is also owner of your business, then it would only be right for her to post her ID as well.... and if she's not Brittany, I will honestly say so.
Oh, and it is spelled:

~~ Kathryn ~~
Old 10-04-2007, 10:05 PM   #1088
Keith Northrop
Talking Tips?

David...... What can I do to Boost my Karma? I bust a Jew Joke resulting In countless hundreds of negative Karma points, fined, and suspended leaving
me -1900 in the hole........Ha Ha....But...I am confident that before this thread dies or you admit who you really are, which ever comes first, that
I will have regained back all my negative Karma plus some......HaHa Yeah.........Who am I kidding.....Ohh....the other day I got bored so I started
searching old San Bernardino Newpaper Articles from 1991-92.....(mainly Homicde and Manslaughter) Did you swipe a dead Guys name???? It's a
Weird Question I know......
Old 10-04-2007, 10:22 PM   #1089
Originally Posted by Dr Owens
You certainly know Damon better than I seeing as how I have never met him in person, and I have only seen poor quality pictures of him. However, there have been other people who have met Damon that have said that they believe that picture is him (although most have said that they can't be 100% certain due to the quality of the picture).
I'm sure that's a large part of the problem, the size of that picture is so small and it's not a great shot anyway. However, I'm a very detail oriented person. The face in that photo could PASS for Damon, but it could PASS for millions of men; but the shape of the face didn't even look like Damon's. Back to details.... Damon's build is tall (I want to say 6'2" but I could be off an inch either direction), with a very long structure. His build often made me think of a tall American Indian. The man's build in that photo simply is not even close to Damon's, and no amount of working out at a gym would change one's build. Muscle development, yes. One's build, no.

Do you remember how long it's been since you've seen Damon? (Not sure if that would make a difference or not.)
Mid to late 2002.

Also, earlier in the thread a description was posted. Does this seem accurate to you?

He had a kind of rough looking face. Like indians/hispanics can have. like he had acne as a kid or something. Maybe he worked outside alot. Kind of a weathered looking face. Man, his hands were big and very rough looking. Like he worked(s) with his hands alot. he drove an older Ford duelley pickup,lol.
Absolutely not Damon. I'm curious as to who gave this description, and in regards to whom. Damon's face was very smooth; I used to joke about how jealous I was at how smooth and clear his skin looked whereas I needed a bit of makeup to come close to the baby skin on his face. Damon did work outside a lot with his animals and other projects, but his hands were always very smooth; he took pretty good care of himself. However, having not seen him since 2002, his hands could have gotten rough over the years; but if his face looks rough, it's from weather and not from acne scars or the likes.

Thanks a lot for your input. Your insights have been enlightening...as have "David's" responses to your posts.
No problem. Perhaps one way or another, sooner than later, this whole thing will be settled.

~~ Kathryn ~~
Old 10-04-2007, 11:07 PM   #1090
Originally Posted by High End Herps Inc
Maybe he didn't open up with you because he thought you had the propensity to backstab him one day. Who's to say?
It is as if he knew not only what Damon was thinking.... but also what Damon was feeling.

I do like the way he changed the spelling of damon's name.

Originally Posted by High End Herps Inc
That's really too bad. That would have helped me more than it would have helped these overzealous, self-righteous =holes.
What would have helped you is if you would have posted your ID or business license or at the very very very least.... told us what state you filed your articles of incorporation in.

We all know why you can't do it and won't do it and continue to avoid it.

Originally Posted by High End Herps Inc
If this guy is such a loose cannon...... if he is truly a deranged, psychopathic murderer on the loose..... out to get all of you in horible, awful ways..... why are you all still alive and well? Wouldn’t he have gotten to some of you after all these years if his threats had any validity to them? No one has been whacked in a grisly manner yet, right? I’m sure it would have been mentioned by now if there had been a revenge whacking. Well, he must not be a very good deranged murderer if that is truly the case. Either that or he is just incredibly patient and calculating.
I can answer that. Damon is all talk. Nothing but talk. He is present in this thread. He is actiively participating in this thread. and he is still doing nothing but talking. That is all david.... err I mean Damon, can do. He can talk the talk.

Originally Posted by High End Herps Inc
Now then.... once again... I am a professional snake breeder. I have great snakes and have never done a dishonest deal. Ever. This board is supposed to be about stopping people from scamming people or selling sick animals, not about venting personal vendettas. I have done neither and have never wronged anybody, anytime.
Doing business under a fake name and doing business while pretending to be a corporation is obviously totally okay in Damon/David world.

Originally Posted by critical bill
It certainly looks like he became just a tad annoyed and about to come undone in his first two replies to Kathryn. He seems to have learned and is exercising great restraint.
You noticed that too? I thought it was just me.

and like Kathryn said. He adresses everyone by their forum names. Except for Kathryn. He addresses her as this Kathryn Person.

I have heard that before.

I never had sexual relations with "this woman" Ms. Lewinsky.

Originally Posted by Spiritualosophy
I'm curious as to who gave this description, and in regards to whom. Damon's face was very smooth; I used to joke about how jealous I was at how smooth and clear his skin looked whereas I needed a bit of makeup to come close to the baby skin on his face. Damon did work outside a lot with his animals and other projects, but his hands were always very smooth; he took pretty good care of himself. However, having not seen him since 2002, his hands could have gotten rough over the years; but if his face looks rough, it's from weather and not from acne scars or the likes.

No problem. Perhaps one way or another, sooner than later, this whole thing will be settled.

~~ Kathryn ~~
Now David, before you go saying that we now have proof that you do not look like damon..... you still have not posted a picture.

and don't forget.
You and Damon happen to drive the same type dually.
made around the same year.
both came from California
Both made its way down south.
Oh yeah.....I forgot..... you were just helping out a friend and happen to buy a truck that came from California.

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brian smith, damon heynen, damon smith, high end herps, josh stewart

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