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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 11-11-2006, 04:17 PM   #1
Shrillomn, a brief expose

I’ve pondered whether or not to elucidate on my particulars for quite some time and now with the debacle that is me, I am persuaded that it is perhaps time to “share” some of what makes me who and what I am.

First off, some may wonder what the name Shrillomn means or where it comes from. For those of you to whom Tolkein is NOT a stranger, you may remember a journey taken by Bilbo and several of his dwarfish friends in which they met Tom Bombadil and his friend Old Man Willow. Old Man Willow was a wise but not necessarily friendly tree. One doesn’t mess with Old Man Willow lightly. The dictionary describes "Shrill" as betraying some strong emotion or attitude in an exaggerated amount, as antagonism or defensiveness. Hence Shrillomn.

Now, it seems that some people have the impression that I only want to nitpick and cuss and swear and take advantage of others. Well, you are essentially correct. I do enjoy a good argument, whether the wording be “mom” friendly or not, and it is my sole desire to “have at it” with any and all. There is no method to my madness, but there is indeed a bit of madness to my method.

I do what I do ONLY because I want to or, if the want is not there as it is not on occasion, because I feel I must. The doctors say that the meds will help, but as I already said, I do what I do only because I want to. I seek NO ONES approval. If you happen to agree with me, that’s a bonus and if you don’t agree with me, well, I never asked for your opinion anyway.

Thus endeth the explanation of the motivation of Shrillomn.

Pez Wollock
Old 11-11-2006, 05:26 PM   #2
Old 11-11-2006, 05:26 PM   #3
Originally Posted by Shrillomn
I’ve pondered whether or not to elucidate on my particulars for quite some time and now with the debacle that is me, I am persuaded that it is perhaps time to “share” some of what makes me who and what I am.

First off, some may wonder what the name Shrillomn means or where it comes from. For those of you to whom Tolkein is NOT a stranger, you may remember a journey taken by Bilbo and several of his dwarfish friends in which they met Tom Bombadil and his friend Old Man Willow. Old Man Willow was a wise but not necessarily friendly tree. One doesn’t mess with Old Man Willow lightly. The dictionary describes "Shrill" as betraying some strong emotion or attitude in an exaggerated amount, as antagonism or defensiveness. Hence Shrillomn.

Now, it seems that some people have the impression that I only want to nitpick and cuss and swear and take advantage of others. Well, you are essentially correct. I do enjoy a good argument, whether the wording be “mom” friendly or not, and it is my sole desire to “have at it” with any and all. There is no method to my madness, but there is indeed a bit of madness to my method.

I do what I do ONLY because I want to or, if the want is not there as it is not on occasion, because I feel I must. The doctors say that the meds will help, but as I already said, I do what I do only because I want to. I seek NO ONES approval. If you happen to agree with me, that’s a bonus and if you don’t agree with me, well, I never asked for your opinion anyway.

Thus endeth the explanation of the motivation of Shrillomn.

Pez Wollock

You seem strangely familiar. Hum.
Welcome, I'm sure you'll fit in somewhere......

There was actually a similar post here on Fauna a while back; I include it below as a basis for comparison as I actually do not know who wrote the above post:

Wilomn, a brief expose'


Let me preface this by saying I put it in this forum because I was unsure where else to put it. Had I put it in Hell, apparently many who may have benifitted from its reading would remain unaware of its existance. I don't think it should go in the rogue's gallery as I am not introducing myself or posting a picture but explaining away, hopefully, misconceptions. I'm not Sounding Off, but explaining, as I am not angry. And, when you come right down to it, it really is more akin to BS than anything else. So here it is.

I’ve pondered whether or not to elucidate on my particulars for quite some time and now, and with the debacle that occurred in the leopard gecko forum, I am persuaded that it is perhaps time to “share” some of what makes me who and what I am.

Before I proceed any further let me say, here and now, that I am NOT singling out any particular person or group. If you take offense to anything you read, look within yourself for the source. This time, and perhaps this time only, I am not baiting anyone.


First off, several have wondered what the name Wilomn means or where it comes from. I’ve explained it previously but perhaps it was in hell so some missed it. For those of you to whom Tolkein is NOT a stranger, you may remember a journey taken by Bilbo and several of his dwarfish friends in which they met Tom Bombadil and his friend Old Man Willow. Old Man Willow was around just shortly after Tom arrived and he is rumored to be Eldest. Old Man Willow was a wise but not necessarily friendly tree that actually tried to eat either Merry or Pippin, I don’t at this time recall which, but was subsequently persuaded to let him loose by Tom’s singing. One doesn’t mess with Old Man Willow lightly. Left alone, he’ll provide shade to cool you on warm days and shelter to protect from rain. Mostly. And more so when he was young than in his old age, which has made him somewhat cantankerous, which is another way of saying not always so nice as he could be. When I first signed up as a member here it seems that both Old Man Willow and Willowman were taken. Hence Wilomn. I liked the character a lot and also like the trees themselves.

Now, it seems that some people have the impression that I only want to nitpick and cuss and swear and take advantage of others. This is not, in and of itself, the entire truth. While I do enjoy a good argument, whether the wording be “mom” friendly or not, it is not my sole desire to “have at it” with any and all. There is method to my madness as well as a bit of madness to my method.

I can see NO reason at all to tolerate lies and deception. I can see NO reason at all to let those whom I am sure are practicing such get away with it. Do I enjoy it, the arguments, yes, on occasion, I do. But, the bottom line is that my personal enjoyment is merely a bonus on top of exposing bad guys. I feel that it is my responsibility to keep them from taking advantage of those with less experience or knowledge or just plain bad luck. I like a good argument. Sometimes I like it down and dirty and sometimes I don’t. I do try, however, to accommodate those who wish to butt heads with me whether it be who knows the most ways to say "bugger off" or who knows more about parasitology or morph identification etc., etc., etc. And, in all honesty, I must admit that I do enjoy routing guys like kenny “gorillaboy” yates, or the sal tornambes or the an-als and kunnys of the world. I do.

I do NOT post what I do in the hopes of ANYONE thinking I’m clever or smart or getting pats on the back or attaboys. I do what I do ONLY because I want to or, if the want is not there as it is not on occasion, because I feel I must. I have actually defended both neil gubitz and sal tornambe when I, and I mean that with a capitol I, thought they were wronged. I didn’t want to, but it was the right thing to do, to me, so I did it. I seek NO ONES approval. If you happen to agree with me, that’s a bonus and if you don’t agree with me, well, I never asked for your opinion anyway. I do NOT weigh what I say by what someone else will think of it. I am also fully aware that NO ONE needs my approval.

Truly bad guys like sal and ken and all the rest, lil’ petey and adam, gosh too many to count or remember, do NOT deserve any special or even nice treatment. I don’t believe in redemption for everyone. Some are simply incapable of the necessary change. I simply won’t waste my time or effort on them. You are welcome to try, but just because you think differently than I does NOT make me wrong, nor you for that matter. It’s simply a different way of dealing with an unpleasant fact of humanity. Some of them a just scumbags, plain and simple.

It’s NOT a popularity contest and I truly do NOT care whether anyone reading anything I write likes me or what I have written and conversely, I do NOT care if you DO like it. I do NOT post for publicity or accolade. This is not meant as an insult to anyone who is a “fan” of mine, I’m just explaining my motivations which have been sadly mistaken of late. I have no agenda, no goals for domination, no desire to be in the forefront at all. It does happen that I am on occasion, in the forefront that is, but that is a result of the fact that many simply say nothing, while I, on the other hand, say much. If there were more voices speaking up for the little guy, or the guy who was wronged, I would have less to say myself. Watch the threads heat up. I do NOT post in all of them that I could.

When you combine my proclivity for verbiage with the real life experience I have with MANY different types of reptiles as well as people, you get just what you see. I am NOT the most pleasant of people to many who read these forums because all they see is me going at it with the bad guys out there. I am NOT always as nice as I am capable of being and when I am not nice it is by choice. It gets results. The other side of the coin is a different picture entirely. I actually can be one of the nicest guys in this hobby/business. I just don’t have any NEED to broadcast it. As I stated previously, I seek no ones approval, need no ones permission, am completely capable of making my own decisions, be they right, wrong , good or bad. I make them, they are mine and mine alone and I take responsibility for them. Alone and in their entirety.

If you have read this far I would ask a boon of you. How many really bad guys are no longer active on this site, not to mention several other sites, because of, whether directly or indirectly, something said or done by Wilomn? How many good guys have left because of, whether indirectly or directly, something said or done by Wilomn? By my count, which in reality I do not have as I don’t keep track of actual numbers, it’s bad guys gone- more than just a couple, and good guys gone- none. The possibility exists that I am wrong in my reckoning, but I think I am not.

In the midst of bad and good we have folks like Vince the leopard gecko guy and Wendy Collins/Griffin who were POUNDED by me. But, when they started to come around, I ceased my “special treatment” of them, and actually offered encouragement and advice, both publickly as well as privately. In fact, just so you know now and I will not mention it again, I was trying to “show them the errors” of their ways even while bashing the hell out of them. I don’t do that with everyone, but do on occasion consider it appropiate.

On the good guy side of things we have Chris of Topshelf Exotics. I am terrible with names, always have been, and I mistook him for someone who had lied to the Faithful Fauna Readers and I treated him just like I would any other scumbag out there. He explained that I was mistaken, proved his point adequately and we have had ZERO problems since. I am NOT so set in my thoughts that if you can convince me that I’m wrong I will not admit that I was. It just doesn’t happen often, the convincing me that I am wrong part, but it has been recorded as having occurred.

This should explain my “reasoning” to a point that it is understandable by anyone. I hope it is anyway.

Now to the recent party planned in Tex. and brought to the leopard gecko forum. It seems that some of you all have taken it upon yourselves to assume you know my motivations and, not only my motivations, but also my emotional status. I was accused by several of you of being hostile to one of your members. Were that truly hostility, the pages would still be smoking ruins even now. I’ve rarely been hostile. Should you wish to view hostility check out the threads in Hell that an-al and his ponypal kunny started. THAT was hostility. Some of you are far too full of yourselves and have NO right to assume you know the whys and hows of what I do.

I saw a wrong and spoke out on it. I have done so in the past and will most likely do so in the future. I am consistent in this. I am also tenacious. Once I start I do not give up. THAT is part of why so many see me with such disfavor. I have been relentless in my exposing one particular individual in particular. I do NOT seek him out, I do NOT go looking for him and his ads, heck, I go days and weeks without thinking of him at all. BUT, if I do happen across a lie, or misrepresentation, or cleverly worded but impossible ad, I WILL question it. Tenacity in action. Really now, how many times can you make the same mistake and STILL have people think it’s really a MISTAKE? 2 times maybe, 3 times possibly, 6 or MORE times, no and when it’s continual, well come on, is it a mistake at that point? I say no, it’s simple thievery. Add to thievery a personal component, like threats of lawsuits and other such nonsense for bringing to light such theivery and you reach the place I am in now. No quarter given, none asked. Blunt but honest. Can you say the same for everyone? I think not.

I also think some of you, in particular those who think they know my base motivation, those who think I seek to be the center of attention or am simply a bigmouth know- it- all, should think a little harder. It would be harder to be farther from the truth should you think such be true. I’m just a guy who says what he wants when he wants to whomever he wants. I wonder, is it the fact that I am right far more often than not or is it my method that offends you so? And, either way, it’s NOT my problem, because, not to offend anyone, I do not need YOUR approval.

To sum it up, I’m a good guy to have on your side and a terrible enemy. The choice is ALMOST always up to you, whoever you may be. I am not concerned with public opinion of me, not at all. I am concerned with what I think is right and/or necessary and that I do something about it and NOT sit idly by wishing someone ELSE would.

Thus endeth the one and only explanation of the motivation of Wilomn.
I may not be very smart, but I can lift heavy things.

When I have finished trampling the flowers, the hooves of my horse are more fragrant.
Li Kao

Last edited by wilomn : 03-17-2005 at 08:45 AM.
Old 11-11-2006, 05:58 PM   #4
Laura Fopiano
Hmmmmmmmm if this is a joke, I'm not laughing.....if this is a lame attempt to copy another user here, it is even less funny and down right despicable.
Mods can we get an IP check please????
Old 11-11-2006, 06:08 PM   #5
Originally Posted by Laura Fopiano
Hmmmmmmmm if this is a joke, I'm not laughing.....if this is a lame attempt to copy another user here, it is even less funny and down right despicable.
Mods can we get an IP check please????
No need to get your panties in a wad.
I'm simply introducing myself to the "Brotherhood" here.
Old 11-11-2006, 06:23 PM   #6
Laura Fopiano
Huh, and which brotherhood would that be?? The boa world or ball python folks? Introductions are one thing, but a cheap imitation of a man I call a friend is quite friend may or may not be flattered by this other on line persona. Sad really sad indeed......

Originally Posted by Shrillomn
No need to get your panties in a wad.
I'm simply introducing myself to the "Brotherhood" here.
Old 11-11-2006, 06:47 PM   #7
Originally Posted by Laura Fopiano
Huh, and which brotherhood would that be?? The boa world or ball python folks? Introductions are one thing, but a cheap imitation of a man I call a friend is quite friend may or may not be flattered by this other on line persona. Sad really sad indeed......
It would be the brotherhood of reptile keepers and Fauna enthusiasts that are tired of the abuse brought upon them by a few self-righteous posters here. This was once a nice place to hang out, before a handfull of individuals decided to make it their personal playground where they could bully newcomers and make themselves feel self-important at the expense of the inexperienced.

I stand for those that are unwilling to speak out because of the ever present threat posed by the small-minded.

I am Pez.
Old 11-11-2006, 06:58 PM   #8
Originally Posted by Shrillomn
It would be the brotherhood of reptile keepers and Fauna enthusiasts that are tired of the abuse brought upon them by a few self-righteous posters here. This was once a nice place to hang out, before a handfull of individuals decided to make it their personal playground where they could bully newcomers and make themselves feel self-important at the expense of the inexperienced.

I stand for those that are unwilling to speak out because of the ever present threat posed by the small-minded.

I am Pez.

If you are who you say you are, someone who wants to bring back the nice hangout that Fauna was, I appreciate you and hope for your success.
Old 11-11-2006, 07:17 PM   #9
I'm afraid that your negative karma will not deter me.
It would seem that there are others who feel the same way as I, since your negative karma has already been cancelled out by the positive karma from others.

Fauna can be brought back to the greatness that it once enjoyed!
Old 11-11-2006, 09:23 PM   #10
Laura Fopiano

I understand you plight to bringing fauna back to the old days, however, Rich has made it pretty clear that he is not up to the amount of work that it required to implement that any longer. Can you imagine all of the pm's and whining emails that he had to endure.

I say lead by example. I do not swear on this sight except in "hell", and I don't find it necessary in any of the forums except that one.

I do find it interesting that you are not a payed member and yet can see that I left you negative is that pez???? Inquirering minds want to know???????????

Originally Posted by Shrillomn
I'm afraid that your negative karma will not deter me.
It would seem that there are others who feel the same way as I, since your negative karma has already been cancelled out by the positive karma from others.

Fauna can be brought back to the greatness that it once enjoyed!

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