how big of a tank for a valid - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 05-18-2005, 11:22 PM   #1
how big of a tank for a valid

hi i am getting a valid chamelon and its no prob to get the stuff for it but how big should the cage be im only 14 so in my price range... some one told me that i could flip my 20 gallon long verticle and have it live in that no? what should i buy.
Old 05-19-2005, 12:56 AM   #2
Please do not use anything glass for your chams sake. They see their reflection and get stressed and die off quickly. If you want cheap go with a reptarium, they are made of mesh and will last you some time until you can score some money for a good cage. Soon you will want one that cost about 120 bucks or so that is all screen and as large as you need. If your handy and your dad has tools get to work on one and make it yourself. It will be more fun that way. Look around for y posts you can see some pics of mine. Its a bit over the top but you can get soem smaller scale ideas from it.
Remeber to never keep chams in aquariums. It allows for no ventialtion and when you add your lights to the top it will intesify the heat beyond what they can handle.
The cage is the elast of your concern for a new cham owner do your research and look at the lights, supplements, decorations, dripper, mister, food, gut load for your food ect. It is not a cheap hobby man, you may be able to save money on your cage but what I listed will cost you in the hundreds.
Old 05-19-2005, 07:17 PM   #3
thanks dude u no the mesh cage can that last my camelion all its life if i get the proper lights and decerations and food ect... and also omg i forgot what i was goign to say and it was a good ? haha
Old 05-19-2005, 07:38 PM   #4
Well buddy its liek this. Those mesh cages suck since they wont last long. The crickets eat through the mesh very easily and the zippers tend to break. But you can cup feed your cham and hope no crickets get loose and becarefull with the zippers and get yourself going, because if your like me you want that cham now and not to wait till later. So get what you can afford for a cage, but no glass parts, and save up or start building a cage for later.
If your new cham is a baby it really should be kept in a smaller cage unitl it is thriving and healhty enough to attempt a bigger habitat. They have trouble finding their food, water, and light source in too big a cage when they are young. The thing is you will really need to start with a cage for now and get a bigger and better one later. That is why I say go for the cheaper mesh ones and then 6 months from now get a nice big screen cage.
Send me an email and I will respond to it with an attachemtn you can read that a breader gave to me for basic cham care for starters.

Get your lights and supplements in order before you worry about what cage is best right now. Get a basic 2ft tall 1.5 ft wide 2ft deep cage (or somethign close to it) to start a baby cham in. My panther was 5 months old when he went into that big old cage I made but I had to watch that he knew where the cricket cup was and that he was eating before I let him stay in the cage.
Its like this little buddy. Consider having a puppy and buying one collar that will work for him for ever. He will out grow it and you have to toss it and buy the next size up. I know that sucks but what I do is keep the smaller cages for outdoor use when it is sunny and warm. I take them out of their nice big cage and stick them into the old baby cages for the day for good sunlight.
I want you new pet to live and not die so ask away man and if you want to call me I'll send you my number back in the email for some good tips. It sucks to have one die and it has not happened to me yet so I like to think I have some good advice to at least start you off. There are many different opinions out there and I try to take all of them in and study up on them and formulate 1 idea and go with it. So far it has been a success and I have 3 chams. One is 4yrs old now and out lived my friends by 3.5 yrs and they were both bought as a pair at the same time from the same breading pair of adults. My friend didnt want to learn anymore than what the pet store told him and you can see what happened. He is not to happy now and he has an empty GLASS and screen combo cage empty with no cham now. You think the glass might be a bad idea? I do to.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Old 05-19-2005, 09:28 PM   #5
hey dude i was at petco tonite and i was goigjn to buy this cage it was 20 inches high and 18 inches wide and 1 foot deep? is that good or no plz say yes haha sry bro i cant call yea
Old 05-19-2005, 09:47 PM   #6
it is fine if you are getting a baby cham. Veilds grow very fast and in 4 months or so you will need another cage and that one could be the adult size cage. Their is no limit on how big of an adult cage so get what your money can buy you. That cage will be perfect for a cham unitl about 5 months of age. So if the cham you are getting is 1-2 months old you can figure it out from there. Bottom line is that you will need to buy another cage in the future.
He check this out. If you dont have cats you can just get a tree and put him in that. check this set up I have for mine. I made the dripper from parts at the hardware store and got a lamp shade that I rigged to fit on the ugly silver dome. This way no worries about a cage. If you have another pet that will eat it then the idea is a no go. The will go around the house at times but they mostly stay in the tree. It may not work for every one and I wouldnt use it for a panther cham but my vdild has done great with it so far.

Old 05-19-2005, 10:10 PM   #7
When you get a few more dollars, often people sell used IV/nutrient regulators on Ebay fairly reasonable, $40 or so, which make ideal drippers for chams and other reptiles that like to 'see' their water. Fresh new plastic fluid holders run about $5 to use in conjunction with the regulators and can be cleaned and reused time after time; the drip can then be regulated closely.
Old 05-19-2005, 10:16 PM   #8
Yeah these hardware twisty deals are a pin in the neck, lol. They work though and are a heck of lot cheaper. I made my own but it would be too hard to expalin all of it so buying a 10 dripper isnt all that bad of an idea.
Old 05-19-2005, 10:43 PM   #9
hey how about this im looking for somethign to last it for life heres a pic of the cage they sell at pet co go to that link plz and click inlarge.

Old 05-19-2005, 10:53 PM   #10
Well it is nice but chams crawl up not across very much. That wouldnt fit a ficus tree very well with out cutting it down to the base. You could stand it on end I suppose and that would be better.
Listen man you wont get away with just one cage. How old is the cham you are getting?
Remember too big a cage for a baby cham and it cant find its water or food well.
You could try it and it might work but unless you have all the time to spend ensuring it will eat I say get a small cage now and a large one latter. Go get a small job or ask around for some work and score some case for the cage you really want. Look on ebay man they are cheap and you can get a deal if you find one.
If you do go with a big cage I would cup feed the crickets so you know he is getting the food. I use a sport water bottle and cut the very top off. This way the crickets jump but they dont jump straight up they jump to the side and cant get out. If they are gone you know he is eating this way you can watch him closely.
Think of this, you spend the 30 bucks on that one and it breaks 3 months down the road and now you have to spend more money ect. You need to figure out what is best for you but I am just suggesting what works. You might get lucky and get a smart cham that can find its food source in a big cage, all chams are different.
My baby sambava cup feed the second day in his 6ft tall 3ft wide cage after being take out of his little 24 inch cage. Most would say he is too small for this cage but I tried it and it worked so cross your fingers. the point is that if it didnt work for me then I still had the small cage to put him in.
Get soem silk worms too they are healthy and you can put them all over the cage and they dont get away.
Email me and I will reply with that attachemnt on cham care the breader gave me. It will answer all your questions.

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