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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 11-07-2003, 07:01 PM   #51
Exclamation one more thing.....

"Biff, that is a done deal. We will make good on the first two that they reported 4 days latter, but sort of that, we will never send anything to Kevin again.
Good advice on your part.
Ray Hunter"

Gee Ray, no...DON'T TELL ME YOU WON'T RIP US OFF ANYMORE! what a shame.

As for BIFF,

PULL YOUR TONGUE OUT OF RAY'S ASS FOR MINUTE, JUST LONG ENOUGH TO READ THIS. You are right, we are the ones left "holding the bag", why do you think I posted at the beginning of this thread???? Boy BIFF, you're just a "boywonder" aren't ya???

Kevin Smith

Old 11-07-2003, 07:28 PM   #52
Kevin, I NEVER said I was going to stop posting. You are the one that has said that over and over (go back and read your own posts), so it is YOU that is lying. I just got off the phone with Ken 10 minutes ago, and I told him that as long as you are spitting out you childish name calling and lies, I would keep it up also. Your names don't hurt anyone, they just show how immature you are. And you STILL have not answerd the questiond everyone presents to you. Hmmm...wonder why.

Maybe you don't realize it, but you are showing everyone how much of a hacker you are with snakes. We know you don't need a scale for gas, but what about pre and post op antibiotics??? Let me guess.... you don't bother giving antibiotics to a wild caught import that you just hacked up with your pocket knive???


First of all, you show us all that you really can't comprehend reading, because I posted that it was 12 weeks and not 8. You are proving my point for me... yes they SHOULD have survived over a week BUT not in the hands of a hacker that obviously does not use antibiotics post hacking.


So then where are those pics you keep promising??? You sent some to ken, why not ACT like a man of your word and post them here for us all to see???

"I find it REALLY funny that a bunch of people against the venomoid surgery will come on here and help Ray, when he himself is not against venomoids and has tried to get into selling them himself,"

Kevin you are really grabbing at straws here. EVERYONE knows my stance on venomoids, and I have posted it on this thread. But since you have short term memory (or selective memory) I will post it again. I do NOT like venomoids, and we do not sell them, nor will I ever sell them. However, if someone wants one, and obtains it from a QUALIFIED vet (one that knows how to medicate and uses antibiotics) that is on them. I don't feel I have the right to tell anyone that they can't have one, anymore than they have the right to tell me I can't have a venomous snake. They just won't get one from me. Now did that sink into that pea brain of yours yet???

"Also, he doesn't take care of any of his animals good enough that they would survive the surgery."

Do you realize that you just admitted what happened to the snakes we sent you??? You just admitted that you killed them. But still you lie... why did you tell me that all the rinkhals survived your surgery (except 2) and are all still doing fine???? The problem is that you are such a poor liar that you can't remember what you already said, than lie about it.


How many times are you going to tell this lie??? Just remember, You are the one that started all this, not me. And like I told Ken, IF you would have just posted the facts instead of launching an attack on me, I would have let the whole thing go. You are just mad and embarrassed that your scam backfired on you.

"pretty good assumptions and imagination, just look at how much [bleep] you guys have made up about me without me saying a thing"

on the contrary, You are the one that keeps coming on here calling me and everyone that won't take you side names. Now everyone that posted here is an "IDIOT"????? You are the one that won't answer questions. You just seem to enjoy showing us all how much of a baby you are by your sidestepping posts. The BOI does work if you use it correctly, but when you have these tantrums because nobody agrees with your silly lies, it serves to show everyone just what kind of person you are (and it looks to me like not many of them would like to be counted as one of your customers)

Do yourself a favor... since you obviously can not post a mature and truethfull post (one that won't make you look so bad) why not just go have that good cry so you can feel better, and quit while you are behind? Like I JUST told ken, I will stop when Kevin stops. BUT that does not mean I will not answer other people's posts. Just remember...YOU started this, not me!
All the very best
Ray Hunter
Old 11-07-2003, 07:30 PM   #53
See kevin, You just can't do it, can you??? you lied again. You said you were finished, but before I could finish the above post, you are right back at it again, attacking someone else that has far more intelligence than you. You are too funny!
Ray Hunter
Old 11-07-2003, 07:32 PM   #54

WoW, don't know what to say after those two posts. Kevin no need to FREAK OUT. Smoke some pot, take some queludes, get laid. Bring it down a notch. I think this thread is done. BUT, Kevin, pal, what you said about a vet putting a snake under with gas(or something), was so grammatically flawed it made no sense.

Jesse Smith
Old 11-07-2003, 07:36 PM   #55

KEVIN,KEVIN CAN YOU HEAR ME (the Who, Tommy, slight lyrical change.)
Old 11-07-2003, 07:37 PM   #56

Jesse Smith
Old 11-07-2003, 07:43 PM   #57
And as for animals being done without a scale to measure their weights, when a vet puts them under with gas.
Kevin, are you telling us that a veterinarian puts the snake under so you can do surgery on it?
I'll bet that you're not willing to provide a name of this imaginary vet.
Please prove me wrong.
Old 11-07-2003, 07:56 PM   #58
Question Okay, jump on me about venomoids

You guys can go ahead and jump on me about venomoids, but you aren't seeing what a total hypocrit Ray is, He is trying to cause this big old fuss about venomoids, when he has avoided my comment about him selling venomoids and him sending snakes to "go under the knife" as he calls it. You mean there is no one around that remembers Ray selling venomoids??? Where the hell do you think those snakes got done, does he want to provide a vet's name???? NO, I don't think Ray can do that. Everyone has now gotten on the anti venomoid band wagon and now they all want to slam me for it. Since RAY brought it up in the first place, how about asking him to explain his actions. YES, Ray, YOU DID SAY THAT YOU WOULD STOP ALL OF THIS NONSENSE IF I DID, but once again, you say it over the phone so there is no copy of an email, pretty slick Ray. I am not flawed in the slightest, I simply posted a thread that tried to expose you for the piece of crap that you really are. BUT YOU ARE A MAGNIFICENT LIAR, you should get an academy award for this whole thread, except for the explaining of the hypocritical venomoid speach that you have yet to explain. Go ahead Ray, I am sure your excuse is going to blaim someone besides yourself, so go ahead, but I am sure it won't matter because I am the scapegoat now, so none of these idiots will pay it any mind.
Kevin Smith
Old 11-07-2003, 08:02 PM   #59

"Also, he doesn't take care of any of his animals good enough that they would survive the surgery."

Do you realize that you just admitted what happened to the snakes we sent you??? You just admitted that you killed them. But still you lie... why did you tell me that all the rinkhals survived your surgery (except 2) and are all still doing fine???? The problem is that you are such a poor liar that you can't remember what you already said, than lie about it.

>>>no Ray, I am not telling you that is what happened to the snakes, that is just your used car salesman attitude, trying to find any excuse that you can for the animals that you sent dying, besides "being a man" and admitting you did something wrong. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH....

Oh yeah,
"Be Blessed" that makes it alright,
Kevin Smith
Old 11-07-2003, 08:28 PM   #60
Question I just read something really interesting....

Okay Ray, couple of questions/comments:

"I do NOT like venomoids, and we do not sell them, nor will I ever sell them. However, if someone wants one, and obtains it from a QUALIFIED vet "

Okay Ray, are you going to write on this forum and have the balls to straight lie to everyone that you have never sent animals to someone that was not a qualified vet to have them " put under the knife"????? Riddle me this:
Who did the surgery on the papaun black snake that was venomoided or the other venomoids you posted around the same time??? I know this is awhile ago and with your "selected" memory, you might not want to admit it, but if you are the honest good guy that you try to make yourself out to be, why don't you provide a vet bill and explanation for this??? Go ahead Ray, this is getting more amazing by the second. I am more interested in seeing how many excuses you can make up for yourself, than anyone believing the original post. You are the biggest hypocritical Judas I have ever witnessed. How you can sit there and lie your ass off is beyond me. I love this, you are a class act, I have never witnessed someone so willing to bury themselves in lies to cover up what they did wrong in my entire life. Go ahead Ray, tried to say something else besides answering the question. For everyone on this BOI, I am not interested in answering your questions, I am here merely to see how far Ray will go to cover his ass about the lies he is spilling forth. If you had all the facts and knew the truth about what Ray and the whole situation, you would be just as entertained.
Kevin Smith

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