Does anyone else despise winter? - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 11-18-2017, 05:37 AM   #1
Does anyone else despise winter?

I'm just not built for this cold crap anymore and to top it off I'm running into some really killer deals on snakes that I've been looking for over the last couple of months. I told myself I was going to not ship any snakes into my area after the first snow caps hit the mountains. Surprisingly that just happened over the last week or so. Today was the first major storm in the area so I'm really done shipping until spring. I live in the armpit of Utah and Fedex is not very reliable. They didn't even knock the last time they dropped one off. Just set the box on the porch and ran. I don't want to risk having a snake held up somewhere along the way due to a sudden storm shutting down roads and delaying delivery. So now I get to sit here and day dream about spring when I can start shopping for Burms, Retics and BP's again... I guess I'll just focus on getting my rat/mouse breeding program on line so I've got plenty of snake fuel lined up for my spring buying binge lol. If I can get some heat out in my shop I may start building some custom enclosures while I'm snowed in.

I hate winter.
Old 11-18-2017, 09:57 AM   #2
If winter lasted 3 months I'd love it. Cleveland winters suck. If you get a bright sunny winter day here it usually means brutal cold. Pretty much sucks from now till late April and sometimes into the first week or two of May. I'm not fond of 90 degree days either though.
Old 11-18-2017, 10:37 AM   #3
I adore winter. All 3 weeks of it
Not Yankee winters though. When I lived in NYC as a child and attended public HS, I vividly recall the long walk to the subway in winter, and the additional walk in the Bronx once I got off the train at my stop.
Old 11-18-2017, 11:34 AM   #4
I used to love winter when I was younger - snowmobiling, and cross-country skiing. Age and arthritis have made me less flexible, and our bitter cold winters don't help. That said, I love our four distinct seasons in Michigan, and don't think I would be happy somewhere where the weather doesn't change much.

Old 11-18-2017, 07:08 PM   #5
Originally Posted by Insomniac101 View Post
I love our four distinct seasons in Michigan, and don't think I would be happy somewhere where the weather doesn't change much. Kathy
I'm with you on this. I live in a tropical climate and one of the things I miss is the changing seasons - somehow the years don't seem as well marked out without them.

On the other hand I'm with everyone else as well - I'd love a short, dry, brilliant snow season, but I DO NOT miss the long, grey, dark, wet, generally yucky winters of England. And oh, the short days (dark until 9 am, dark again at 3 pm, awful)!
Old 11-18-2017, 11:49 AM   #6
Yeah, I HATE cold weather. Of course, I have Florida blood now, after living here for 26 years, so "cold" is anything below 50 degrees. If it is below 60 degrees, it's downright chilly feeling

I used to live in Maryland, and had my fill of the cold weather there. Connie and I used to vacation in Florida twice a year, and we decided to buy land in Florida to retire to some day. So we bought as parcel just below Tallahassee.

For a few years we used to come down to our property and camp out on it, figuring we would continue doing that till we reached retirement age and then build a house there. One time we were on the way back home (Maryland) when we stopped by a roadside stand selling fresh pecans. It was run by an old grizzled looking guy named Tony and while he was helping to load the bags of pecans into the back of our Bronco he noticed our license tag. He looked kind of puzzled and confused, and finally said, "Say, do you mind if I ask you a question?". "Sure," I said. "I see you are from Maryland. Just why in the hell would anyone live that far north?" Well, that was a very good question. So my answer to him was, "Well, I was born up there, and I guess I just didn't know any better."

I thought it humorous, but didn't give it much thought on the drive back home. Anyway, when we got back home, and I continued the drudgery of going back to work at Quotron, when I showed up at the office I found that a friend of mine there had been out sick. Before I left John mentioned that he had a tightness in his chest and thought that he was coming down with a cold or something. Well, I happened to be talking with one of the supervisors and mentioned that I thought John had been correct about coming down with a cold. The guy just looked at me for a few moments and said "Well, it's a bit more serious than that. John has lung cancer." He had suffered a collapsed lung, and they discovered a tumor about the size of a plum inside it. I did talk to John several times before he decided to spend his final days out in Texas. He said that he had smoked cigarettes for most of his life, but quit three years ago. "Not soon enough, apparently," he said. During our conversations it always came up that he really regretted knowing that all of the plans he had for when he got older were never going to happen.

It was after one of those sobering conversations that I decided to have a talk with Connie about OUR plans to move to Florida in what would have been quite a few years. A move like that is bad enough, but we had a TON of animals that needed to be moved as well. But if it was going to happen, doing it right when I put the animals down for brumation just seemed to be the logical time to do it, and that was coming up FAST.

Anyway, not to bore you further with more details, it was that combination of someone pointing out to me that living in colder areas of the country is OPTIONAL, and another person pointing out to me that fate can take your future away from you without warning, got us to move to Florida. Yeah, it was a struggle, but you couldn't get me to move back up north now for love nor money.

And to be honest, I'm one of the guys actually rooting for "global warming". There would be down sides to it, of course, for some people, but life is always a compromise anyway. For me, right here, I think it would be just fine. Just might need to dodge the occasional hurricane a few times now and again.....
Old 11-18-2017, 08:25 PM   #7
I'm glad I'm not alone. I enjoy seasons too. Utah has some beautiful areas to enjoy with every season. Unfortunately in my area fog comes in and can stay for weeks at a time. The temps go sub zero and stay there for long spells. The first snowfall is usually beautiful and mesmerizing but after that it's just extra work. Maybe someday I'll be able to break away from the oilfield and move to Arizona. Until then I'll just keep driving old pickups with bad rings and valves doing my part to speed up global warming.
Old 11-18-2017, 08:40 PM   #8
There are parts of winter I don't care for, such as ice/freezing rain/mud. Not being able to take my larger snakes outside for exercise is another (they roam the house while supervised instead).

OTOH... I don't mind snow at all. It's fun to play in, ski in, etc. I don't even mind driving in it - as long as no one else is on the road.

I do like baking and making hearty soups, stews, and chili, but I don't do that during the warmer months. So I do look forward to that.
Old 11-20-2017, 07:10 PM   #9
Gordon c. Snelling
I despise winter almost as much as I despise Arkansas.
Old 11-21-2017, 09:40 PM   #10
Bring on the snow; I love the cold. It's summer that I could do without.

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